I don't know about myopericarditis projection or "mind control"…. but most of what he mentioned is very true, especially when it comes to (C) fraud and corruption by inflating covid death rates. Absolutely exposed and undeniable (and you're a glow nigger to lie about it). Just like you're a glow nigger to ignore where the coronavirus really came from and who helped fund the gain of function research!
I don't think it's for mind control, what the clot shot is intended to do is depopulate much of the Western World so global communism can be established. The "Fake Jews" (as Sally calls them) sold America out to China (economically and militarily), and they know if they desire to keep controlling and exploiting China they'll need the resources of America (farmland, oil, coal, steel, fresh water, etc). OK, the trouble with that is the Americans are armed to the teeth, well spread out and have resources and skills to fight an invasion, and win it easily much like a Taliban force in Afghanistan, right? So…. how do they deal with that? Ahhhhhhh….. communist infiltration of the US. Subvert and corrupt the government and all institutions for a few decades…. then commit collusion & treason within by funding their viral gain of function lab research…. release something into the wild, you got compromised government in the West to do the rest: lockdown the economy, impose economic-destabilizing policies, force vaccines which will weaken and kill off natural immune systems, then pit the vaccinated and unvaccinated against one another and by mandates cause mass labor shortages causing supply chain disruptions, essential service disruptions (military, law enforcement, health workers, truckers, pilots, construction workers, et al), mass lay-offs which lead to third world tier poverty and even more death, let the cycle run it's course and nations like America are in ruin…. with die-offs increasing…. and before you know it, China's invasion from Canada (Canada being compromised too) and the open US-Mexican border can take place with little to no resistance, China can sweep up (kill) the remaining armed civilians and start looting all the resources for the next global communist Empire.
Outside total US military defection from a treasonous compromised government and a MAD event (nuclear world war)…. good luck.