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File: a506ab94c02a0e3⋯.png (256.76 KB, 1080x2300, 54:115, Screenshot_20211023_131659.png)

8ab51b  No.271537

I am proud to announce that five of the cats my wife and I recently rescued were part of today's big adoption event at the governor's mansion in Buckhead Atlanta..

You'd really have to understand Atlanta and Buckhead in particular to grasp exactly HOW FUCKING NICE this particular part of town is.

It's the highest Real estate value in the entire state of Georgia, and the pet adoption event was a really big deal, with the governor's wife throwing the event right there on the property of the governor's mansion… It was a bit of a snooty hootie event you could say, a charity event with some of Atlanta's richest people participating…

Let me put it this way…. We go out of our way to find innocent animals in need of a little bit of help, and we are part of a larger network of animal rescue individuals and groups, and all five of these particular recently rescued cats got transported to the multimillion dollar mansion to be part of the year's biggest animal adoption event…

All five of them were adopted today…

Another job well done….


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8ab51b  No.271538

I got a call a few minutes ago from the woman who transported the cats, and she told Wendy and I that ALL FIVE CATS WERE ADOPTED TO REALLY REALLY GOOD HOMES….

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8ab51b  No.271540

And no it wasn't the five cats who live with us as our children

This was five kittens we recently rescued one by one and had them vaccinated and spayed and neutered

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0e381d  No.271552

File: fa78bfda46187c0⋯.png (223.16 KB, 500x334, 250:167, IT_DO.png)


Yeah, but were any fancy cars stolen or any massive drug busts made?

Inquiring Minds Want to KNOW!

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0e381d  No.271571

File: 6a7ef6091547068⋯.gif (2.27 MB, 1488x2651, 1488:2651, purple_panzy_is_a_poser_Ki….gif)


I hear Killcen is looking for another good cat to protect his hoard.

He obviously wants a good mouser, so keep an eye out…

Some Imposter has been in here lately, pretending to be some kind of "Leader".

Calls himself "Mein Resident" , "Second Coming of Hitler" , "Purple Jizzguzzler" , and a host of "Other" names…

> GIF Related

He probably needs some rescuing too, but some rescues are justNOT"WORTH IT"; as you well know.

"Killcen", however, is Worth "Rescuing"!

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0e381d  No.271584

File: ec8d8191af8ec29⋯.gif (2.21 MB, 1488x2651, 1488:2651, Purple_Panzy_IS_a_Poser_Ki….gif)


I just realized the Background Image in that GIF Needed Rescuing, so did that.

Tell Wendy I'm sorry, but "Purple" is PProbably BEYOND "Rescuing".

Also just wanted to say that I spent 2 1/2 hours this morning with Eeyore laying in my beard while he purred and pawed at it.

Please Rescue Killcen's Cat, Catpocalypse too. He's stuck on some boxes again, and we need Killcen back here with a quickness!

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0e381d  No.271585

File: b0e96f5163e3259⋯.gif (2.26 MB, 1488x2651, 1488:2651, Purple_Panzy_IS_a_Poser_Ki….gif)


The "Rescue" of that Background Image did not go well, so another rescue was made.

This "Rescue" was successful, although there were some "bumps" along the way.

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0413e4  No.271620


LoL you just made me laugh so hard

you made my day

haha cars drugs

good work, sir

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0413e4  No.271621



It's her birthday today, and we're sitting in the park

weather is P E R F E C T I O N

gorgeous….. simply gorgeous …

drank a little moscato

and burned a small doobie…..

it's nice as fuck out here, and we're both in a super good mood

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0413e4  No.271623


but yeah, not gloating but it feels good to know

the event was a "big deal"

we had no idea there was gonna be an "event"

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0e381d  No.271664

File: 753478d2abc93df⋯.jpg (185.34 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, 2021_10_23_Happy_Birthday_….jpg)


Happy Birthday, "Wenny" !


> "event"

Glad it went off well. I didn't know there was an "event" either.

Was it as good for you as it was for me?

I hope all the bumps along the way were somewhat enjoyable…

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