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File: fe6a5d64f7beccf⋯.png (1.87 MB,1800x2700,2:3,Imperium_Invictum.png)

File: 3a86048fc79f28c⋯.png (117.33 KB,802x382,401:191,2016_Hillary_bros_.png)

File: 5cda0d4c6af5e79⋯.png (118.86 KB,820x373,820:373,Trump_refused_Ken_Cucinell….png)

File: 6651a0332f4b1b3⋯.png (123.42 KB,815x408,815:408,Trump_lost_because_of_me.png)

File: d0737de2bdb3abc⋯.png (50.67 KB,822x172,411:86,monolithic_conspiracy.png)

122838 No.388332

New book just dropped from Purple Anon detailing how fake the system is and how to fix it.

For any newfags, Purple Anon is a glownigger that exposed the vile secrets from behind the iron curtain like how Jared Kushner and Ivanka rule over Trump and got him to cancel the wall and how Trump was trying to start a war with Iran back in 2019.

>https://archive.is/2eI5v (his thread ID is “60450d” and “558531”)

>cartoon some anon made to sum it up; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Ys423TfZFw&t=128s.

>Trump cancels airstrike shortly after his thread; https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/9342816/donald-trump-air-strike-iran-changed-mind/.

It really is just short sighted greed from top to bottom and the people at the very top own the money printer; the Banking Industrial Complex.

Imagine a conspiracy so simple it can be summarized by the greedy fuelled by infinite money (Web of Debt explains money really well).

I assume you guys don’t know this part: This cycle of money printing creates a bottomless pit of greed which is backed by endless debt used to create a cycle of slaves with little to no hope of escaping the debt cycle as inflation increases, which acts as an invisible hand to rob the peasants blind while the Lords and Ladies continue to live like Royalty. This system of slavery also becomes a worship of money through the means of escaping our slavery which brings about the very greed used to control us, purposely designed by consumerism and status seeking. In short money + greed are the chains that hold humanity down. These things are provided by the (((elites who matter))), they are both Anglo and Jewish

The end goal from all of this is to lead us into a new feudal age where masters own their slaves like a feudal lord owns his peasants; A more honest plantation than the one we have now, with slaves too distracted by entertainment and products to ever complain but without any legal means of protection if massa don’t want you alive anymore.

As the masters at the World Economic Forum so boldly stated; YOU will OWN NOTHING and you WILL be HAPPY as you bunch their meat replacements like ze bugs.

>source and 200 pages are free in the preview


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122838 No.388333

File: b107f168b42cae5⋯.png (46.47 KB,770x162,385:81,homo_economicus.png)

File: 2a630dade27bb6e⋯.png (235.33 KB,816x733,816:733,Bimbo_baggins.png)

File: bc3b9136cbc140c⋯.png (137.21 KB,817x595,817:595,housing_crisis_caused_by_l….png)


>Slave wagies are called Homo Economicus

>Women dont belong in politcis

>landlords caused our housing crisis

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000000 No.388334


Oh fuck off, glownigger, with this usesless ass distraction of a book. Republicans are just fucking faggots and glowniggers sucking nigger feet and jew dicks with the leftists. Everyone with a brain knew this.

This book here is all the anons need


>inb4 glownigger

Not a glownigger.

>I'm not clicking that shit, nigger.

Then don't.

>This is probably a virus/setup/honeypot.

Save it through Tails or Tor to an offline environment and scan it for yourself with antivirus

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1e8ec8 No.388339


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1e8ec8 No.388340

File: 40de3ae1f27b1b5⋯.mp4 (4.83 MB,854x480,427:240,Karl_Purple_Gets_His_Licen….mp4)

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1e8ec8 No.388341

File: e7c039aa226708f⋯.mp4 (269.98 KB,518x314,259:157,Poor_Little_Purple.mp4)

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1e8ec8 No.388342

File: 5329da1ed0b9c9a⋯.mp4 (11.22 MB,854x480,427:240,Purple_Polesmoker_Audition….mp4)


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1e8ec8 No.388349

File: 1d92e6c910f4027⋯.mp4 (4.54 MB,428x240,107:60,Meet_Karl_Purple_.mp4)


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122838 No.388354


wasted digits.

>Republicans are just fucking faggots

where am i even talking about republicunts, Purple rigged your fake and gay election you mongoloid stormfag.






I think it's good ole Watkins in the chat. You made bank off of Qtards, it's quite a shame that people are getting sick of being lied to and demand the truth with real solutions boomer

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