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File: 41235b88a42083a⋯.jpg (142 KB, 1031x1280, 1031:1280, IMG_20210914_195143_769.jpg)

a71a29  No.272763

Mossad likes to poison their own tribe too.

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223f55  No.272774


They're killing off 90+% of the global population, the only question we now are wondering is …. why so?

Did they fear losing control of the populations in an ever-increasing industrialized world? Do governments know they will lose power if the populations are not culled and largely killed off? Are they afraid that the global populations will strain resources for ((('elite'))) parasitic monopoly on wealth?

At least this is what I have come to the conclusion of, which also makes perfect sense that they demonize preppers such as myself too.

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4a2c92  No.272775


>why so

They think they're doing the right thing by doing the wrong things.

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c8d026  No.272777


>mentions Pfizer in the subject

>article is about BriLife, not Pfizer

Do you niggers even read what you post or do your Russian handlers not teach you English beyond "ctrl-c/ctrl-v"?

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223f55  No.272778

File: d19b4c6b0a898eb⋯.png (167.76 KB, 500x522, 250:261, corrupt_billionaires_corru….png)

File: 2e0baecbd1c68ac⋯.jpg (31.41 KB, 336x329, 48:47, Real_Revolution.jpg)

File: a0acd4fcca12558⋯.jpg (35.88 KB, 631x960, 631:960, ivermectin_covid_vaccine_i….jpg)


Yes, pretty much the nature of corrupted governments unfortunately. It's almost as if the vast majority are stuck on stupid and won't learn from history.

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223f55  No.272780


LOL. Not even the Russians could hurt America this badly:

American truckers don’t like taking orders. But the Biden regime has increased pressure on them to take the vaccine — willing or unwilling.

All through the pandemic, truckers endured hardships to keep America’s infrastructure running. They waited in line for hours in sight of bathrooms they weren’t allowed to use. On the road, some died alone of COVID-19.

Now, with supply chains disrupted, Americans need them more than ever.

But faced with the prospect of a forced vaccination, many drivers are considering quitting.

“I’d fight it,” said veteran trucker Mike Widdins, referring to vaccine mandates. “I think a lot of us will be quitting. Who likes to be forced to do stuff you don’t want to do?”

Widdins isn’t alone in his willingness to leave trucking if forced to vaccinate. Polls by trucking publications Commercial Carrier Journal and OverDrive indicate that up to 30 percent of truckers will seriously consider quitting if forced to vaccinate. If they quit, the consequences for America may be massive. US Transport estimates that 70 percent of American freight goes by truck.

“It would hurt shipping big-time,” Widdins said.


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c8d026  No.272808


>doesn't answer the question

Nice rant, but if truckers don't want to work, there's a whole bunch of National Guardsmen, who are fully vaccinated, willing to get behind the wheel and take over for the lazy union slugs.

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529017  No.272818

File: b9f97c763d79e92⋯.png (344.53 KB, 516x600, 43:50, 4a0731e66bede270d02298fdc2….png)


So your "solution" is to burden the US military we need for national defense with operations they are not skilled or trained for, during a supply chain collapse, while firing innocent healthy Americans (and troops!) who refuse medical intervention from literally a flu-like virus that has a, at worst, a 2% mortality rate?

I suspect you likely work for the government with that level of "intellect."

Very glad I never listened to corporate/government propaganda, got prepped and now homestead out in the country. I'll never regret making my decisions so wisely.

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c8d026  No.272826


Not the Military, the National Guard. The fact that you don't know the difference means you're a literal child. Memes and buzzwords are meaningless to the educated. 4chan may be more your speed.

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529017  No.272830


If the government were not so corrupt, incompetent and stupid the National Guard would be defending our (currently wide open) borders instead of being used to haul semi-trucks (which takes training and skill to do). You idiots are plundering our economy and Americans now know it, it's gone mainstream already. You best pray the economy does not collapse because if it does you idiots will have 150+ million angry armed Americans to deal with, nationwide.

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f1a019  No.272839


>Widdins isn’t alone in his willingness to leave trucking if forced to vaccinate

Not National Guard, but Illegals will take his job.

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f1a019  No.272840


Same fucking difference. Get over yourself, dork.

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c8d026  No.272844


>the National Guard would be defending our (currently wide open) borders

1] Our borders are not wide open.

2] That's not what the NG is for, but thanks for playing.

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c8d026  No.272845

File: 19e805dda86e19a⋯.jpg (52 KB, 750x547, 750:547, 19e.jpg)


>herpa derpa urrrr urrrr durrrr apples be oranges broooooooo

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