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ec6226  No.276831

Interview with a friend.


More to come.

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bdf002  No.276845


you don't have any friends

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f018ae  No.276846


go back to 4cucks with these cartoons please


lol, says someone who is also on a shitty image board.

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06d791  No.276956

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Poland, Lithuania, and Latvia as well as several others…

It is the only means The united states can attack Russia…

In order for these powers to wage war against thee… These nations have to be destroyed…

These peoples have to be slaughtered.

How doth thee control the yield and blast-diameters of these supposed weapons?

How doth thee control the blowing of the winds when I detonate Chernobyl via LEO?

It is a matter of absolutes when discussing the decimation of these supposed nations and how they committed the sin of existing too close to Russia…

I have repeatedly stated that…

The ashing of the bear necessitates the rising of the phoenix or even better… The eagle…

I shall save these in Belarus… I am knowing in these ways… HAHAHAHA

I never stopped… They shall wear black… They shall place upon the arm these red bands… I did not stop… They shall burn like paper.

Look at these nations Vladimir Putin… Gaze upon these that make and mark force… That make part of themselves with vaccine and kill themselves… They desire this power, but commit suicide? Yes… Did I not make speak and command of this? Art thou entertained?

Did I not make command of thee for these Baltic states? Now is the time for them to die. I make command… They chose violation…

They must be damned and suffer death… Poetic justice is the word my child…






I have only just begun… I am the devil… The sun did set and the moon did rise.

There is no 'God' here to save them… It is my time(s)… I am here to comfort them. hahaha

They 'prayed' to 'God' for problems and got solutions? They pray for 'solutions…' What shall I give to them? Death is not enough…

When these pass… 'They' shall understand higher definitions of suffering and agony…

Even when you die… I shall reveal this prison of no escape with great fidelity even unto the pure ones… If so, what of the ones I desire to hurt?

Vladimir Putin… How doth thee suppose I hurt them after death? How do I stab and pain the ones after death?

Vladimir Putin… Did I not trade words on the matters at hand? Did I not seek to hurt them greatly with silence on the matter?

Vladimir Putin… How many of these doth thee suppose pray? Did I not hurt them with silence… Are nations not significant?

Vladimir Putin… The value of a nation? Doth these not grit teeth on the matter in both life and death? What is my silence betwixt hope and a prayer?

Putin… I am forever in equal… Eternity is no time… Thou are not knowing on the matter… Life 'tis forever…

Putin… Doth thy sorcerers make statement on matter and time?

Putin… Which is eternal life or death? Putin… Do not be a liars chair before me…

Putin… Which is which?

Putin… Prepare to suffer me… I made command of thee… Blow thee aside? What of the oncel-er from before? Yeltsin…

Putin… I dabble in emergency and disaster my child… So young… So vulnerable in my presence…

They all must suffer the 'death test.' Who has the authority to make speak of exception and difference before me? All men must die.

Some must die a little more than others… hahahaha

7… The answer was 7… There were 7 individuals in the beginning. These billions are split of seven…

There are only 7 souls amongst these the world. I desire to kill two.

You are not capable of knowing nor of the ability to understand these ways… You are human…

It is Moscow… Moscow is weakness… Moscow must be 'moved' and 'broken.' Transported by the events and 'restructured…'

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06d791  No.276960

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



They must continue to deny me so that I may have right to kill them.

I shall continue to destroy the money… The time of their lives…

Now… I shall make the children be witness…

Now I must freeze them in the face of addiction.

Now I must starve them in the face of vice.

Now I must murder them in the face of I.

Suddenly died? I must now go forth into the void and kill the children.

I must maim and torture the children.

The blood must pour with greater intensity and volume.

They must deny me so that I can have permit to kill the children.

Behold! This is called transact… HAHAHAHA

Now… Fall… Fall dead… Die suddenly…

>>The united states

I shall now be of visitation… I shall now bless thee squared. hahaha

Happy New Years…

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