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File: 6225bc833b494e8⋯.png (294.84 KB,992x720,62:45,04442.png)

8e332a No.388041

Germany Confirms Leaked Audio Of Its Top Generals Discussing Blowing Up The Crimean Bridge

In a huge development and absolute smoking gun revelation, the government of Germany has confirmed the authenticity of a leaked audio recording file published by Russia's state-backed RT. The leak was first published by RT Editor-in-Chief Margarita Simonyan, who described that she received it from Russian security officials.

It first appeared under the headline "Alleged audio of German officers discussing Crimean Bridge attack leaked" - as it featured top ranking Germany military officials in a private discussion of "a potential German operation to bomb the Crimean Bridge in Russia," as it was initially described by RT. Russian media is now openly admitting that the call was in fact intercepted by Russia. Moscow is now saying this shows "direct" German involvement in the war.


AUDIO: https://www.bitchute.com/video/ZlVM2oqOcUc0/

The audio could have easily been dismissed in the West as simply Russian-sourced propaganda or even an AI fake; however, in an unexpected development the highest levels of the German government have now confirmed that the audio is indeed real and Berlin launched an investigation into the "serious" breach of secured communications.

"What is being reported is a very serious matter and that is why it is now being investigated very carefully, very intensively and very quickly," German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said in Rome.

Germany's military has also confirmed the leaked recording, but officials have avoided weighing in the actual content of what was said pending an internal investigation:

A German defense ministry spokeswoman confimed to AFP that the ministry believes a conversation in the air force division was "intercepted".

"We are currently unable to say for certain whether changes were made to the recorded or transcribed version that is circulating on social media," the spokeswoman said. Experts consulted by Der Spiegel magazine said they believed the recording was authentic.

AFP further writes that "Topics include aiming the missiles at targets such as a key bridge over the Kerch strait linking the Russian mainland to Crimea, which was annexed by Russia in 2014."


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f91408 No.388046

File: 0b67be935b30d45⋯.png (141.95 KB,2173x825,2173:825,Screenshot_20240303_124101….png)

You're SO UNEDUCATED that you didn't realizethe word "of" is NOT supposed to be capitalized, you stupid piece of shit

You are NOT intelligent, are you?

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f91408 No.388047


Imagine knowing the basic rules of grammar

The exact same basic rules known by any 6 year old child

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230f38 No.388050


Imagine you giving a shit, and me not. How ironic, right?

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b2ee0e No.388070

factual news

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b2ee0e No.388183

anti-slide 8.08920-189''1p8

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fdba8f No.388227


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7b6948 No.388386

anti-slide 67-89004

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