The USA is a colony of the Zionist Settler State.
The Mighty USA is controlled by, and, for the
interests of, a foreign power. All Three Branches, of
the Official Government, took the Temple
Merchants Gold, to betray you. Your greatest ally is
your greatest betrayer. You were used, now you
are being abused by Golden Lies in a Golden
Cage with a Golden hand shake. Take your time, to
absorb this normies, we get it.
That might have sting. This might have bite, but
these truths won't leave you doubting your sight.
For look about you. Then ask questions about what
you see.
We see a supposed 'super power' being servile to
a small insignificant Zionist settler state in the
Middle East – the USA serves the Jewish State
while it denies you any state power over your own
lands, WHITE MAN. That is what we see. We hear
about 'Our duty' to this settler state – We all have
heard this language as it is part of the modern
lexicon, you would have to go to the permafrost
line to escape this uni-message that is put into all
minds by media mind magic.
We are bound to this other nation WHY? What
duty do we have to an foreign people? Is this not
the language of slaves and servile lackeys?
For let us ask ourselves my good wise listener folk:
What are the marks of a vassal/colony? What
defines WHO has who colonized? By what means
would we know a colony?
Would we correctly define a colony as such:
The Politics is supervised for correctness by
another to the others advantage. Check.
The Economics is dominated by others to those
others advantage. Check.
The Society is under an oligarchy who serve the
others first and foremost. Check.
Thus Slaves and colonies are effectively the same.
Both existing to serve another and never
themselves. Put another way:
Colonies are in effect slaves writ large. And as the
Mother Country's slaves must always think of the
Masters' best ends first; so, too, also must
Colonies always first, and foremost think, of the
Mother Country, and its holy interests – in this light
let us present to you the slave like Uniparty (GOP
and Democrats both take AIPAC money and have
mostly Jewish Donors) let us consider in this light
the absolute lock step servility, lickspitle toadying,
the fall on your face levels of schlepping, in their
dedication to Israel!
The Jews control our Politics, economics and
social organizations … We are colonized by the
Jews. That my friends is the plain open truth. We
are worse off than Weimar, having all the vice they
had, but far less manly virtue. That is our current
status in the Western World. And being their
colony, populated by weak natural slave like
people, under a fake democracy that is ruled by
MONEY not votes, we have no real freedom thus
making us all their slaves at a blow. The mob rule
aka so called democracy is slavery to usury by any
other name. Their control of our money and media
ensures their power over our weak spineless
emasculated so called 'leading class' who could
not lead a round at the local tavern. Judas is the
functional saint of our 'ruling elite'. 30 pennies the
price to pay! Temple merchants in power all day!
Truthful facts.