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78004e No.388153

These ASSETS can help protect you from the approaching DOLLAR COLLAPSE.


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74f811 No.388154


my son is ⅓ your age.

you are 3 times older than him

He has almost $3 million

You should have almost $9 million

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74f811 No.388156




Didn't prepare well enough?

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74f811 No.388157


You've been "warning people" about the "impending collapse of the financial system" for FORTY-SEVEN YEARS!!


meanwhile, you're flat broke, the stock market is at HISTORICAL HIGH NUMBERS, the unemployment rate is lower than it's been in years, and 25 year old kids are becoming multimillionaires…

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74f811 No.388158


HINT: 47 years is HALF A CENTURY

you have quite literally been "warning people about the end of the world" EVERY DAY FOR HALF A CENTURY

lol @ your failure rate

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74f811 No.388159


If 25 year old kids can become multimillionaires in less than 1 year, WHY CANT YOU?

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78004e No.388169


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093970 No.388190

anti-slide 5557560_0008,22EE5

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b37940 No.388230


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269271 No.388383

anti-slide 49.081PCC3-256

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