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File: bfef52a13b86e11⋯.png (216.28 KB, 995x1163, 995:1163, pca.png)

File: 9ba13854f2b0fe2⋯.png (961.42 KB, 1151x810, 1151:810, AncientNorthEurasian2.png)

ecec3a  No.273234

Lets have a thread on ANEs aka Ancient North Eurasians, aka Siberian mammoth hunters, and WHGs aka Western Hunter Gatherers, Aka Cro-magnons. It seems like the defining features of the White or Nordic race ultimately derive from these ancient people and few people are truely talking about it in a way that isn't politically incorrect.

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ecec3a  No.273235

File: 49afa210d9f22fa⋯.png (33.52 KB, 480x2951, 480:2951, edarGene.png)

File: 56036fea6a231af⋯.jpg (909.88 KB, 1325x2313, 1325:2313, 1635140306233.jpg)

File: 78032acb71f75ee⋯.jpg (45.58 KB, 600x830, 60:83, Native1.jpg)


Proto-Indo-Europeans (Aryans) and Native Americans both have about 50% ANE related DNA. Modern Europeans, especially North Europeans, also have high amounts of this DNA.

False claims have been made that Yamnaya and other early Indo-Europeans were HAPAs, like Huns, due to the fact ANE is high in some Siberian populations and Native Americans. But this is false.

ANE, aside from Mal'ta Buret, shows no correlation with the Mongoloid linked EDAR gene or other East Asian DNA, which can be isolated. No Northern Europeans sans Finns Russians Turks and Hungarians (who have recent asiatic admixture) possess these genes at any percentile above 0.5%. Yamnaya did not either, but Native Americans do, because the other half of their ancestry is mongoloid, and the same goes for Siberians.

ANE DNA does not make a person mongoloid, its the other way around. ANE DNA makes mongoloids look Nordic. Picrel, Pueblo indians.

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ecec3a  No.273236

File: c91345ffc4251d8⋯.jpg (23.06 KB, 464x342, 232:171, 46b8.jpg)

File: ab20e2256c435d4⋯.jpg (48.37 KB, 810x518, 405:259, jon7.jpg)

File: d45e11e50577f77⋯.jpg (27.72 KB, 454x405, 454:405, noyh8.jpg)

File: 1c06cbfb91a6710⋯.jpg (64.34 KB, 467x561, 467:561, N2TnrU.jpg)

File: 365424eed4b0e4a⋯.jpg (24.67 KB, 532x451, 532:451, d4wb.jpg)


A lot of controversy has surrounded the discovery of "Nordic" or "Caucasoid" looking skulls in the Americas. Many have argued this originates from a population of paleolithic hunter gatherers, called Solutreans, crossing the Ice Sheets to the Americas. Whilst there is merit to that theory, I think a more plausible explanation is simply that earlier native Americans had *more Ancient North Eurasian DNA*

Pic related, ancient Native American skulls, clearly Caucasoid/Europoid in profile

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ecec3a  No.273237

File: 732c579d31512c8⋯.jpg (232.92 KB, 1023x513, 341:171, 6995575936_402b3a15d1_b.jpg)

File: 2c2042c686ffc58⋯.jpg (117.02 KB, 1300x956, 325:239, si_te_cah_the_giants_of_am….jpg)


ANEs also are the ultimate origin of the genes for Blondism in European peoples, though the genes did not become hyper common until the Corded ware Aryans. The earliest allele linked to blondism is from an Ice age girl from Afontova Gora in Southeast Siberia. They ALSO had Western Hunter Gatherer genes floating around, and WHGs are the source of blue eyes in human populations (also rare). Red hair and freckles via mutations of the MC1R gene may also have an ancient North Eurasian source, as it is most frequent in deep forest Russia and Northern Europe, and was found in Afanasievo Indo-European skeletons.

This could explain the Native American myths of "white giants" like the Si-Te-Cah, and why the Aztecs mistook the Spaniards to be the return of their god Quetzalcoatl, who was depicted as a bearded blond white man. They saw in the Conquistadors similarities to the Proto-Europoid Ancient North Eurasian ancestors.

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ecec3a  No.273238

File: fbe056c26fb4140⋯.png (2.25 MB, 1366x1580, 683:790, l7p1ewsg3e141AGGGA.png)

File: 1f30918867981e1⋯.png (872.91 KB, 1280x750, 128:75, tumblr_6bae29190bdbc97f553….png)


From a recent blogpost by Survive the Jive:


>the early mummies from Tarim itself, at least the 13 in this study which date from 2100–1700 BC, do NOT appear to be Tocharians or even, as I speculated in my video las year, Iranic speaking Aryans, rather an isolated refugia of ice-age like people predominantly descended from Ancient North Eurasians and West Siberian Hunter-Gatherers (WSHG themselves were 72.5% ANE, 7.5% West European Hunter-Gatherer, and 20% Ancient East Asian).

>Interesting that the mummies appear to be European in phenotype despite not descending from Indo-European bronze age steppe peoples who are autosomally like modern Europeans. As the paper says:

>“The Tarim mummies’ so-called Western physical features are probably due to their connection to the Pleistocene ANE gene pool,”

>So they look physically European because they have ANE DNA. This also answers the question of why some Ainu people from Japan, and some ancient native American skeletons like Kennewick man, look like Europeans;

>They all have ANE DNA and ANE were obviously Europoid.

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ecec3a  No.273239

File: dafc4709fa5a5b9⋯.jpg (48.5 KB, 700x525, 4:3, 9c46a7fb22be5d0cb95ce9430e….jpg)

File: 0d28e18d70b8628⋯.jpg (3.53 KB, 179x281, 179:281, GimbutasCivilizationOfTheG….jpg)

File: 6a3d71ab438aa35⋯.jpg (608.2 KB, 997x1184, 997:1184, 1635396529357.jpg)

File: 1e524ef46a9c423⋯.jpg (11.91 KB, 193x257, 193:257, troe321a.jpg)

File: dfad3a665d262aa⋯.jpg (66.79 KB, 535x700, 107:140, ArikaraWhite_ShieldEdwardS….jpg)

Oh and in case you haven't realised it yet, yes, ANE DNA seems to be associated with HUGE physical features. HUGE height, HUGE bodies, HUGE skulls, jaws and brains. WHGs too, were early on extremely tall and robust, but became smaller later on.

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4aac1a  No.273240


>literally every civilization in the history of mankind was white!

How are you any better than a "we wuz" nigger?

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ecec3a  No.273241

File: cdbdb0bdfbdf748⋯.jpg (68.14 KB, 634x594, 317:297, 1635398124532.jpg)


Firstly, I never claimed that. Secondly, I'm better than a "We Wuzzer" because the racial heritage I'm talking about is backed up by anthropological and genetic science, as well as folklore and history.

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ecec3a  No.273243

File: 2586892f77e76af⋯.png (2.85 MB, 1632x918, 16:9, ainu_men_caucasoid2.png)


Ainu men, showing clear Europoid phenotype traits. This is probably ANE admixture

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ecec3a  No.273246

File: 45a95b37a8c368f⋯.jpg (349.63 KB, 1341x1600, 1341:1600, dfde4170651232708f9a27ae62….jpg)


Photos of Early Inuits, showing caucasoid facial hair and other trace phenotypical features. Inuit males in particular can have europoid traits, without any recent white admixture. Inuits are East Asian but also possess a significant degree of ANE

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ecec3a  No.273250

File: 9a7b96cbb8db886⋯.png (641.38 KB, 480x730, 48:73, Motala.png)


WHGs also, seem to be the source of a lot of DNA linked to Nordic Europeans specfically. Blue eyes is directly linked to them genetically, but the claim they all were tanned skinned is not necessarily accurate, as Scandinavian Hunter Gatherers in Motala were blond blue eyed AND light skinned 1000s of years before Indo-Europeans ever even showed up. It is possible WHG is responsible for some of the more "blocky" phenotypes, as well as extreme tallness. Its a little harder to parse what exactly their DNA made distinct, but it definitely affects North Europeans more than anyone else.

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4aac1a  No.273260




lol "science" … you mean "muh feely feels". You're a fucking we wuzzer, making you no better than a nigger. If you had any pride in being White, then you wouldn't feel the need to claim everyone from Innuits to Egyptians to Sumerians were "akchually caucasoid".

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