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b95507 No.390763


More than one million chickens are dead after a massive fire burned down Wabash Valley Produce Farm in Farina, a small town in southern Illinois.

According to reports, the fire broke out at approximately 6:30 p.m. on May 29. More than two dozen fire departments rushed to the scene to help put the fire out, but it was already too late: the facility was a total loss.

Marion County Sheriff Kevin Cripps told local NBC affiliate KSDK that multiple buildings on the site were completely incinerated, the smoke from which was visible for miles.

Illinois state Rep. Blaine Wilhour announced on his Facebook page that the Farina Farms chicken facility in question provided free-range chicken and eggs to the consumer market. The cause of the fire remains unknown.

The video below shows the sheer size of the fire, which was truly massive. This comes at a time when birds in other states are under attack by the government for supposedly being contaminated with "avian flu."

The Illinois State Fire Marshal is reportedly conducting an investigation into the fire to see if it was arson. No injuries were reported during the sizable response.

"A massive fire broke out at a poultry farm in Southern Illinois. One of the largest free-range egg facilities in the country starting burning last night. Millions of chickens dead. Millions of eggs gone."

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d5260e No.390764


Great Article, 8KP

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cdd9dd No.390765


you're one of the best journalists I've read lately. you should be reporting for one of the major news agencies, but I'm glad you're dedicated to helping us prep for when the SHTF. thankyou for your service, sir

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74a32a No.390766


very well written. you're definitely the best! by the way, I ordered two 8kp coffee mugs today.

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e0728a No.390767


thought provoking stuff. really opened my eyes with your investigation.

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