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File: 6312cd2b7f885d2⋯.jpg (56.9 KB,968x968,1:1,GO3UCdsXsAAK6zL.jpg)

66ed39 No.390574

After the verdict, and after EVERY humiliating thing the regime does to conservatives, they say things like

>civil war is now on the table

>They keep pushing us into a corner, Biden is a tyrant, we need a revolution

>They want us dead, we need to return fire

I seriously doubt that even a single one of these people are serious.

If you genuinely believed that a civil war is approaching, you would take ACTION to ensure that your side won or that you were out of the country when it kicks off. You would not just keep tweeting more empty threats.

If you genuinely believe that Biden is a tyrant and an enemy of the Republic, then you would not fedjacket every single revolutionary group or person who advocated revolution IRL and not just on facebook.

And if you genuinely believe that the regime wants us all dead, you would not just sit there tweeting about it until they come for you. You take action.

I am NOT advocating illegal or violent action. If conservatives engaged in this at this time, they would be utterly destroyed despite all the bluster about being armed. Antifa alone is so much better organized that if the regime did not interfere, antifa could literally kill every single last one of them. Every last one. Because they could show up to each Trump supporter's home with 100 v 1 odds and they would eat them alive.

They are organized. You are not.

Organization wins wars. Not blustering tweets and isolation.

If you're not organized or trying to get organized, you don't believe that the government is bad, you don't oppose Biden, you don't oppose the Democrats.

If George Washington were alive today, the majority of Trump supporters would fedjacket him and no one would follow him into battle. Conservatives don't care about anything. They don't care about abortion, they don't care about tyranny, they don't care about the vaccine, they don't care about immigration.

They are all lying.

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66ed39 No.390576


As an aside, leftists are lying too but not in the same way.

Leftists claim that they value the working class and hate capitalism. They obviously do not.

If you genuinely hated capitalism, you would oppose immigration AS KARL MARX DID because it helps capitalists suppress wages. Furthermore, you would devote your time and energy towards fighting capitalism. Not towards helping capitalists break down all barriers to creating a consumer society lacking any identity beyond brand. Race, religion, ethnos, etc.

But leftists DO have genuine convictions, UNLIKE CONSERVATIVES.

Their convictions may be exposed by their actions, if not their words. They just hate White people.

They attack ONLY White people, they protest ONLY White interests, they riot ONLY when it hurts White people.

They never assaulted Jeff Bezos, they assaulted Richard Spencer.

They never dox capitalist advocates, they dox White advocates.

They don't devote their productive energy towards terrorizing capitalists, they devote it towards terrorizing White nationalists.

So leftists do have real convictions. They're just lying about what those convictions are.

They are in a sense evil while conservatives are amoral.

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8575b6 No.390577

Just arm yourself and your family, make sure you all know how to defend yourselves properly and where the guns and ammo is located at all times. One 12G shotgun can mow down a mob pretty quickly. Get a semi-auto one that chambers like a rifle, maybe a 16G for a teen or 20G for a kid. Perfect anti-mob solution right there. Rifles are good for long range defense, you see looters coming from a distance you could snipe at 'em before they get near your front door.

Also, to state the obvious, in most small town America there are no Antifa organizations and local police would not put up with that kind of shit out in rural America. They are pretty much only a threat in big urban areas. Go outside 50+ miles outside any major city they don't even exist.

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66ed39 No.390578


>you see looters coming from a distance you could snipe at 'em before they get near your front door.

No you don't. If blacks want to look your home, they swarm it aw 3 AM, smash the windows, kick down the door, and swarm in before you have a chance to react.

Armed robbers don't give you forewarning before they attack and if antifa wanted you (personally you) dead, they would not march across an open field for you. They'd find out where you work and jump you after your 8 hour workday when you were exhausted and unarmed.

Then they'd kill you.

It's true that antifa isn't a thing in rural America. There is no need because there are few liberals in a small rural town of 200 people. However, in the event of a civil war, the primary objective of the left would be to kill their enemies. The same is true of the government. They are on the same side.

So in a hypothetical scenario; It's November and Trump loses the election, everyone says that Biden cheated but who cares? Biden is now president and declares that anyone who refuses to accept the results of the election is a terrorist. Conservatives keep tweeting while the regime prepares to kill them. Eventually, the regime feels ready and Trump is arrested and "commits suicide" while in police custody.

No one does anything.

Virtually no Republican politician comes out in defense of Trump because they know that ZERO conservatives will rise up to defend them since they called even peaceful opposition to the regime a "fed op"

Then the regime starts rounding up election deniers, NOT AS A GROUP, but one at a time. Their arrests will be paired with random legal violations to obfuscate their real reason for being arrested. Tax evasion, unpaid parking tickets, jaywalking 10 years ago, etc.

No one will do anything because conservatives are busy arming themselves rather than organizing as normal people would do in this situation.

Maybe someone does resist arrest. He is murdered along with his family because it was 100 cops vs him and his guns.

Maybe, MAYBE a small, poorly led, poorly organized militia forms and is immediately destroyed due to simple mistakes that antifa has figured out how to avoid decades ago by practice. EVERY conservative talking head accuses them of being feds instead of defending them.

>That pro-Trump militia was a fed op to make us look violent. We are not violent, UNLIKE THE LEFT!

There's your civil war.

Conservatives are uniquely unfit to participate in real politics. No one in any country, in any time in history accuses their own side of being feds in the face of a genocidal enemy. No anti-government group did this in Russia, China, Ireland, Spain, Corsica, Italy, France, Vietnam, or Rhodesia.

People who are genuinely oppressed don't tear down their own side like conservatives do and I have no clue how to fix this. It is endemic.

MAYBE the solution is to simply wait for boomers to die, as they are the worst offenders in this regard. Maybe the solution is to just wait for the regime to take away their right to vote, they certainly do not deserve it anymore.

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8575b6 No.390579

During the BLM riots, it was only the major cities that all the destruction took place. Out in the country and small town America? Everything was normal, no chimp outs. One of the major reasons is due to economic reality, believe it or not. George Soros and his NGOs can only afford to bus so many paid rioters around. They could bus some across the country into certain small towns… BUT that would cost tons more money and cost bigger legal expenses/risks as well. It would end up taking more time planning and wasting more resources. All their cronies, their subversion over LE/DAs/prosecutors/courts are in the major cities, remember these communists control the major cities! Those corrupt NGOs do NOT control all of America. They do NOT fully control every State and every local jurisdiction and small town. They do NOT control unincorporated areas either. Considering America has so much land, and citizens are so well spread out (and many armed), it would be next to impossible to wage effective wars everywhere. That's one of the advantages living away from the major cities. However, we do need to be prepared if they were to try something that stupid. We have a motto out where I live: "You Loot, We Shoot!"

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8575b6 No.390580


This government would be begging for national suicide and hard economic collapse if they were to take on millions of Americans. They would be shooting themselves in their own foot. Their tax base would dwindle away. Many Americans would start fleeing the country, dooming it to a failed state. Not to mention the local balkanization would be 100x worse than they claim it being now. This would lead to nothing more than a collapse similar to the USSR. Let them try it. It would give their enemies like Putin a big laugh.

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66ed39 No.390581


This is another dumb thing. So you think that no one wants to riot unless they are paid to do so.

They literally say in public that they want you to be killed and yet you think they they won't riot because YOU won't riot.

You're projecting your own mental inability to resist tyranny onto others.

In Rhodesia, the blacks wanted to kill the Whites so they killed White people not because they were paid to do it, but because they wanted to do it and because they could.

>it would be next to impossible to wage effective wars everywhere.

No, it would be easy because conservatives never fight back. Just kill them one at a time.

You could literally kill every last one of them this way. It would take decades, but eventually every church would be burned, every conservative tweeter slain.

I'd estimate that roughly 0.1% to 2% of the assailants would suffer wounds or be killed by conservatives who did return fire. But ultimately, almost every conservative would be killed if they came at them 100 v 1 over the course of 2 decades.


True. I don't believe it is likely that they will systematically kill every conservative… yet.

Eventually though, blacks will demand it. Not a 100% dead for all White people but they will demand reparations for slavery. One of the promises stupidly made to blacks by the tyrannical government was that each black would get 40 acres and a mule.

Do blacks even own land now? Nope. So how to get land for the blacks?

>Just take it from Bill Gates


No, billionaires never get taxed to pay for black demands.

Normal White people do.

So the land will be taken at gunpoint and given to blacks. I can think of several quasi "legal" ways to do this.

>but the economy would collapse

At that point, it wouldn't matter to them. Blacks destroyed the economy of Rhodesia too. They didn't care. They hate White people.

Mexicans too want Reconquista. Take the land from Whites, give it to Mexicans.

This will happen once we are a safe minority. The regime, ironically, is more cautious than they need to be because they still fear White organization.

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de8375 No.390582


I cannot argue with a lot of what you are saying, much of it likely true, and many radical leftist LOONIES do want their fellow citizens dead. That said..

Another thing to keep in mind is that everything these radical leftist punks have done was only undermining their own control over time. Major US cities have lost billions of dollars in tax revenue since 2020 due to tens of thousands of residents and hundreds of businesses leaving. Places like NYC face a massive debt insolvency crisis and are being forced to shut down public schools, welfare programs, homeless shelters, etc. So all these radical leftists are doing is driving their main taxpayer base away and in turn they are left to live in total squalor. Imagine having control over places turning to third world ghettos and in a decades time, abandoned and growing back to nature lol. The city of Balitmore, for example, is begging people to move back there, offering $1 per dilapidated house! No one wants to, too much violence and too high taxes! That's pretty bad fucking karma if you were to ask me.

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66ed39 No.390583


>Major US cities have lost billions of dollars in tax revenue since 2020 due to tens of thousands of residents and hundreds of businesses leaving.

This is true. It is yet another example of the enemy prioritizing race over economy. Race is THE defining political position of almost every single issue. The left understands this, conservatives do not.

What's more important in the long term? GDP numbers going up? Or your ethnos surviving and growing more powerful? Obviously the latter since the latter is your identity and soul.

Poor mexicans can do as much damage as rich mexicans. But once White people are gone, it will not matter whether our GDP number went up or down. We will not be writing our history, they will.

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de8375 No.390586


Their minds are cursed with failed Marxist ideology, and although they think they are gaining control, control over what in the end, exactly? That's what stupefies me. They are willing to burn down their own communities just to get at whitey? Almost every time they do this whitey just relocates to greener pastures, and they incentivize it while mostly-white smaller towns and communities boom as their shitholes face collapse and decay. I would have to say it is the bad karma and curse of their hatred towards others. The other ironic thing is, when those communities turn mostly black and hispanic, you start to see them turning on one another with gang violence. They literally start killing one another off while whitey flees elsewhere. Control over what exactly? The ironic thing is in their failed states they LOSE control to the riff raff that remains. Then they squeal about "muh racism" when no one in their right mind desires to come back and live in those shitholes anymore. It's sad, it's fully unnecessary, but we can still go on and live our lives without them.

>they will rewrite history

And then what? 80 IQ simps won't even know how to read by then. What's left? Collapse and books full of lies that no one reads?

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66ed39 No.390587

File: 9e05615b9b50f3d⋯.png (480.92 KB,1764x741,588:247,white_liberals_are_freaks_….png)

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It is important to distinguish between several different factions which fall under the umbrella "Marxism"

The blacks are not marxists at all. They are just racial nationalists exploiting White weakness to take what they want and dominate us in our weakness.

Look at this chart. Every race is solidly ethnocentric except one.

The White "marxists" are not marxists either. At least not the conventional sense of marxism. Allegedly, marxism is about worker control over the means of production. But antifa doesn't care about that at all. What they care about is hurting the White working class. Ironically, their racialism is deeply anti-marxists at face value. But they don't care since marxism is like Christianity or Islam. Namely, marxism means whatever you want it to mean and they want it to mean "anti-racism," which is of course anti-White exclusively.

Why are the Whites like this? Propaganda. This is why most White nationalists also are anti-Jewish. Jews occupy almost every position of power in media corporations. They push anti-White propaganda and they know exactly what they are doing. I used to talk a lot more about jews but I am trying to change things up to focus on the root of the root of the problem.

Jews are the root cause of anti-White hatred… but why are they tolerated? Because the root of anti-White hatred is White inability to think as a people. It is a chicken and egg problem.

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66ed39 No.390588



Put another way, the White cuckolds who claim that they are anti-nationalist are not anti-nationalist at all. They are simply ethnomasochists who embraced another race's nationalism.

They are anti- WHITE nationalism only. They are pro-nationalist for blacks, mexicans, and jews.

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41efd3 No.390589

…says the weak powerless overlooked unemployed poverty-stricken loner who sits tethered to that lonely little screen all day every day

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41efd3 No.390590

File: 9f0607a3c1fbba3⋯.jpg (395.31 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Facial_Recognition.jpg)


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de8375 No.390592


I wonder if they ever look into a mirror? Maybe someone should set up a bunch of mirrors near where they protest. They'll end up seeing that they are white too…. maybe it will dawn on them that they are in fact trying to destroy themselves along with the rest of us? Seems pretty crazy.

>Inb4 they're Jews

Antifa supports Palestine from what I understand. I doubt they even realize what they are actually fighting for. I doubt they really even think like you and I do. They are just cogs in the machine believing whatever propaganda it is they are told without question.

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66ed39 No.390617


Sadly, they'd just throw bricks and we'd end up with injuries and broken mirrors.

Besides, protests are about recruitment. Not arguing with intractable enemies.

It's true that some of them are jews but the vast majority are the pictured ethnomasochists in the first figure. Their support of Palestine is based on their hatred of White people, not hatred of jews. They don't protest China committing genocide of Muslims since the Chinese do not appear White. They think that Jews are White and therefore they hate them, not because they are jewish but because they seem White.

Now, one could argue that this makes them hypocrites because if jews are White, that means that being anti-White is also being anti-semitic. But the fact is that they don't care. Inconsistencies are irrelevant to them. They just hate.

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a889b6 No.390619


Those idiots are wishing to get themselves killed inevitably, if not by those who defend themselves, then eventually by those they bootlick who 'jus don't give a fuck!' and 'din do nuffin'. Life will go on without them.

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66ed39 No.390624


They'll have to wait. The right is too weak to effectively resist them, let alone overthrow them.

We have a lot or organizing that needs doing before we are ready.

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f8dde1 No.390633


Radical leftists are the same ones who want global hegemony but the fact is many nations, including the BRICS trade union nations, won't ever allow that to happen. The worse the radical left can do is massively destabilize the Western world…. BUT with caveat….. once the rule of law is considered null and void society will become very dangerous for them too. Especially if average Americans feel like their livelihoods and families are threatened. Once that becomes a reality even average normies will become dangerous to mess with rest assured. It's not like criminals don't already get shot in America by armed Samaritans, it happens more than some people would think, the leftist media just refuses to report it is all.

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