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File: 53d6beca81f1a6a⋯.png (79.38 KB,800x3144,100:393,Polandball.png)

ba4206 No.388691

Just a few lads in Cal. Started our own party a while back, the based and red pilled party. We get together every so often to discuss events and hypotheticals and have even expanded. Even rented out a building where we meetup, practice, train, and a computer lab for memes. We've also met other similar small groups and established good relations with them. Some are not as based, others are a bit much, but nice people.

Good to air out frustrations about the state of things and to get in on the infowars.

But rent is due early and the based and red pilled party is only starting.

So this is a call for donos to expand the party and to keep the building. Anyone who can help can be made an honorary member and can even link up to get in on the party as well as linking up with others in the California scene.

Will need about one and half, or two ethereum coins. Will cover cost of rent, expansion, restock, and dealing with files.

Ethereum address- 0xe3BAcd60E321c649f805A519d8dE76b8E0857A06

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b45016 No.388692



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b45016 No.388693


pay your own bills, bum

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b838bd No.388694


Bruh if you’re about “this system” you’re retarded or a fed.

If you’re here, you’re probably both.

Fuck off

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b838bd No.388695


Sad when you and I are in agreement

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b45016 No.388697


not really

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b45016 No.388698


it shows that we are BOTH cooler than the other one thought

That's not sad… it's a good thing



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