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File: ae952c3d1ade28b⋯.jpg (2.31 MB,3264x2448,4:3,IMG20240312140325.jpg)

19059d No.388273

Hey. I'm just a simple russian guy from Russia. Wanted to share some irrelevant, useless, biased info about some casual things happening there.

So basically, I know that USA don't have their own ballistic misssles - it's fake and also the only reason exterminatus totale isn't performed yet. Ruskies just don't give a lot of fuck about west, all the people that really want to go away from this huge prison just do it illegally, not that hard for a casual person.

What u don't know, is that Russia is homosexualized to its full extent, like totally. Impossible to find free sex for a man without long hair and clown super-gay pink nails (tis a trend now). Also, I just happen to accidentally know that military service's tops are fu*ked up on shrooms (the legal one sort, yes we do have), even on their work places - and the engineers use illegal acid and stimulators to accomplish the development goals in time. So basically, what I say - is thst there is a slight and miserable, albeit real, chance - that a space rocket with a charge, may land to its target - if it uses an unconventional trajectory (we still believe that Anal Musk paints his backwards-landing ships in CGI neural networks). U will need a kamikaze troop of pilots, indeed. For such a precious mission, u might want to choose a better target than a shithole older and more gay brother of Murrica - England sounds good. If a date is chosen when the Pope visits - that'll be a huge economy of world budget of money. Or greenland - fuck Odinn, he is gay and fag because of amputation juices he can't cooe with. Cardiostumalotor needs new more babies to be eaten alive to функции.

Pic related (we call homosexuals "cocks" in Russia)

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e6f5a1 No.388274

Okay, but nobody cares man/lady. World is doomed anyway. Why post this? Go smoke a blaze

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92adda No.388275


I don't know what it is you are exactly trying to say, but the US has much slower missile production these days because we do not have a strong manufacturing base, and a lack of younger skilled workers who could mass produce the hardware. The US still develops weapons but not near the pace Russia or China can. And Europe is in a much worse state than the US, if Europe goes to war with Russia they're fucking doomed, and we Americans will not be bailing them out. Also, any grievances you have with your government, pretty much the same thing here in the US, we don't like or trust our government either so it's mutual.

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e6f5a1 No.388278


I think the man is just tired with "gay girls that only like FtM "men without dick girls"" and tries to tell that it is all because of some old cock in a northern toy fortress made of ice. Mr. Yeti man from Monsters Corporation, making love to queen Elizabeth Reptile. Probably a scizophrenic drug addict OP is, who needs a GF and money these days, we have weed and porn subscriptions

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e6f5a1 No.388280


Just bomb your own town Viena (in Austria). We do this every time with Voronezh - every slave there know this, very badly hidden info, like we hate our fucking families and friends too, so nobody really cares.

Most imp., it will sound like "Europe inserted a needle into its VEIN" in rusky language. It's gonna destroy both continents' militay spirits with waves of doomed mentality, so we gonna rest a little and stop scizophrenic gay wars.

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ebfa7e No.388281

File: 91b42de017ca2f1⋯.jpeg (101.99 KB,800x800,1:1,the_dude.jpeg)


have you even heard about skunkworks, bro?

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6f742c No.388282


>It's gonna destroy both continents' militay spirits with waves of doomed mentality, so we gonna rest a little and stop scizophrenic gay wars.

I already lost all faith and hope our country will recover from the damages done by insane radical corrupt political 'leadership' today. The safest bet is just to prepare for the worst, be ready and willing to defend yourself family and private property if or when need be and organize offline with like-minded people living nearby for a complete collapse contingency plan, including methods to safely barter locally. As far as wars go, yes absolutely stay out of any government-created wars as war is just a tool by the oligarch class to purge undesired plebs and transfer their wealth elsewhere.

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