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File: 5b2a779db9e4dd1⋯.jpg (633.47 KB,1080x1429,1080:1429,A_Message_From_8KP_.jpg)

c9d1f2 No.391056


there is an 80 year old man named Killcen who posts child pornography threads in here.

I am personally involved in the effort to have Killcen arrested and prosecuted for his disgusting hobby.

You Can Help Me by Reporting ALL of Killcens CP to :



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c9d1f2 No.391057

It is not fair that my fans, who come to 8kun specifically to read my threads, should be forced to witness Killcen's revolting child porn. I strive to make 8kun a safe, happy, fun place for all to enjoy!!



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66d77c No.391058


I always report Killcen every time he comes in here posting that bullshit. Thankyou for helping get rid of him.

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cb8e6a No.391068


from now on I'll filter and report Killcen. thankyou

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d097ad No.391070


You are the only reason I even come here, and it's unfair for a jealous drunk 75 year old wannabe to try to destroy the board by posting his perverted child molestation obsession.

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632f27 No.391073


Duly noted. Filter block and report Killcen. Will do!

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af19c1 No.391074


Neptune here. you're an idiot!! Killcen is 75 years old, not 80.

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af19c1 No.391075


oh, and I forgot to mention that I've reported him many times, because it's obvious every time he comes in here, somebody suddenly posts CP

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af19c1 No.391076


I thought you were supposed to be the best prepared… You didn't the same to prepare very well for this thread.

You called him "an 80-year-old man", but he's actually a 75 year old pervert.

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