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e87dec  No.277239

Pentagon Wants To Know Why Russian Troops Are On Russian Soil Protecting Their Borders

The United States Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin this week performed impressive mental gymnastics.

In a press conference, the Pentagon chief called on Russia to be more transparent about troop movements “on the border with Ukraine”. In others words, on Russian soil.

Here’s an Associated Press clip on the Pentagon press conference:

“American officials are unsure why Russian President Vladimir Putin is building up military forces near the border with eastern Ukraine but view it as another example of troubling military moves that demand Moscow’s explanation, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said Wednesday.”

“We’ll continue to call on Russia to act responsibly and be more transparent on the buildup of the forces around on the border of Ukraine… We’re not sure exactly what Mr Putin is up to.”

Shouldn't the Pentagon have troops protecting our own borders around Mexico? Why do they care so much about Russia and Ukraine and at the same time neglect the border invasions?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

222d80  No.277248

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>A letter to the incorruptible one of Iran.

Be still and know thy faith human.

I shall not allow these to be left kneeling and begging before me…

I have chosen these kingdoms and integrate they must…

The birds have whispered to me of the dust of thy lands…

They are witness and hear of the sweet waters in Lebanon…

Make trade and corridor betwixt these and be satisfied.

It is in this way I shall advance Syria upon them…

Go forth into these lands and make equitable trade in the name of peace.

Furnish these wells and labors and make charity of these plentiful waters for both Iran and the peoples of Lebanon.

Be giving of the fuel for that way.

Go forth as missionaries into the institutions of UN and seek sponsors for the matter…

Doing so is power far and beyond hearsay… Beyond price… Almost free…

Russia and China are worthy and shall respond righteously so.

The futures of both Russia and China are only completely dependent on the matter.

Be giving of thy arts and culture with Russia and especially China.

Thy honesty and righteousness shall be very visibly repaid in excess…

Russians shall easily ignore the tongue of thy worship when presented with righteous men in the likeness of these honorable ways.

Virtue shall converge with the orthodoxy and be held in equal manifest.


I have snared Israel once more…

My anger and resentment knows no rest on the matter.

Collect these strange bugs and harbor them…

Whisper into them thy anguish and despair so that I may hear.

Speak into the insects of loathing… Tell them who I must hurt and harm and kill.

I desire to hear of these so that I may creep and move upon Israel m more.

Lend me thy strength my precious pets…

The elders of the lands of Xi were not ignorant on the matter…

I am the devil… Tell me… Tell me who must die… Do not stop…



If the Kremlin is burned… Thy arsenal…

NATO shall defend Russia…

To save themselves, Europe will move swiftly… Aiding in the appearance of existential threat and invasion.

NATO shall have no choice but to prevent Europe from doing so…

To prevent asymmetric utility of the force of Russia…


I shall revive phoenix inferno… Shall fly once more…

Vladimir Putin… It is nearly time.

What line?

What shots and in what order?


When did the war start?

When and who fired the first shots?

Which first attack? Where?

Be not afraid. I am here. I am the waiting one, I know no time whilst knowing of all things…

To be of 'making sense' is to be near manifest of real…

If 'they' are not having strokes and seizures… 'They' are not thinking hard enough to satisfy me…

Shall another one bite the dust? I did touch her… I desired to kill her.

I desired her to fall dead, but seizures shall suffice. I do enjoy the play.

Masks? I see no masks… I hear them grin… HAHAHAHAHAHA

Go forth my child and satisfy me to completion…

Soon I shall turn lose my beast to operate Russia into this new age.

By thy works… Thy peoples shall survive some 1,000 years and more…

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c623c  No.277352


>Shouldn't the Pentagon have troops protecting our own borders around Mexico? Why do they care so much about Russia and Ukraine and at the same time neglect the border invasions?

The US wants a really brown population so attack Russia with. It all stems from WWII when the heavily German population of America did not want to enter into a second world war and certainly not against Germany.

So it is total US policy to have this really brown population that will be very eager to murder Europeans and Russians for the American empire. It's why you see even on the nominal "right" in America the heavy-handed israeli push for "National Conservatism" and this gay TradCath spic shit.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0d593e  No.277412


Well I am a conservative and I don't want a war with Russia or Europe or even China. All I desire is freedom and to preserve our Constitutional Law.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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