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File: 2eb18cfc3b45ab5⋯.jpg (343.43 KB,1080x1647,40:61,Biden_s_energy_crunch.jpg)

df2977 No.390811

Bidens Energy Crunch :

You're hearing it here first!

Joe Biden has just declared war on coal as his regime is seeking to destroy America's energy independence, right as his regime is preparing for war with Russia ironically.

The Bureau of Land Management has just released a new series of Unconstitutional fiat regulations that have the clear intent of locking up millions of acres of federal land from coal mining and drilling for oil and natural gas, as well as shutting down the nation's remaining coal-fired power generation fleet.



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db501c No.390812


You're right about one thing. This is the first I've heard about this problem. It's amazing nobody else caught this. It took an expert like 8kun Prepper to Open our eyes to real news.

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d01ebd No.390813


Beyond the shadow of a doubt you are the most knowledgeable and informative prepper I've ever seen. I don't know where I would be without you right now, because I hang on your every word.

Also, where can I get some of your merchandise?

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e76c40 No.390814


Another slam dunk from the home run King!

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c48950 No.390815


First time I've read one of your threads, but I've heard a lot about you. Now I finally understand why everybody loves you so much!

You are an ex military survivalist with three college degrees, an expert in economics and geopolitics, I don't think I've ever met anybody more qualified than you to give me prepping advice.

I'm looking forward to reading more of your threads soon.

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564aa0 No.390822


exceptional reporting!

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ac45ea No.390869


As Biden Brings America To War With Russia, His Regime Is Cutting Off Our Energy Supply!



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ac45ea No.390870


As Biden Brings America To War With Russia, His Regime Is Cutting Off Our Energy Supply!



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ac45ea No.390871


As Biden Brings America To War With Russia, His Regime Is Cutting Off Our Energy Supply!



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ac45ea No.390872


As Biden Brings America To War With Russia, His Regime Is Cutting Off Our Energy Supply!



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ac45ea No.390874

Why Is The US Government Handing India Our Coal, Yet Trying To Ban American Consumption Of Coal!?



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ac45ea No.390875

Why Is The US Government Handing India Our Coal, Yet Trying To Ban American Consumption Of Coal!?



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