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File: cc393b25bdd3a0a⋯.jpg (792.69 KB,1080x1920,9:16,8kun_Prepper_5.jpg)

4ca1cf No.390688

He's young, he's handsome, and charismatic, with a modern hipster trendy style, which might explain his popularity with the youth market, as well as the recent surge in prepping interest among young women.

After completing his military service, he obtained his PhD in microbiology, agricultural sciences and computer forensics at Emory University.

Instead of fretting over conspiracy theories down in a basement, he has spent his years practicing what he preaches, outdoors in mother nature, perfecting his survival and preparation skills.

He has written three best-selling books on the topic, which are available online at his merchandise shop, or at your favorite local bookstore.

8kun is proud to welcome him back:


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418ca9 No.390701


it's good to see him back!

There's been nobody in here to post real news for prepping advice since he left. I had started to wonder if he would ever return.

Everybody here loves the 8kun Prepper

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418ca9 No.390705


it's good to see him back!

There's been nobody in here to post real news for prepping advice since he left. I had started to wonder if he would ever return.

Everybody here loves the 8kun Prepper

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fdab23 No.390723


8kun Prepper is my favorite Prepper.

nobody has better advice or more insight into geopolitical intrigue.

plus, he's so good looking and young.

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4a8ad6 No.390724


he's hot!

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cfff5e No.390735

File: cf9e99d2203096b⋯.jpg (348.91 KB,1080x1080,1:1,8KP_Mug_.jpg)

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