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8ff4d9 No.388420

As a man living in South Korea, the current gender war is reaching new extremes.

The monsters that made South Korea into the country which has 0.65 fertility rate still treat men as potential offenders and rapists, and the soldiers who serve their country as meat barriers, killing machines, and slaves.

They treat soldiers who suffer full-body burns because of mistake of demining as ugly monsters, and make fun of the army as if it were a camp or a vacation. They have tarnished their honor with mockery even in their condolence letters for soldiers, telling them they died well without showing the least bit of gratitude for their sacrifices for the country.

They are treating babies like parasites, while at the same time threatening the nation with the possibility of childbirth as a weapon.

Men are disgusted by such crazy women and either get international marriages, do MGTOW, or leave the country that despises men and settle in other countries.

Reconciliation between the sexes is no longer possible, and men are acting solely for their own happiness, money, and freedom.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8bb764 No.388421


>The monsters that made South Korea into the country which has 0.65 fertility rate still treat men as potential offenders and rapists, and the soldiers who serve their country as meat barriers, killing machines, and slaves.

Mindless drones better wake the fuck up before it is too late. You are not "serving your country" anymore you are serving a criminal enterprise that has fully taken over many other governments around the world and they are using you people to maintain jackbooted dictatorial power while enriching themselves. There is no new war worthy of fighting anymore. None of their modern wars benefit us.

Inb4 the screaming glowie psyop spews his propagandist shit and lies about me.

Don't care. I stand by the truth. What you are witnessing is similar to the demise we witness in our own Western nations. Same game for these "elitist" Bilderberg/WEF/Davos criminals. Exploitation and usury. Using people as pawns. Incentivizing liars and weaponized propagandists. Parading censorship and political prosecution campaigns. Promoting degeneracy, smut and greed (which women are just as vulnerable if not more-so). Destroying the family unit by destroying the economy and free market system leaving future generations impoverished. Dumbing down the public via fluoride in the water, toxins by chemtrails, 5G microwave radiation towers slowly frying human brains, taking over the educational system and destroying normal curriculum, etc. They also poison the mass produced food, that's why they hate local organic family farmers. The cabal is truly satanic and attempts to disguise itself as "democracy" A TOTAL DEMONIC ILLUSION.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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