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7b56fc No.389861

How To Survive The First 180 Days After The DOLLAR COLLAPSE


- US collapse, zombie wave panic, and mass die-off. (0:03)

- Rebuilding society after a collapse with focus on trade, law enforcement, and justice. (5:36)

- Forming a new society after a collapse with focus on gold, silver, other resources and practical skills. (11:08)

- Preparedness items, survival skills, and communication tools. (16:10)

- Gold-backed currency, emergency food supplies, and survival solutions. (20:13)

- Preparedness solutions for economic collapse and societal chaos. (25:39)

For more updates, visit: http://www.brighteon.com/channel/hrreport

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7b56fc No.389862

White House Press Secretary Slips, Accidentally Admits US Government WANTS Price Inflation!


They desire higher prices for consumer goods? To who's benefit? Hmmmmmm….

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986567 No.389874

anti-slide 3340927[202]]25//dke8

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986567 No.389876

anti-slide es47roc6.62-09__7110-lsod -so01 019 2.3375noery7

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e97193 No.389883

anti-slide #@0091/mdi `0912380

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5d965d No.389914

anti-slide 2625%424.019-1)2mk2 -l134uu

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7398c3 No.389937

Reality face it

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aa782d No.389950


I have faced it, a long time ago actually, I prepared very well for America's demise.

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7e532c No.389953

You better be boy


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986567 No.389966


Ironically, it's you who glow who have denied this was happening for many years, why is that exactly?

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c62bb1 No.390184

anti-slide i8821 p10 -s83

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0910cc No.390396


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74ce84 No.390409

I never denied it you can't deny the truth I just don't let fear drive me


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3c20ca No.390421


Anyone who ever told others to not be prepared, or not to worry and ignore reality around them, or that they were tin foil kooks, (etc) are those who either denied reality or were outright fucking lying propagandists for the State. Period.

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37177a No.390435

Many waited far too long without heeding the warning signs. Too late for most to do much now, you are on the verge of becoming one of the two future categories: the haves and the have-nots. The next question during this collapse: will the have-nots go to war with the haves and how will the haves respond when under dire threat?

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