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File: 6f150dfe426961a⋯.jpeg (427.69 KB, 1200x899, 1200:899, BED3FC79_7A66_4D18_9573_D….jpeg)

462c45  No.276423

When the dust settles they will build statues in Andrew Anglin’s honor.

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b9dda0  No.276424


Who? For what exactly? I don't follow the e-celebs.

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b9dda0  No.276425


When the dust settles, you'll have to burn a whole lot of dead bodies to keep disease from plaguing you and the rest of whoever is left. You'll need to find people locally who are still alive, and hope you can recover some civility from the mad max world. There won't be an economy to build much of anything either. What there will be is a salvaging, scavenging and bartering economy on the local level. People will also have to go back to growing their own foods and hunting and fishing. Anything that they don't have they'll have to come up with DIY solutions for substitution. Those that don't have any skills will most likely perish. Same goes for those who had never experienced real hardships and have been pampered all their lives. When the dust settles, 90% of us won't be around to tell the full story of what happened. There won't be a functioning infrastructure left to go back to 'Google' something on the internet either.

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640c78  No.276448

File: d0e4ee5900d3109⋯.jpg (59.38 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, meme.jpg)

Anglin very cool and smart. Gud boi

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462c45  No.276559


Shongolet Beataloid pwbbbbt pwbbbbt pwbbbbt

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640c78  No.276818

I'm working on one right now

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ae5906  No.276820

8kun sucks

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