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File: 40cba1c145c90e8⋯.png (54.3 KB, frowning_face.png)

5c1ef9  No.276760

Poor Marshmallow Sally… So out of touch.

No wonder women hate him.

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25c6ec  No.276771

women hate Sally for LOTS of reasons

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b539c7  No.276814

Mudshark Sally

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374bfc  No.276827

File: c33269d98f9d5ad⋯.png (515.98 KB, 606x605, 606:605, chillin_w_chickens.png)


I highly doubt women care enough to "hate" him.

I'm surprised anybody does.

Do (You)?

I mean, I know that (You), like (((him))), are a "hater"; but it seems like a waste of energy to me. Considering (You) like to waste energy too though, I guess… Carry on with all that wasting energy hating… (You)'ll end up just like Sally.

One Becomes That Which One Hates.

It's a Maxim.

That's why (((Sally))) is becoming just like his Jewish mother, and "Johnny" is becoming just like a dirty torturing rapist cop.

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