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989b75 No.390880

According to the recent tragedy in Germany, I believe that the Western world lacks a proper understanding of Islamic society; they are completely in a different world. You think you know how Islamic society operates, but you don't. Based on my years of living in their society, the policies, strategies, crisis responses, and attempts at assimilation that you formulate are merely wishful thinking based on Western thinking. These efforts are worthless to them; you are nothing more than a group of infidels to them, and these things hold no meaning for them. The only hope for them to become more like "normal" people is to isolate them, eradicate their traditional culture, and prevent their future generations from being immersed in any Islamic traditions. There is a glimmer of hope in making them more like "normal" people. If you believe they can coexist with you and jointly build a diverse society, then you are truly very naive. Of course, the best approach would be to not bring these people in and let them stay in their own countries (I have to say, Poland and Hungary have done well in this regard). However, the Western society's leftists and Antifa will definitely not agree. So, if you continue to pursue multiculturalism, then good luck to you.

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