MY COMMENT: Because your grandpa once lived in a country that adopted free market capitalism, had an effective industrial base, was a global manufacturing powerhouse, had a real economy that was fueled by the production of consumer goods, utilities and commodities (not reliant on endless debt!) with an abundance of work ethic and society was less politically ideological. We also had a currency backed by gold reserves since 1944 up till 1971 (the period known as Americana). You now live in a country that is polar opposite from what it used to be! You live in a country that worships endless debt and reckless governmental spending, taxation without representation, a country that has outsourced it's manufacturing base and industry, with a bloated government wanting to police the entire world, a total police state defying our Constitutional laws, ethics and moral principles. THAT IS WHY MODERN LIFE FOR MOST AMERICANS SUCKS TODAY.
The ONLY way we get back to being a strong, robust and prosperous nation is to cut wasteful governmental spending across the board, stop the endless wars and entanglements abroad, reduce taxation for smaller businesses and all workers, secure our borders and stop allowing illegal aliens to take away American jobs, we also need incentives (subsidy) for those who produce food domestically, and those who help run our power plants and maintain our power grid. We need to bring back mining, refining, milling, manufacturing and industry and give incentives to those who help bring back domestic production. Every bureaucratic rule and regulation since the year 1999 that was not passed into law by Congress should be declared "NULL and VOID" as well. This would lift an enormous amount of unnecessary economic restrictions and burden in America and open up massive opportunity. Until this happens, America will continue to decline into the third world abyss.