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c2a054 No.388126

US Active Duty Military Members Release Open Letter Condemning Israeli War Crimes In Gaza

An autonomous network of active duty service members across nearly all U.S. Armed Forces branches have released an open letter condemning Israel’s genocide in Gaza.

“Support for the conduct of the IDF is unacceptable and inconsistent with our values in the US Armed Forces.”

“Our job is important to us and none of us would ever do the insane stuff the IDF is doing,” says one source who says the letter comes from a group of active duty military members that is “unapologetically patriotic.”


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3febd5 No.388143


Says the coward who didn't have the balls to serve his country

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b67d40 No.388145



Dude….. seriously…. NOTHING * N O T H I N G * our government has told us to fight for "serves our country" or any of America's interests! Not one damn war going back to Vietnam "serves our country"…. that is what you morons never seem to understand. Killing innocent civilians offshore is NOT "serving muh country" so fuck off.

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b67d40 No.388171


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43eb0b No.388192

anti-slide 00000i9-19087.028..iUYs78

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23c39c No.388254


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73cba7 No.388362

anti-slide 4.778oip 36-360

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