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c24e9f  No.280793

Believe it or not, this video about cats is going to teach you how to function properly with other humans…

The problem is you've always been the little baby that needed your diaper changed…

You've never taken care of anything or anyone.

Watch this video and learn how it's done.

And maybe you'll learn how to earn self-respect

Real self respect

Not the fake bullshit self-respect

Pompous overcompensation low self-esteem bullshit

Fake self-respect you exude

I'm talking about really respecting yourself

And here's how you can earn it

And maybe stop being such a douche bucket faggot

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c24e9f  No.280794

Just like all little children who live in Make Believe land…. You are a selfish little shit head

You think the whole fucking world revolves around you and your diaper

And you think the rest of the world believes it when you play Big Boy make believe fantasy games

Nobody believes it. Not even you.. it's gay

This video will actually help you stop being such a fucking loser

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c24e9f  No.280797

I used to hate Jackson Galaxy

And honestly it was all just because of his stupid creepy facial hair…. It reminded me of Prince….

It reminded me of that creepy SYMBOL FORMERLY KNOWN AS PRINCE creepy sissy shape he had carved into his facial hair…

I just couldn't get over it.. it was impossible for me to sit and look at Jackson Galaxy and think he was cool no matter how much I agree with what he was saying

But now that he has toned down the creepy facial hair thing and looks like a human being again…

I've really got to admit he's absolutely right and nails everything on the head…


Believe it or not watching these videos couldn't make marshmallow sally become COOL

yes…. Believe it or not

Marshmallow Sally COULD be cool

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