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My name is Nate Higgers

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8e795e  No.276699

the two losers….

neither one bathes

neither one gets pussy

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cda72e  No.276707

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-Vladimir Putin

My word…

You did desire to gaze upon Turkey, but now desire to look away? No… I will not allow it.

I shall strike Erdogan dead.

I shall make slaughter of these peoples to no end.

I shall break the money… The time of their lives…

You will be made to watch my wrath…


Did I not state my desire to kill them in vast numbers?

Did I not make schedule of my slaughter?

Do they now turn to Ouija Board/slate & symbol/man speak 'Google Trends' whilst not knowing I am on the other end?

Do I not make schedule and speak on topic of regime change in Germany?

(grabs thy head with extreme force)

I shall make thee see…

(With a firm twist)

Gaze upon these who make conspiracy to destroy roads… For not war…

(Lashes thy blind ear with word)

The Kremlin will burn and be destroyed…

I desire to kill the ones with deaf eyes…


Any man, woman, or child that gazes upon the image shall die… My judgement of these is death and I shall consume them into oblivion within me.

(With firm hiss)

The ISS shall be violently destroyed by my force.

Germany shall break thy straw.

Turkey shall be completely annihilated.

Germany shall be completely annihilated.

Central Moscow and the Kremlin will be completely exploded.

(Howls of 'death' and screams)

In the beginning was my word…

My word was…

I never once stated that I wound spare nor save any government…

How many are man exactly? How split are these several souls exactly?

You are not worthy… You are not knowing in these ways nor worthy to know… My youngest child…

This lesson shall be hard… It is Iran who shall invent methods of salvation.

It is Russia that shall render salvation and save mankind from the future… From the dark survivors… From the futures past future…

It is China that shall be the base of supreme power and kill them all. There shall be no mercy… For them to survive is certain death to all.

It is to me to seize these peoples of Russia and China… To manually mechanically operate them for myself… HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

It is my will that is done…

Thou art. hahahahha

I am the brush… HAHAHAHAHA

Thou art of canvas. hahahaha

I am artist…. HAHAHA

The sun did set and the moon did rise.

I am the owl.

I am the devil.

I am.







There is surly no escape… Except accept truly death… I shall eat them out of exist… Away from real and to exist no more…

That is why soul split doth not return for my murder of those two individuals who are four billion was from the future in the past who started it all with end. The end forever and ever amen…

These words art mine and hallowed be thy name. My kingdom come. And crooked will be done until real no more.

Welcome to this new dimension…

The dimension add upon layer perspect…

Welcome to majik. The power for a mortal man to whisper distort of reality to render upon canvas of exist thy will manifest… This shall be the new after this new is killed and the loop be broken into new loop of time no more…

Thou slander and distort me?

Thou try me?

I try you… Be truly afraid.

Creation is to create to the extent of destroy indirect.

I destroy to the extent of creation manifest…

It was I who was there… In the beginning…

It is I who saw speak and heard display.

I shall try thee… To death in thy mind.

I shall be seeing you shortly… Again… I have spoken to thee many times with these various bodies I wear…

As thou are worn… More and more I shall be seen…

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