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File: bf3af20e8b9bfb0⋯.jpg (209.64 KB, 1021x483, 1021:483, cvg_OP.jpg)

59b6a3  No.34058[View All]

Thread #6

MAP - Wuhan Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Global Cases (by JHU CSSE)


Corona Virus Spreadsheet


WHO (World Health Organization) Situation Reports


CDC (Center for Disease Control) Situaltion Summary


European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control


Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention


Report Website of Central State Organs (Needs Chinese to English Translation)


Data Statistics from Inside China


MAP - BNO - Tracking coronavirus: Map, data and timeline


BNO Newsroom Twitter Updates



Coronavirus update: as of about 1900 hrs, 31 Jan 2020 EST (Source: https://twitter.com/BNODesk)

- 11,948 confirmed cases worldwide

- 17,988 suspected cases

- 259 fatalities

- 1,795 in serious/critical condition

- 260 treated and released

- All parts of China reporting cases

- 24 countries reporting cases

*China's National Health Commission says over 10,000 confirmed cases - Source: https://youtu.be/xQxOeUA0jRQ


Confirmed Cases by Country/Region

2019-nCoV Global Cases (by Johns Hopkins CSSE) As of Jan 31, 2020 7 pm ET

(Source: https://gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6)

(Numbers may not match BNO Newsroom)

Total Confirmed: 11,374

11,221 - Mainland China

19 - Thailand

17 - Japan

16 - Singapore

13 - Hong Kong

11 - South Korea

10 - Taiwan

9 - Australia

8 - Malaysia

7 - Germany

7 - Macau

7 - US

6 - France

4 - United Arab Emirates

3 - Canada

2 - Italy

2 - Russia

2 - UK

2 - Vietnam

1 - Cambodia

1 - Finland

1 - India

1 - Nepal

1 - Philippines

1 - Spain

1 - Sri Lanka

1 - Sweden


Closed Borders with China and more (Source: https://www.newsweek.com/china-neighbors-close-borders-coronavirus-sars-1484978)

Afghanistan - Closed to ALL - BASED

Bhutan - (Limited)

India (Limited but still pretty loose)

Kazakhstan (Limited)

Kyrgyzstan (planned to reopen border Friday)

Laos (Closed to Chinese and Myanmar Citizens)

Mongolia - (Temporary Restrictions)

Myanmar - (no real significant changes at entry points)

Nepal - (for 15 days)

North Korea - (Closed to ALL - BASED)

Pakistan - (delayed re-opening of border)

Russia - (Limited)

Tajikistan (Banned Chinese food products bats lel)

Vietnam (Strict control measures)


Previous Threads

Thread 001 Archive: http://archive.md/XA3Pe

Thread 002 Archive: http://archive.md/Sv3st

Thread 002b Archive: https://archive.ph/e4Ad5 (Nigger-Mod Edition)

Thread 003 Archive: http://archive.md/Hvchk

Thread 004 Archive: https://archive.ph/ltbQP

Thread 005 Link: https://8kun.top/pnd/res/32777.html

/cvg/ copypasta https://pastebin.com/a2CyPJ3M

(updated 0130 hrs 01 Feb EST)

701 posts and 211 image replies omitted. Click reply to view. ____________________________
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26dd8f  No.35520


Think about HIV presentation. The final cause of death with HIV is when the DNA of the host it too compromised to continue and succumbs to secondary infection…this could be anything…fungus, giant invasive warts, pneumonia, common cold, mildew etc. HIV suppresses the genetic structure and compromises it so that the secondary infection can overcome the host. It is NEVER the actual cause of death…it simply rewrites the DNA until the host body is not longer functional as an entity.

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82dc88  No.35521

File: 4a0a54e278f6cd0⋯.png (73.96 KB, 1330x597, 1330:597, fst world.png)

File: 4360b8a5c74fb06⋯.png (694.11 KB, 1284x538, 642:269, fst europe vs middle east.png)


That's like saying Germans and Jews are the same people. The nips are exactly as distinct from chinks as Germans are from Jews (FST = .007) . Most other Europeans are far more closely related to Jews than nips are to Chinks.

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26dd8f  No.35522


Not at my computer or I would give you data that showed they were closely related.

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0aae4c  No.35523


…stein or …stain ? In my timeline it was Berestein

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14bf18  No.35524

File: f7a08cafc66a060⋯.png (38.34 KB, 598x338, 23:13, Screenshot_2020-02-03 Worl….png)



That's interesting, the deceased patient in the Phillippines was found to have other infections as well.

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26dd8f  No.35525


I would say that the secondary infection was opportunistic. Let’s say…you get to a point when you had full blown HIV/AIDS (in the beginning before anti-virals) that your body had as much integrity and cohesion of DNA as a rotten tree stump…but still had lots of sugars and minerals. The opportunistic secondary agents can then come in and colonize your husk in the same way that they would have colonized a tree stump…but your body would have been an amazing prize due to the richness and lack of defense. You became the walking dead…a black slate that was easy for a secondary infection to simply colonize.

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26dd8f  No.35526

A blank slate…not black slate

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0aae4c  No.35527


This is the best carona-chan. I love that long hair. More women need to discover the beauty of waist long hair….

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26dd8f  No.35528


Yes, see once the HIV begins to retroactively reprogram your DNA there is no ‘boundary’ or border to your living shell anymore and all things can access the resources that have been accumulated over your lifetime.

This is why I was always adamant about killing faggots. I couldn’t stand to see them spread their deviant shitty disease through society.

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ce08d1  No.35529


I see it was withdrawn, I don't know enough about it to say one way or the other that it isn't a HIV insert though. The comments on this article are full of back and forth, but the main point against it being an intentional HIV insert is that "just because something is improbable to happen [virus portion mutating to resemble HIV in this case], does not make it impossible." Also, that HIV is a highly mutable retrovirus itself, and many many different variants exist and are cataloged.

I can't say for certainty one way or the other, but that doesn't exactly rule out the possibility of the segments in question being HIV inserts, either.

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c29c8f  No.35534


Delta 32 mutation of CCR5 gene.

It's a mutation that's found in European bloodlines which adapted to the black plague.

It also infers partial to full immunity to HIV.

<Thai medics claim coronavirus break-through: Patient is declared 'disease-free' in 48 hours using HIV and flu drugs


<Beijing confirms use of anti-HIV drugs at some hospitals




No, just like HIV it weakens the immune system somehow.

It could be that it damages the lung tissue enough to allow infections to take hold in the lungs.


> that doesn't exactly rule out the possibility

If it looks like a jew and acts like a jew, it's a jew.

So far this thing acts like HIV, responds to HIV medication, and someone has possibly found artificial HIV insertions.

It's airborne AIDS until someone proves otherwise.

I've said in the past 5 threads that it might be beneficial to vaporize small quantities of propylene glycol to prevent fungal and bacterial infections while the body fights the primary infection.

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88daa8  No.35535


There's also the bio-weapons research lab located 10-20 miles from the market where the outbreak is believed to have started.

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499176  No.35536

File: c9b5efa27f4af62⋯.png (315.66 KB, 1353x878, 1353:878, 02febupdate.png)

Daily update here!

It's not looking good for Team China.

update 02 February 2020

total deaths: 362

total infections: 17,373

numbers 01 February 2020

total deaths: 305

total infections: 14,562


deaths: 57 18.68%

infections: 2811 19.30%

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26dd8f  No.35538


God I love the Black Plague. It really did so many wonderful things for Europeans. This is also why I am very ‘antivax’ as well because I want the evolutionary benefits of viral shaping of our DNA.

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83752e  No.35539



That all leaves a very interesting question though: Is there any chance this was actually a HIV/SARS vaccine in development but it was a cataclysmic fuck up? Reading rumors about that.

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eec92e  No.35540


Bill Gate's vaccines have colossal fuckups, so it's possible but unlikely. Signs still point to being a bioweapon since the lab is 20miles away from where they say the infection started, and HIV hooks cant just appear in a bat corona virus.

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000000  No.35545


>acts like HIV


>responds to HIV medication

So do other virus like SARS

>someone has possibly found artificial HIV insertions.

Which was withdrawn after proven to be bullshit

If highschool dropouts could stop commenting on shit they have no idea about, that would be fantastic

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499176  No.35546


"Always do the opposite of what Torpedos say"

why would anyone listen to someone professing to be of high intellect who can't even direct his tor connection through a public IP block?

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26dd8f  No.35547


OK…my personal opinion goes way back to 2019 and the Ebola vaccine that the bug people were unable to test out. They wanted something that conferred immunity to Ebola for the Chinese in Africa ONLY, no niggers would get any vaccine. So in 2019 they began importing gorillas and other large primates from Congo (the heart of the Ebola outbreak) to test their vaccine on. They brought in 16 animals total (I think I remember reading 16) anyway and from mid 2019 on they began testing their Ebola vaccine on the gorillas and large primates. I think this PLAGUE they have brought on themselves is the untested ‘Ebola vaccine’ that got out. My guess is that someone sold the dead lab gorilla meat to the wet market as an ‘exotic meat’. Like I said before, they KNOW who patient 0 is…but they do not release that information BECAUSE THEY ARE LIARS.

There is a HUGE fight in China right now along researchers because they know that patient 0 entered the wet market and the disease spread from there.

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c29c8f  No.35548


>rewrites the DNA until the host body is not longer functional as an entity

And what the fuck are you on about?

HIV attacks T-cells.

T-cells trigger immune responses.

HIV causes AIDS by destroying the immune response.


>retroactively reprogram your DNA there is no ‘boundary’ or border to your living shell anymore

So you're a schizoid.


>Is there any chance this was actually a HIV/SARS vaccine in development but it was a cataclysmic fuck up? Reading rumors about that.

Think about the likelyhood of that. China is trying to take over Africa.

China invested heavily in researching an Ebola vaccine.

Why did they do that? Because the bugman would eventually succumb to ebola through their disgusting habit of eating bushmeat and scamming each other.

The lead chinese ebola vaccine researcher in Canada was caught shipping samples to China.

So it's not unlikely.


>torpedo says something again

We wouldn't have "torpedo" if niggers like you didn't post.

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26dd8f  No.35549


Google isn’t THAT hard to use, dumb fag.

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000000  No.35550


>Gets proven to be buttfuck retarded


Kill yourself retard, you are the cancer that killed /pol/

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88daa8  No.35554


If we can find and kill patient zero, will all of the subsequent infected return to normal?

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499176  No.35555


>vaccine’ that got out.

I don't know if you've ever been to a chemical weapons facility, I can't say that I have, but I can imagine "getting out" is so unlikely that we may as well seek other potential onsets.

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1d0382  No.35557

Friends in china telling me that bats were improperly disposed and the janitors removed the bats from the trash and took to a butcher near the huanan seafood market. The butcher was one of the first confirmed in china, and we all know how the people who bought bats from the seafood market turned out.

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2aa6dc  No.35558

File: 8666f3af2d6cec3⋯.jpg (525.66 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 8666f3af2d6cec3306a12093e6….jpg)


>eating bushmeat and scamming each other.

Pissed myself laughing, anon. God bless this place.

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26dd8f  No.35559


Like vampires? LMFAO

Yes, Blade…find the bug and kill it. It is just so stupid…the bugs should have never been given a technology that they were not ethically equipped to handle. For a couple hundred extra bucks profit from gorilla meat…he will end up killing billions…LMAO


A retrovirus is a type of RNA virus that inserts a copy of its genome into the DNA of a host cell that it invades, thus changing the genome of that cell.[2]

Once inside the host cell's cytoplasm, the virus uses its own reverse transcriptase enzyme to produce DNA from its RNA genome, the reverse of the usual pattern, thus retro (backwards). The new DNA is then incorporated into the host cell genome by an integrase enzyme, at which point the retroviral DNA is referred to as a provirus. The host cell then treats the viral DNA as part of its own genome, transcribing and translating the viral genes along with the cell's own genes, producing the proteins required to assemble new copies of the virus. It is difficult to detect the virus until it has infected the host. At that point, the infection will persist indefinitely.

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0aae4c  No.35560


….getting out replaced by LET OUT


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88daa8  No.35562


I've seen that possibility brought up before, and it sounds just stupid enough to be true. I mean, we're talking about people who brought us things like melamine in baby formula and pet food, gutter oil, fake eggs, and more. The Chinese are so low-trust that they're constantly trying to fuck over one-another just to make a buck as cheap as possible.

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26dd8f  No.35563


They were not testing the Ebola vaccine on ‘bats’ anon. That is stupid…besides how much money do you think you would make off ‘another’ fucking bat…at a wet market? They are dime a fucking dozen. Nobody would smuggle those out of the Wuhan Lab.

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eec92e  No.35564


>my dad lives in china

And what about the other 14 that didnt have any connection to the wet market?

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499176  No.35565



This i would believe. I do know military weapons facilities and a rifle didn't get checked in back in the late 90's on a base I was stationed on at the time. The entire base shut down and every line unit walked every inch of the base until the rifle turned up in Tijuana in a hotel room from some disgrunted weeb who went awol.

My point is, I don't think this outbreak is an accident. Especially considering there could have been no better place on earth or time in which it had to potential to infect more people.

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26dd8f  No.35566


Get out vs let out.

It is all based on gross incompetence and disgusting negligence. Fuck…this is why it is so important to have a European ONLY Ethnoglobe. None of these other subhuman races are equipped to handle the responsibility of the technologies that are coming. This is a actual minor fuck up that is going to result in massive amounts of death and destruction. Can you imagine if we gave them something even more advanced? They would explode the fucking planet.

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88daa8  No.35568

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Like vampires? LMFAO


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b9f678  No.35569


wait I thought chinks were scared of ghost/undead or is that a more recent commie thing?

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ce08d1  No.35571

Here's an updated version of >>35399 based on feedback

nCoV-2019 description

Infection Timeline/Overview:

>roughly 2 week incubation period after initial infection

>3~5 days after incubation, "flu-like" symptoms present

>5~7 days after that, the more severe and possibly fatal symptoms present

>unknown for total time of recovery - current estimate is 3 to 5 weeks from infection to recovery

Symptoms Presentation - Early:

>described as "flu-like"

>typically first symptom is fever




>shortness of breath

Symptoms Presentation - Late/Advanced:

>internal hemorrhaging

>suppressed/compromised immune system

>toxin build up in the GI tract


>spreads person-to-person

>airborne transmission possible

>asymptomatic infection - communicable during some or all of incubation period

>corpses of victims are especially contagious

>virus persists into feces, vomit, respiratory secretions, urine

Causes of death:

>pneumonia/other illnesses complicated by weakened/suppressed immune system

>drowning in blood from hemorrhaging lungs

>organ failure due to overwhelming viral shedding

nCoV-2019 specifics:

>based off a strain of bat coronavirus - roughly 96% of nCoV-2019

>contains a small insert of what looks like HIV - ?% to 4% of nCoV-2019

Report specifying HIV inserts specifically has been withdrawn. Due to the highly mutable nature of retroviruses, it is technically possible a naturally occurring coronavirus strain mutated naturally to resemble HIV. Also, as there are many cataloged strains of HIV, there are more possibilities for nCoV-2019 to be matched to it.

>supposedly targets ACE2 receptors, which apparently are far more common in Chinese than other races. (? - need some more sources)

nCoV-2019 certainly seems to be more severe for Chinese, but whether this is because of geographics (starting in China) or demographics (targeting Chinese) is as yet impossible to decide

>RNA-based, as opposed to DNA-based virus - RNA viruses are highly mutable compared to DNA viruses

>retrovirus - more difficult to detect

>R0 of 4.x (number of people one infected will spread virus to - very high)

>aggressive viral shedding

>asymptomatic infection

>wide variance of symptom presentation - some infected display few if any symptoms before recovery, while others rapidly die after “flu” stage.

anything else to add or change?

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26dd8f  No.35572


In tears laughing…thanks anon. That vampire bug is exactly who I will picture when I picture patient 0 from now on.

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88daa8  No.35573

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.


kek, one more.


They're called Jiangshi.

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000000  No.35574


Aside from that being a HK movie, what are you trying to say?

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499176  No.35575


How have I never seen this?

pure brilliance, m8!

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b9f678  No.35576


>Aside from that being a HK movie, what are you trying to say?

they have a ban on supernatural shit in film and vidya. So one would assume this films likely banned over there lol. Damn if only they knew about the Vampires and Zombies.

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26dd8f  No.35577


Link for CoV and ACE2. This is the wrong CoV, not nCoV but it is still interesting and may provide you with something to think on later. They describe the function of glycoproteins in CoV with enough detail that it is easily understood.


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499176  No.35578


magnet link: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:2eb52edbcae3a020b5743ccefdfc6f4498b4bd78&dn=Encounters+of+the+Spooky+Kind%5B1980%5D.x264.DVDrip%28KungFu.Classics%29&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.leechers-paradise.org%3A6969&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.openbittorrent.com%3A80&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Fopen.demonii.com%3A1337&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.coppersurfer.tk%3A6969&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Fexodus.desync.com%3A6969

found it on pirate bay

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26dd8f  No.35579


I think we are going to need a lot of yellow touch football flags in the near future. 1.4 billion of them. Kek.

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000000  No.35580


That's a communist thing, that movie is from 1980 before the handover

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ce08d1  No.35581


The report states

>In order to map which region in the NL63 S1-protein is responsible for targeting

ACE2, we analyzed a panel of N-terminal S1-deletion mutants. By this, we were able to

narrow down the ACE2 interaction domain in NL63-S to amino acids 232 to 741.

Is it possible to compare these two amino acids against nCoV-2019 and see if they're present? How would that work?

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26dd8f  No.35582


I found the one I was looking for…sorry about that, too many bookmarks. Thank God I am not on my computer…there are thousands of them.

Here is another one using the correct data:


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d69782  No.35583


Always been stein. I specifically remember thinking to myself 'Is it pronounced steen or stine?'

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ce08d1  No.35584


well then, this one seems to be quite a bit more conclusive

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26dd8f  No.35585


I have to crash out. I have a big day tomorrow. Hopefully anons will pick up the slack, otherwise I will think about this in the morning.

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