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File: f61139bd69dcf14⋯.png (600.63 KB,1685x883,1685:883,Screenshot_2024_03_18_at_1….png)

c56216 No.388338

this is what awaits vaxxtards when jews decide to dispose them

>Victims were sometimes made to dance for joy in celebration of the freedom they were told awaited them. In an earlier 1996 interview, Scilingo said, "They were played lively music and made to dance for joy, because they were going to be transferred to the south. … After that, they were told they had to be vaccinated due to the transfer, and they were injected with Pentothal. And shortly after, they became really drowsy, and from there we loaded them onto trucks and headed off for the airfield."

>just do a little dance for my tiktok goy

>just take this vaccine goy

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da5a88 No.388343



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da5a88 No.388344

File: 1d92e6c910f4027⋯.mp4 (4.54 MB,428x240,107:60,Meet_Karl_Purple_.mp4)

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c56216 No.388348

File: 2ff757bb70548f9⋯.png (562.1 KB,760x704,95:88,44749_SoyBooru.png)

File: a06423ce531e58d⋯.jpg (41.25 KB,615x464,615:464,37235_SoyBooru.jpg)

File: f8fa831fbdecf1c⋯.jpg (270.9 KB,1341x2761,1341:2761,1626925400500.jpg)

File: 1d6e36836ed81f6⋯.gif (1.77 MB,600x600,1:1,1633054710638_1.gif)

File: 02c94ae7d9200f4⋯.jpg (316.8 KB,595x720,119:144,1633054023196_2.jpg)


>88 ID


rope yourself tranny

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da5a88 No.388352

File: e7c039aa226708f⋯.mp4 (269.98 KB,518x314,259:157,Poor_Little_Purple.mp4)

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da5a88 No.388353



Taco Bell is hiring, you stupid uneducated lazy worthless fucking nigger

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