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File: 8cc3b457c1812d1⋯.jpg (31.32 KB,597x342,199:114,resident_eagan_habad.jpg)

376cac No.389355


The USA is a colony of the Zionist Settler State.

The Mighty USA is controlled by, and, for the

interests of, a foreign power. All Three Branches, of

the Official Government, took the Temple

Merchants Gold, to betray you. Your greatest ally is

your greatest betrayer. You were used, now you

are being abused by Golden Lies in a Golden

Cage with a Golden hand shake. Take your time, to

absorb this normies, we get it.

That might have sting. This might have bite, but

these truths won't leave you doubting your sight.

For look about you. Then ask questions about what

you see.

We see a supposed 'super power' being servile to

a small insignificant Zionist settler state in the

Middle East – the USA serves the Jewish State

while it denies you any state power over your own

lands, WHITE MAN. That is what we see. We hear

about 'Our duty' to this settler state – We all have

heard this language as it is part of the modern

lexicon, you would have to go to the permafrost

line to escape this uni-message that is put into all

minds by media mind magic.

We are bound to this other nation WHY? What

duty do we have to an foreign people? Is this not

the language of slaves and servile lackeys?

For let us ask ourselves my good wise listener folk:

What are the marks of a vassal/colony? What

defines WHO has who colonized? By what means

would we know a colony?

Would we correctly define a colony as such:

The Politics is supervised for correctness by

another to the others advantage. Check.

The Economics is dominated by others to those

others advantage. Check.

The Society is under an oligarchy who serve the

others first and foremost. Check.

Thus Slaves and colonies are effectively the same.

Both existing to serve another and never

themselves. Put another way:

Colonies are in effect slaves writ large. And as the

Mother Country's slaves must always think of the

Masters' best ends first; so, too, also must

Colonies always first, and foremost think, of the

Mother Country, and its holy interests – in this light

let us present to you the slave like Uniparty (GOP

and Democrats both take AIPAC money and have

mostly Jewish Donors) let us consider in this light

the absolute lock step servility, lickspitle toadying,

the fall on your face levels of schlepping, in their

dedication to Israel!

The Jews control our Politics, economics and

social organizations … We are colonized by the

Jews. That my friends is the plain open truth. We

are worse off than Weimar, having all the vice they

had, but far less manly virtue. That is our current

status in the Western World. And being their

colony, populated by weak natural slave like

people, under a fake democracy that is ruled by

MONEY not votes, we have no real freedom thus

making us all their slaves at a blow. The mob rule

aka so called democracy is slavery to usury by any

other name. Their control of our money and media

ensures their power over our weak spineless

emasculated so called 'leading class' who could

not lead a round at the local tavern. Judas is the

functional saint of our 'ruling elite'. 30 pennies the

price to pay! Temple merchants in power all day!

Truthful facts.

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db334f No.389358


USA, Russia, China… all the same shit.

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4a5aaa No.389359

File: 31b46b8f4aea3d6⋯.png (361.48 KB,571x437,571:437,23523.png)


Bingo. And you know what? The sooner the American public is aware of this whole scam and the ruse of these pre-planned and STAGED WARS, the more likely we can avoid our own demise that is being orchestrated by these globalist entities. The only reason they are trying to push the Western world into war is so they can pivot East and transfer their wealth elsewhere after orchestrating the destruction of the West. This is simply in it's purest form HIGH TREASON from within. We need the public to wake the hell up to this and stop participating in this fraud ruse pre-planned scam con-game.

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db334f No.389361


so wuts the plan?

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4a5aaa No.389371


There is no plan. You have to decide what is personally in your own best interest and the interest of your family. Then you take measures to protect yourself & your family's interests. You should be prepared for the worst and ready & willing to defend yourself and private property if need be. Stop listening to the media lies. Stop believing your corrupt government. Start thinking for yourself and doing everything you can to further a better life for yourself and family. Refuse to participate in establishment institutions, wars or whatever else that is counter productive and not in your own self interest. Support local, local, local. Only buy from major corporations if you absolutely have to for essentials, otherwise support local small businesses and local farmers markets. Boycott bullshit you don't need and boycott any corporation/business that hates white people and/or promotes hostile political agendas. Become more self-sufficient and learn skills that will help you survive harder times. That's pretty much it.

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54231e No.389384


this news is 20 years late

it's already over for the jews, they are making plans to tank the market and go home

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47a931 No.389391


US is the worst aggressor of them. But yeah same shit though.

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