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File: e59f7ab24fdf6c1⋯.png (268.72 KB,435x460,87:92,rural_White.png)

adb19e No.388859

White rural rage: The secret political force shaping America's future

By Thom Hartmann

>Rural white voters have, in many cases, far more political power than suburban or urban voters, and they’re using that outsized power to push our nation toward disaster.

>The authors of new book, White Rural Rage: The Threat to American Democracy point out that rural whites are measurably more bigoted and xenophobic than suburban or urban voters, 13 points more likely to hate on queer people, 15 points more likely to support Trump’s Muslim ban.

>The majority of rural white voters disagree with the statement (or have no opinion) that “diversity makes America stronger.”

>Instead of offering help or solutions to rural problems, the GOP and conservative media instead feed them a steady diet of xenophobic and racist fear and hate.

>And they eat it up! The racist buffoons among them are one and a half times more likely to be QAnon followers than people who live in cities or suburbs.

>One of the most chilling quotes from the book is about how rural voters are willing to both abandon democracy and embrace a violent rightwing coup:

>“[R]ural Americans are more likely to believe that ‘it may be necessary at some point soon for citizens to take up arms against the government.’ Indeed, more than one out of four rural residents agree that Trump should be returned to office by force if necessary.”

>The Biden administration has done more for rural America than any president since Lyndon Johnson rolled out Medicare, Medicaid, and food stamps.

>Rural Americans are nine times more likely to lack access to affordable child care*, so Biden’s program allocated $39 billion for subsidies for child care providers, with the money disproportionately going to rural communities.

*(It's called having a mom)

>Will rural voters ever wake up to how badly they’re being screwed now and have been screwed by Republicans ever since Reagan started the whole neoliberal austerity and free trade movement that shipped over 60,000 factories and 20 million jobs overseas?

(wait… so globalism is bad now? Well golly gee! Let's end it together, mr. journalist guy!)

>While the media struggles with trying to “understand” the rural white voter every election cycle, instead they should be running stories on how the very real problems and crises of rural America are daily made worse by Republicans in Congress and at the helm of their Red States.

>How to break through?

I can answer that; By telling us that White people are evil and also that we don't even exist. Except when we are to blame for all the problems blacks and jews experience. Oh, and also by making sure that as many grotesque trannies are made schoolteachers and have power over their children.



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adb19e No.388860

File: ff0f9063ec36030⋯.jpg (179.84 KB,852x1280,213:320,Thom_Hartmann.jpg)

As it happens, this is what he looks like and he allegedly lives on a boat in Washington DC somewhere.

It would be great if I could someday meet him and ask him when he intends to help the right wing extremists reverse globalism.

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0b2302 No.388861


>reads MSN news

eat shit

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de0973 No.388873


Raw story is full of shit.

You know what most White people living in rural America want? Why did Raw Story not ask one of them? I am one of those people.

What do I want as a hillbilly hick who lives in Missouri? Well, I want my Constitutional freedoms respected. I want to be able to live safely with my family without fear of being robbed or mugged (which happens on a daily basis in the collapsing horribly-run inner cities). I want to be able to afford food on the table (if the debt insolvency of government spending continues everything is going to be harder to afford as the dollar's purchasing power is systematically destroyed by inflation). I would like the US out of all these unnecessary wars and get back to protecting our own borders from a deliberate foreign invasion. Ironically, most of all, I actually agree with the leftists on one issue: "my body my choice" but with the sole condition it should be mutually respected, if the right to have an abortion must be respected then the right to deny vaccines or any other unwanted medical interventions should be respected to. This is one issue I think Republicans and Democrats can cooperate and come to an understanding that is mutually beneficial for all Americans.

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adb19e No.388877


Well, you can't have any of that because the regime's top priority is White genocide.

Eventually, they will have the numbers to arm the blacks and send them into rural areas to collect reparations in land. White families will be driven off or killed (after a good raping).

This is what happened in Rhodesia, the Congo, and is currently happening in South Africa.

Raw Story doesn't care about you or what you think because their top priority is genocide.

White people need to band together and stand up to these monstrous bullies.

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adf12a No.388879


Well then there will be a whole lot of shooting and a whole lot of Americans being killed, black and white.

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adb19e No.389009


It would now. However, a slow genocide is far more efficient than a sudden one. Nowadays, random White people are murdered for walking in a city. In the near future, groups of Whites will be killed for doing this. Then cities will become no-go zones for White people.

After that, they will start launching attacks outside of their zones to slowly push Whites further and further into the hills. Then the attacks will become more coordinated. There will be large, organized attacks on isolated farms or even small communities.

This is what happened in Rhodesia. The plan was never to kill every last White man but to terrorize Whites into leaving on our own.

So the attacks will be absolutely horrific. If Rhodesia is anything to go by, they will select an isolated White home, preferably one with a wife and children while the husband is away. They will attack too fast for the woman to react and capture the lot of them.

They will wait, raping the woman and the children, for the man to return and then threaten to slit his family's throats unless he surrenders himself to them.

Then the husband will be tortured for an hour or so and doused with gasoline. They'll light him on fire in front of his wife and children. Then, after using broken glass to rape his wife and children, they will burn them alive as well.

This literally happened in Rhodesia, and often.

These people are evil. We must separate from them.

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557e55 No.389015


Horrible, and maybe this is what they mean by "Great Reset" for the Western world. It is the duty of every father in the family to make sure the wife has guns and the kids know how to safely handle them too if need be. At least that's how it is with many American families even to this day. We need to make sure that the message is very clear to those planning this: they can and will be killed if they try this. Our families are armed and can and will shoot to defend ourselves. Never ever take that for granted and never give up your right to self defense.

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adb19e No.389018


Eventually, they will all be tried for genocide. When or how this happens is the great question of this age.

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