>you see looters coming from a distance you could snipe at 'em before they get near your front door.
No you don't. If blacks want to look your home, they swarm it aw 3 AM, smash the windows, kick down the door, and swarm in before you have a chance to react.
Armed robbers don't give you forewarning before they attack and if antifa wanted you (personally you) dead, they would not march across an open field for you. They'd find out where you work and jump you after your 8 hour workday when you were exhausted and unarmed.
Then they'd kill you.
It's true that antifa isn't a thing in rural America. There is no need because there are few liberals in a small rural town of 200 people. However, in the event of a civil war, the primary objective of the left would be to kill their enemies. The same is true of the government. They are on the same side.
So in a hypothetical scenario; It's November and Trump loses the election, everyone says that Biden cheated but who cares? Biden is now president and declares that anyone who refuses to accept the results of the election is a terrorist. Conservatives keep tweeting while the regime prepares to kill them. Eventually, the regime feels ready and Trump is arrested and "commits suicide" while in police custody.
No one does anything.
Virtually no Republican politician comes out in defense of Trump because they know that ZERO conservatives will rise up to defend them since they called even peaceful opposition to the regime a "fed op"
Then the regime starts rounding up election deniers, NOT AS A GROUP, but one at a time. Their arrests will be paired with random legal violations to obfuscate their real reason for being arrested. Tax evasion, unpaid parking tickets, jaywalking 10 years ago, etc.
No one will do anything because conservatives are busy arming themselves rather than organizing as normal people would do in this situation.
Maybe someone does resist arrest. He is murdered along with his family because it was 100 cops vs him and his guns.
Maybe, MAYBE a small, poorly led, poorly organized militia forms and is immediately destroyed due to simple mistakes that antifa has figured out how to avoid decades ago by practice. EVERY conservative talking head accuses them of being feds instead of defending them.
>That pro-Trump militia was a fed op to make us look violent. We are not violent, UNLIKE THE LEFT!
There's your civil war.
Conservatives are uniquely unfit to participate in real politics. No one in any country, in any time in history accuses their own side of being feds in the face of a genocidal enemy. No anti-government group did this in Russia, China, Ireland, Spain, Corsica, Italy, France, Vietnam, or Rhodesia.
People who are genuinely oppressed don't tear down their own side like conservatives do and I have no clue how to fix this. It is endemic.
MAYBE the solution is to simply wait for boomers to die, as they are the worst offenders in this regard. Maybe the solution is to just wait for the regime to take away their right to vote, they certainly do not deserve it anymore.