PROPHECY-- The Death Of My Bilderberg Group Forever!
“The Bilderbergs are My enemy, My son. I set out to destroy them in all they do, says the Living God. They are a blight on all humanity, and must be destroyed, My son. Plane crashes, car crashes, stoppages of the heart, and all manner of calamity shall destroy My wicked rulers, My son. Wicked Bilderberg is a stench in My Presence, and must go, My son. To Hell the entire lot of them, and all their successors. They are a blight that must be controlled, and eliminated through My power, says the Living God. I have My eye on them, and nothing can stop Me from eliminating this plague on society. They want to destroy the world--- I will destroy them, says the Living God! Nothing can stop Me! I have all power on Earth to destroy puny Earthlings who oppose Me! I Am the Living God! I will stop their hearts in the middle of the night and whisk them away to eternity, says the Living God. All billionaires of evil shall meet the same fate. Expect to meet the Living God, and what a terror that shall be to all sinners everywhere who die without Me! Your God has spoken. Amen.”