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File: 3086a03908a4c5a⋯.png (547.55 KB,930x1046,465:523,25552.png)

419dae No.388436


MY COMMENT: Wipe the prefetch cache and be smart, unplug your internet connection when those computers are not in use. Routinely shutting down your computer also mitigates memory dumps of previous caching! Another issue to consider is all these modern computers have HARDWARE BACKDOORS mandated under federal law. None of them are to be considered safe or private. If you desire any amount of user privacy you better be using a pre-2011 computer with an old de-bloated Operating System with no Wifi card, no microphone and no camera. Preferably an older laptop that can easily be faraday caged when not in use, one that does not hold much personal data either. Even then they are not fail-safe but it's a bit safer operationally speaking.

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