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My name is Nate Higgers

File: 8d9b375bef625a8⋯.jpg (176.1 KB, 949x398, 949:398, Official_Prepper_Profile_Q….jpg)

71a3bb  No.273006[Last 50 Posts]

You start with 10 points. For every point lost you get weaker. What is your score pnd?

1) If you have a psychiatrist, deduct 1 point.

2) If you rely on medication, drugs and/or alcohol to feel better, have a good time or "keep sane", deduct 1 point.

3) If you play video games or watch anime, deduct 1 point.

4) If you have never had sex and are over 18 years of age, deduct 1 point.

5) If you have never worked on a DIY project, deduct 1 point.

6) If you have never shot a gun, deduct 1 point.

7) If you have to bring a gun to a fist fight, deduct 1 point.

8) If you live with your parents or rely on government gibs, deduct 1 point.

9) If you believe your government knows what is best for us, deduct 1 point.

10) If you are not a prepper by now, deduct 1 point.

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71a3bb  No.273007


I scored 8 out of 10. 2 & 7 I had to deduct.

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e06df0  No.273021


lol, Killcen!

I also had to deduct #7 because I am an old fucking man, and I see no reason to get my head bashed in by some young hothead (probably hopped up on SSRIs, or drugs & alcohol) when I could merely remind him what an equalizer is for! Handguns are not just for females, or pussies, ya know!

I have, on many occasions, NOT pulled my weapon during a fist fight, and even once pulled a knife on a Mexican who had pulled a knife on me, when I was actually also armed with a concealed handgun, and his buddies knew that, (and they showed me mad respect after that.)

[Yeah, I had the kind of job where shit like that happened all the time… Would NOT Recommend.]


Nice list though OP. Nice point you're making there.

I doubt it will make it through the SSRI haze, or the video-game anime sissy thinking hereabouts though.

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4f8f52  No.273022

File: 04da2d5d02bb9b3⋯.png (2.29 MB, 824x5368, 103:671, _Putin_Jewish_plant.png)

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4f8f52  No.273023

File: 157f58ee6c3eeeb⋯.webm (14.79 MB, 406x720, 203:360, 8chan_compromised_honeypo….webm)

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4f8f52  No.273024

File: 5a86392c67c115b⋯.mp4 (11.58 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 8chan_compromised_mossad.mp4)

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4f8f52  No.273025

File: bbbd436da9cbf21⋯.jpg (250.37 KB, 1919x932, 1919:932, 8chan_compromised_qanon.JPG)

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4f8f52  No.273026

File: 04234d81b17204b⋯.webm (7.71 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 8chan_redpill.webm)

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4f8f52  No.273027

File: 6560984dd33c623⋯.png (299.17 KB, 742x926, 371:463, 8kun_controlled_opposition.png)

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4f8f52  No.273028

File: f07e927c7ae12ee⋯.jpg (153.09 KB, 1869x500, 1869:500, 8kun_DOD.JPG)

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4f8f52  No.273029

File: 346c77ea09a2f27⋯.png (50.01 KB, 1340x335, 4:1, 8kun_traffic_dead.PNG)

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4f8f52  No.273030

File: f1eb21132e905ae⋯.png (285.43 KB, 575x602, 575:602, all_jews_are_bad.png)

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4f8f52  No.273031

File: 2d8513f6e9e5216⋯.jpg (115.94 KB, 796x587, 796:587, All_Jews.JPG)

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4f8f52  No.273032

File: 5c4a40ac3e090a2⋯.png (620.74 KB, 662x927, 662:927, all_jews.png)

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4f8f52  No.273033

File: 8845d8f34f1afd8⋯.jpg (47.64 KB, 1131x327, 377:109, america_hates_jews.JPG)

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4f8f52  No.273034

File: 5be850a182dddc4⋯.png (229.8 KB, 1328x586, 664:293, fake_jews_hate_jesus_1.PNG)

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4f8f52  No.273035

File: f68823b8c051140⋯.jpg (71.53 KB, 1026x394, 513:197, jew_khazars_1.jpg)

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4f8f52  No.273036

File: 953ffe94da582c3⋯.jpg (92.12 KB, 1023x378, 341:126, jew_khazars_2.jpg)

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4f8f52  No.273037

File: b1622af452f694d⋯.jpg (66.73 KB, 1021x438, 1021:438, jew_khazars_3.jpg)

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4f8f52  No.273038

File: 7788066d209515c⋯.jpg (23.25 KB, 998x134, 499:67, jew_khazars_4.jpg)

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4f8f52  No.273039

File: 371cdf0778cb412⋯.jpg (52.7 KB, 969x225, 323:75, jew_khazars_5.jpg)

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4f8f52  No.273040

File: 3e2fdc82493ed50⋯.jpg (103.28 KB, 1024x376, 128:47, jew_khazars_6.jpg)

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4f8f52  No.273041

File: f5b1504f06447f2⋯.jpg (79.5 KB, 1028x356, 257:89, jew_khazars_7.jpg)

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4f8f52  No.273042

File: ab5bdcb8db2fc1a⋯.jpg (173.38 KB, 1020x569, 1020:569, jew_khazars_8.jpg)

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4f8f52  No.273043

File: 707f4276afd707e⋯.jpg (66.78 KB, 1021x373, 1021:373, jew_khazars_9.jpg)

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4f8f52  No.273044

File: 0b93181f6b28219⋯.jpg (40.72 KB, 1036x248, 259:62, jew_khazars_10.jpg)

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4f8f52  No.273045

File: 9b7c7c153f950e3⋯.jpg (174.84 KB, 1038x643, 1038:643, jew_khazars_11.jpg)

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4f8f52  No.273046

File: 6437a5de39eadba⋯.jpg (58.6 KB, 1018x372, 509:186, jew_khazars_12.jpg)

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4f8f52  No.273047

File: e0f8f1020cac823⋯.jpg (103.32 KB, 1021x366, 1021:366, jew_khazars_13.jpg)

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e06df0  No.273048

File: 2d30d3093363c32⋯.jpg (164.48 KB, 636x337, 636:337, Take_Your_Meds_Fake_Jew_Sa….jpg)

File: ca7d5f6caf56720⋯.jpg (69.71 KB, 720x720, 1:1, Nowhere_to_Hyde_for_Sally.jpg)


























Poor Sally got InstaTRIGGERED at the very thought of SSRIs!

Also probably TRIGGERED by getting a score of ZERO on the Quiz.


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4f8f52  No.273049

File: 1e56a29131a9d20⋯.jpg (50.81 KB, 1018x191, 1018:191, jew_khazars_14.jpg)

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4f8f52  No.273050

File: 6fd38987c580df4⋯.jpg (96.72 KB, 1033x344, 1033:344, jew_khazars_15.jpg)

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4f8f52  No.273051

File: 14f6689c9040db2⋯.jpg (67.82 KB, 1023x376, 1023:376, jew_khazars_16.jpg)

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e06df0  No.273052






> Poor TRIGGERED Sally!

He just can't stop!

Must be all those SSRIs.

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4f8f52  No.273053

File: 09e8b92409f658b⋯.jpg (129.09 KB, 1013x441, 1013:441, jew_khazars_17.jpg)

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4f8f52  No.273054

File: da30da9d9f6993b⋯.jpg (66.39 KB, 986x244, 493:122, jew_khazars_18.jpg)

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4f8f52  No.273055

File: 5fd5b32739ec7e1⋯.jpg (192.77 KB, 1028x649, 1028:649, jew_khazars_19.jpg)

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4f8f52  No.273056

File: 27b96f1842c25bb⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, jewish_body.png)

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4f8f52  No.273057

File: 50db197b3fffd97⋯.png (491.06 KB, 882x857, 882:857, jewish_female_perverts_1.PNG)

File: 6b239a17c09d6ad⋯.png (80.34 KB, 806x559, 62:43, jewish_female_perverts_2.PNG)

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e06df0  No.273058






> He just can't stop!


Drugs. Mental Illness.

> "fake Jew"

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4f8f52  No.273059

File: 6da7b9dbd26dedf⋯.jpg (629.22 KB, 2377x1649, 2377:1649, jewish_idiot_phenotype.jpg)

File: 8ecf5553cc92221⋯.png (621.71 KB, 761x926, 761:926, jewish_intellectual_phenot….png)

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4f8f52  No.273060

File: dd6208acb0d554e⋯.png (3.92 MB, 2206x3388, 1103:1694, jewish_projection_2.png)

File: 27d172e7a066aa6⋯.png (2.04 MB, 1541x1257, 1541:1257, jewish_projection_3.png)

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e06df0  No.273061






[Except (((You))).]


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4f8f52  No.273062

File: 0659274f87ab621⋯.png (470.65 KB, 2104x1384, 263:173, jewish_projection_4.png)

File: 4b8360503d7caff⋯.jpg (96.24 KB, 883x568, 883:568, jewish_projection.jpg)

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4f8f52  No.273063

File: c3b1d3bb4307798⋯.jpg (257.03 KB, 2000x1130, 200:113, jewish_women_1.jpg)

File: 3e5cc052598de3f⋯.jpg (64.4 KB, 640x428, 160:107, jewish_women_3.jpg)

File: c20e2935ff6faab⋯.jpg (115.01 KB, 790x527, 790:527, jewish_women_4.jpg)

File: 968879124232025⋯.jpg (463.91 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, jewish_women_5.jpg)

File: b2c07c8a15854a4⋯.gif (259.2 KB, 990x550, 9:5, jewish_women_7.gif)

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4f8f52  No.273064

File: 72b662e8e1c6fc4⋯.jpg (28.03 KB, 360x488, 45:61, jewish_women_9.jpg)

File: 7a366bc6275c739⋯.jpg (18.63 KB, 170x255, 2:3, jewish_women_10.jpg)

File: d01297ae96a499b⋯.jpg (9.25 KB, 259x194, 259:194, jewish_women_12.jpg)

File: 461b21d69fea568⋯.jpg (25.35 KB, 350x524, 175:262, jewish_women_13.jpg)

File: e70348d00d9a21f⋯.jpg (6.77 KB, 282x179, 282:179, jewish_women_14.jpg)

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4f8f52  No.273065

File: a3032d5b0cfb0a3⋯.jpg (500.43 KB, 1080x640, 27:16, jewish_women_15.jpg)

File: 6de47cbaeff8b6a⋯.jpg (13.49 KB, 400x355, 80:71, jewish_women_17.jpg)

File: 170dfa4680ae762⋯.jpg (96.59 KB, 655x900, 131:180, jewish_women_18.jpg)

File: 71b9f1e77d808dc⋯.jpg (29.54 KB, 500x261, 500:261, jewish_women_19.jpg)

File: 16fa9f9b1473280⋯.jpg (79.24 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, jewish_women_20.jpg)

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4f8f52  No.273066

File: c77cc937a933734⋯.png (66.73 KB, 934x691, 934:691, Jews_Are_Mentally_Inferior….PNG)

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4f8f52  No.273067

File: 3d6022f1e6149fd⋯.png (39.92 KB, 951x522, 317:174, Jews_Are_Mentally_Inferior….PNG)

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24a055  No.273068

Oh holy shit LOL.

Someone scored a 0!

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4f8f52  No.273069

File: 4a24aa28150d452⋯.png (32.38 KB, 893x513, 47:27, Jews_Are_Physically_Inferi….PNG)

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e06df0  No.273070







too easy.

Keep Dancing, (((Puppet)))!

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24a055  No.273071

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4f8f52  No.273072

File: 25b82b1018706ac⋯.png (54.83 KB, 988x577, 988:577, Jews_Are_Physically_Inferi….PNG)

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4f8f52  No.273073

File: 46611c033150aef⋯.jpg (42.29 KB, 850x400, 17:8, Jews_Are_Spiritually_Infer….jpg)

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4f8f52  No.273074

File: ca2347950004c4d⋯.jpg (156.32 KB, 391x547, 391:547, Jews_Are_Spiritually_Infer….jpg)

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33ba1c  No.273075

File: 9bb605c2a02d7a4⋯.png (524.77 KB, 700x820, 35:41, 1635343800872.png)

I play video games to waste time

I shot a gun once and that's it many many years ago and yes I would bring a gun to a fist fight because I don't belive in fighting. I belive in kill or be killed I live with my parents because I don't rely on the government to help me. I don't pay taxes. I live with family. I help family. And I don't plan on breeding in america. This place is FUCKED! government owns everything everything america. Prepping is usless because it will just lead to a kill or be killed situation and I'm already at that stage without the need for materialism.

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4f8f52  No.273076

File: 7f81f9dd6879bb7⋯.jpg (121.52 KB, 821x646, 821:646, Jews_Hate_Christianity_2.jpg)

File: 564428935db74a0⋯.jpg (53.47 KB, 589x569, 589:569, Jews_Hate_Christianity_3.jpg)

File: e28c3f3e65eccf0⋯.png (180.47 KB, 770x770, 1:1, Jews_hate_Christianity_4.png)

File: 1d91db4721dddff⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1378x900, 689:450, Jews_hate_christianity_5.PNG)

File: 409ceaf53cfb345⋯.jpg (99.18 KB, 1080x765, 24:17, jews_hate_christianity_6.jpg)

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4f8f52  No.273077

File: 77d435a8e2ac1c6⋯.jpg (480.84 KB, 830x2085, 166:417, Jews_Hate_Christianity.jpg)

File: 17ecc08a730e2e0⋯.jpg (48.35 KB, 580x464, 5:4, jews_hate_christians.jpg)

File: 6b14b431bb20aaf⋯.png (149.54 KB, 881x703, 881:703, jews_hate_jesus.png)

File: 7a902efa340c253⋯.png (387.6 KB, 788x861, 788:861, jews_hate_porn.PNG)

File: 46281f206dc31ad⋯.png (199.35 KB, 1280x282, 640:141, Jews_Hate_the_Church.PNG)

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4f8f52  No.273078

File: 1a0cace7210ef05⋯.png (60.39 KB, 664x696, 83:87, jews_khazars_2.PNG)

File: cc88c03e1b85b4c⋯.png (32.23 KB, 671x318, 671:318, jews_khazars.PNG)

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4f8f52  No.273079

File: f3b6820158582d4⋯.png (82.28 KB, 828x318, 138:53, khazar_bibi.png)

File: b3c8fb9a89a77d1⋯.jpg (125.58 KB, 1054x535, 1054:535, khazar_sephardi_2.JPG)

File: 6c75257f2f79594⋯.jpg (210.81 KB, 1472x922, 736:461, khazar_sephardi.JPG)

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4f8f52  No.273080

File: 9a77749fdb6a9f9⋯.jpg (172.93 KB, 1487x553, 1487:553, khazar.JPG)

File: d427b380b37bb9c⋯.jpg (124.57 KB, 1194x838, 597:419, khazars_1.JPG)

File: 58239f24fd9ec22⋯.jpg (214.99 KB, 1919x887, 1919:887, khazars_2.JPG)

File: 2a97d85c55b5088⋯.jpg (47.07 KB, 850x400, 17:8, khazars_3.jpg)

File: 71529275bbc45c2⋯.jpg (131.23 KB, 1251x396, 139:44, khazars_5.JPG)

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4f8f52  No.273081

File: 01f71037252c31d⋯.png (401.61 KB, 3254x456, 1627:228, khazars_6.png)

File: 8926e5a61379ef9⋯.jpg (114.03 KB, 1126x742, 563:371, khazars_turks.JPG)

File: 21bd5e8d46ea89b⋯.jpg (44.69 KB, 639x326, 639:326, khazars_ukraine_2.JPG)

File: 6fdad26faf41713⋯.jpg (149.38 KB, 999x618, 333:206, khazars_ukraine.JPG)

File: 99e9d02ee28b7f9⋯.gif (3.45 MB, 2120x3784, 265:473, khazars.gif)

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24a055  No.273083


>I live with my parents because I don't rely on the government to help me.

Well I never thought of that scenario, but at least your not sponging and that is good to hear. A lot of folks do live with their parents, so it's not the worst thing in the world, don't feel bad about it, life is hard especially these days.

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4f8f52  No.273084

File: 7355f7333825ebf⋯.png (600.15 KB, 651x829, 651:829, khazars.PNG)

File: c5b55176987f472⋯.jpg (369.03 KB, 3000x838, 1500:419, khazars_shut_it_down.jpg)

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4f8f52  No.273085

File: 29438b5c35f8f5d⋯.png (68.9 KB, 672x382, 336:191, NO_GOOD_JEWS_2.PNG)

File: 797b47a6f2696a5⋯.png (257.71 KB, 1532x1008, 383:252, NO_GOOD_JEWS.PNG)

File: 31b69e84a491c21⋯.jpg (1.04 MB, 1000x3000, 1:3, not_all_jews_goy_.jpg)

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e06df0  No.273086

File: 0f57ccc2097e244⋯.gif (363.58 KB, 90x90, 1:1, 0f57ccc2097e244a5c9ce4ff0c….gif)


Sally is the (((Controlled Opposition))).

EVERYONE Knows It (with the possible exception of himself!)



I hope Sally is very happy in here with his SSRIs and 8Coon.

He seems to be…












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4f8f52  No.273087

File: a6fa0bd8041a703⋯.png (19.55 KB, 767x232, 767:232, taylor_swift_why_jews_hate….PNG)

File: 16c33b7ad5ea568⋯.png (1.31 MB, 2000x1000, 2:1, why_christians_hate_jews.png)

File: 4f8040a784f81f3⋯.png (133.17 KB, 1855x521, 1855:521, Why_Jews_Hate_Christ_Book_….PNG)

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4f8f52  No.273088

File: ea5adec75ccc28d⋯.png (655.55 KB, 1198x923, 1198:923, Why_Jews_Hate_Christianity….png)

File: 8529606032720c5⋯.jpg (40.06 KB, 857x457, 857:457, Why_Jews_Hate_Christianity….jpg)

File: f6bc303bb66380b⋯.png (146.58 KB, 1855x339, 1855:339, Why_Jews_Hate_Christianity….PNG)

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4f8f52  No.273089

File: b3b38618e141a50⋯.jpg (117.23 KB, 1000x800, 5:4, why_jews_hate_christianity….jpg)

File: 8207c87d0c898ae⋯.jpg (77.82 KB, 850x400, 17:8, why_jews_hate_christianity….jpg)

File: 9ea785c75de265c⋯.png (76.25 KB, 1731x940, 1731:940, Why_Jews_Hate_Christianity….png)

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4f8f52  No.273090

File: 0c7f9012bd3a9c0⋯.png (37.67 KB, 1328x156, 332:39, why_jews_hate_christianity….PNG)

File: 21b0690c1001c39⋯.png (65.47 KB, 1092x422, 546:211, why_jews_hate_christianity….PNG)

File: a3df63744632202⋯.jpg (1.86 MB, 2580x2588, 645:647, Why_Jews_Hate_Christianity.jpg)

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4f8f52  No.273091

File: 205296c505e05a0⋯.png (171.85 KB, 1080x468, 30:13, Why_Jews_Hate_Christianity.PNG)

File: 9cbd31ffa3b0b59⋯.jpg (446.42 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, Why_Jews_Hate_Us.jpg)

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4f8f52  No.273092

File: bb68939ef1f196a⋯.gif (73.89 KB, 540x540, 1:1, pissing_in_your_pool.gif)

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e06df0  No.273094


Which is how we KNOW you're on SSRIs

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24a055  No.273096


I wouldn't be surprised, he gets triggered like a leftist too.

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33ba1c  No.273114

File: 0213c44c464baab⋯.jpg (60.81 KB, 960x635, 192:127, 8lj35hjosew61.jpg)



Well I haven't been living with them my whole life. I spend my early and mid twenties in another state trying to pretend like this life, this world, these people like any of it fucking mattered. I only just recently moved back home but I see no reason to pay taxes or rent to people I don't like or know. At least with family it all goes full circle. Really only people who want to start a family or move up with their lives should be out living it up. Im just an apathetic nihilist so none of this matters to me.

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