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File: 8bd69dc66c0fcf0⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1049x706, 1049:706, syria_USA_BombedCiviliansC….PNG)

5e062a  No.276611




IMHO this is not at all comparable to the My Lai massacre, but modern journalists went to bad schools so they don't have many points of comparison.

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5e062a  No.276615

File: 93a6838ed2dce01⋯.jpg (57.36 KB, 538x675, 538:675, comfeve_cat.jpg)


Waste of doubles on a news story that no one cares about.

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d7c0ba  No.276621


What did you expect from our corrupt government? A candy cane?

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062f75  No.276623


Why are you posting this shit when it was all over CNN, Fox, MSNBC, and every MSM outlet on the planet for weeks? Are you trying to pretend that shit's not fake news anymore? Is CNN now trustworthy?

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