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File: 62c490ad3183fa9⋯.jpg (18.42 KB,444x514,222:257,poke_holes.jpg)

1c9908 No.389244

For simplicity sake, I'll just say there is a right and a left.

The American left has basically no ability to fight. They have almost no guns and more importantly, no gun culture. Their best elements would be niggers who can't shoot for shit and maybe Mexican gangs, but they'll kill as many shitlibs as right wing White people.

However, they have complete institutional support and their own support networks are well developed and experienced. They can assemble 1 million "people" in a city on a whim. They're kind of like goblins in that sense. Numbers but poor fighting ability.

The "right" has a lot of gun experience and a significant number of military vets would support a right wing faction in a civil conflict.

However, the right also has no institutional support and has zero support networks. A right wing protest is lucky to be more than a dozen people from the local area.

All that said, one advantage that the right possesses by accident is that given the nature of an asymmetric conflict, maybe this isn't even a bad thing. After all, the primary target for insurgents in a low intensity conflict is the support network for the enemy side. Given that the right totally lacks one, what can the leftist terrorists even attack?

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2cd787 No.389401

Radical leftists do have institutions and government backing them, and the numbers. That is what gives them the ability to really destabilize the rest of the nation, which in all honesty they are already doing rather successfully via destroying domestic energy production, arson attacks against the food supply chain, allowing an open border invasion into the country, weaponizing the bureaucracy to shut down utility production for average consumers, clot shot jabs, poisoning the food and water supply, etc. However, there is blowback which they never seem to consider: doing this will eventually lead to their own demise too.

Rational conservatives (excluding the insane RINO/neo-con types) tend to have a lot more land, tend to live more rural, tend to be well spread out and well distanced from leftist crazies mostly confined to the urban slums. The fact we have so much of our own local jurisdictions and land far from reach makes it a lot harder for radical leftists to fully control, police or takeover. The guns absolutely do give us an advantage to be able to defend ourselves too, no doubt about it. However, we do not typically have large numbers unlike the crazies do. That is our disadvantage. That is why local communities need to be able to band together to keep the crazies out of town come SHTF.

My honest opinion is that civil war will not happen for a couple reasons: the US is deeply vulnerable today and no longer energy independent. Any massive crisis in the US will likely crash the economy, nations will notice immediately and bail from using the US Dollar when it comes to international trade. Many countries may stop trading with us completely due to the risks of such destabilization, designating our country a hostile failed state. Thus most Americans would be too busy dying of starvation and lack of sanitation to be able to fight any long-term internal war. The ones able to defend themselves and families long-term would be the rural preppers and homesteaders with a years worth, or more, of food preservation, who could garden, hunt and fish too, and who have prepared for such dark times ahead.

Another reason, as you stated in the OP, is that primary targets during war typically need to be known and identified in advance. How do you deal with logistics that way when you have millions of gun owners all spread out all over the nation, living from the river sides, valleys, farm land, mountains and anywhere in-between? Most leftist urban dwellers have absolutely NO IDEA how fucking massive America really is.

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2cd787 No.389403


>My honest opinion is that civil war will not happen for a couple reasons

There is one more wild card to throw into this. What is the biggest backbone of our economy? What one job, if taken away completely, would KILL America as we know it if they were to stop working? What is the single most job across America that *everyone* relies on?

It's the truckers!

If you piss enough of these people off, they can literally shut this nation down, including the federal government, overnight.

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94299a No.390173


here's a bump for interest

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94299a No.390174

File: 5a38f0253cd489b⋯.png (202.78 KB,1802x905,1802:905,RtmplannerforUSgov.png)

ofc there is always picrel to consider.

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1c9908 No.390303

File: b4384ffe90d8d46⋯.png (1.02 MB,1366x768,683:384,tweet_about_it2.png)


OP here.

Upon further analysis, the situation is far worse than I outlined.

I will explain using your post,

Say that a pro-White group does this.

Alex Jones will immediately denounce it and say it is a fed op to convince Democrats to think poorly of conservative patriots (who must ALWAYS obey the law… even when that law tells you to transition children)

Every room temperature IQ retard will go along with this and call the act a false flag to trick liberals to dislike Trump.

EVERYTHING conservatives think about is based on the desperate hope that they can trick shitlibs into liking them.

So lets say that a pro-White group did this and knocked out power to all of NYC. What happens next? Nothing. Because of the millions of retards. Until this changes, no insurgency will win against the regime.

>Bah, who needs public support anyway?

Insurgencies need public support. Especially when their only source of funding will be other White people.

It's so fucking frustrating. I hate conservatives. I genuinely hate them.

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1c9908 No.390304


At this point, I'm actually trying to figure out how to talk shitlibs into backing down on the White genocide thing. Even marxists are not as stupid as cuckservatives.

Is there a way to get marxists to stop being anti-White?

Some idiots may think I'm joking or a super-duper secret marxist spy. But I am 100% serious.

Conservatives are the most insincere, useless retards in the entire world. They say all these fucking things, they talk about wanting 1776 revolution, they talk about curbstomping the libtards with their guns and organizations that will magically pop out of the air. And whenever you try to actually talk positive action in real life, they freak out and accuse you of being a fed. They bend over backwards to appease blacks who hate them openly. But when White people organize, they denounce it.

They even denounce raceless conservative organizing. They actively hate normal people, they hate rebels. If conservatives lived in 1776, they could call every single soldier in the Continental Army a fed and call George Washington a fed who is making American patriots look violent.

Cuckservatives bitch about EVERYTHING but they don't give a rat's ass about their own core values. They never organize, they never protest, they never get off their fucking ass to do anything. If Biden personally raped their children, they would tweet about it and nothing more.

I am being 100% serious right now; Can we get marxists to become pro-White? Marxists actually care about their core values enough to get off their fucking asses to do something about it. They are the worst people on earth. Yet they are morally superior to conservatives.

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1c9908 No.390305


Sorry to rant, but my theory with marxists is to talk about hollywood films like planet of the apes and how the monkeys naturally side with other monkeys. It's basically a race war.

Or Lord of the Rings and how the race of men sides with men while orcs side with orcs. No one thinks this is weird because it is natural.

Marxists, especially the shitlib variety, tend to be film oriented. So maybe this will resonate.

My other theory is to just point out that immigration is anti-working class, and anti-left wing. Maybe, if they care more about workers than racial genocide, that will knock some sense into them.

idk, I am getting really desperate here.

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d5f685 No.390308




90% of Americans just want to be left alone and live their own lives, they want to be able to make a living and maintain their lifestyles. Most do not care about politics what-so-ever, nor do we have anything to do with tranny-pedo child groomers. If you live in NYC, Chicago or LA - my sincere condolences - but you have no clue what it's like to live in central America around average hard working Americans. Marxists may be loud and obnoxious on the streets of their inner-city shitholes but they are NOT the majority throughout America. The media highlights them, but they do not represent most of America I can assure you that.

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d5f685 No.390309


>So lets say that a pro-White group did this and knocked out power to all of NYC. What happens next? Nothing. Because of the millions of retards.

There would actually be nothing to do if that were to happen. NYC would remain a deadly shithole, it would just get ever-more deadly is all. All I would do is expand my "never travel" list to include the suburbs around NYC.

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2cd787 No.390314

Me thinks there are two situations that actually would cause a violent "civil war" or armed rebellion. One would be outright door to door gun confiscation, the other would be a mandatory draft.

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1c9908 No.390334


Maybe not, yet their influence on politics is 100 times greater than their numbers because they're organized & don't backstab.

If the right would just organize, they could stop the marxists but they refuse to.


Would it?

Say that they did both. I agree that some people would fight back. But since most right wingers who even care aren't organized, they'd do so extremely ineffectively & make heinous mistakes.

Each mistake would cause the rest to denounce them as feds, nevermind cause unnecessary losses.

Even if they didn't make a single mistake and was doing well, Alex Jones types would simply invent things to justify their inaction.

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