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File: f63ebba5d6cf132⋯.png (156.61 KB, 423x408, 141:136, Based_Unvaxxed_Taliban.png)

de2fae  No.269433

Hello. I am trying to convince people about (((vaccines))) and sheeeet. Can someone please provide me the following proofs (in links preferably):

A- Studies showing a positive correlation between comorbidities and covid deaths and or infections

B- Proving carbon dioxide inhalation from masks out weights the benefits of wearing it (0.3% decreases chances of infection) based on studies showing positive correlation between comorbities and covid deaths and or infections.

C- Covid infection and death rates are inflated.

D- Make a long term myopericarditis projection for (((vaccinated))) individuals

E: Myopericarditis: Is it treatable and how much treatable.

F: An estimate of increasing myocarditis rates per dose on individuals based on the fact people who took the second dose had increased rates of myocarditis than ones who just took the first (https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/acip/meetings/downloads/slides-2021-08-30/03-COVID-Su-508.pdf)

G: Data from prisoners showing a lower rate in covid deaths and or infections compared to non prisoners.

H: Proofs a (((vaccines))) can manipulate the mind and or kill someone by a microchip and stuff.

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117f98  No.269483

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117f98  No.269484

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117f98  No.269485

Missouri COVID Whistleblower: HOSPITALS ARE LYING To The Public About COVID Deaths!


Texas COVID Whistleblower: Our Medical Staff Is DYING From These Vaccines!


TOTAL FRAUD: CDC Allows Hospitals To Classify Dead Vaccinated People As “Unvaccinated Deaths”



Bombshell Testimony From FDA Vaccine Hearing Reveals Injections Killing More Than Saving, Driving Variants





VIDEO: https://www.bitchute.com/video/KwlZU198oGpT/

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117f98  No.269486

FRAUD REMINDER: CDC Allowing Hospitals To Classify Dead Vaccinated People As “Unvaccinated Deaths”



Pfizer Vax Kills Far More People Than It Saves


India State of 241 MILLION People Declared COVID-Free After Government Promotes Ivermectin



Whistleblower Warns Americans That Hospitals Are Killing Patients For Govt Covid Bailouts!


Federal Whistleblower Goes Public With Secret Recordings: US Govt Knowingly Covering Up Vaccine Injury & Deaths!



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117f98  No.269487

Catherine Austin Fitts: Covid Is A Financial Coup That Had NOTHING To Do With Health


HHS Whistleblower Reveals Federal Government Hiding Vaccine Side Effects Data



Americans Losing Faith In Doctors Amid Widespread Covid Deception, Fraud



War Criminal Fauci: Take Endless Vaccine Boosters Or No Vaccine Status For You!



The Most Important Video Will See This Year

https://www.bitchute.com/video/Pz0SBTvKrDrV ←– This is how American hospitals get away with murder!

Has A Fake Pandemic Really Conquered America?



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117f98  No.269488

Doctor Explains How Hospitals Are Killing Patients & Rigging Deaths As Covid


More Evidence They Know Covid Vax Is Killing And Maiming People And Yet They Continue Their Death Program



LEAKED: Big Pharma Executive Admits Covid Vaccines Are Dangerous To Children's Health



WATCH: https://www.bitchute.com/video/8D5t0El1SoqF/

Over 3,000 Doctors, Scientists Sign Declaration Accusing COVID Policy-Makers Of Crimes Against Humanity



The History Of COVID Policy-Maker Crimes Against Humanity Archived



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117f98  No.269489

Deaths Among Teenagers Up 56% Since Vaccine Roll Out Began


Whistleblower: FDA and CDC Ignore Damning Report that over 90% of a Hospital’s Admissions were Vaccinated for Covid-19 and No One Was Reporting This to VAERS


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117f98  No.269491


I just gave you a lot of (C) as in Vitamin C if you will. You need to understand Covid is not much deadlier than the common flu is. What is really going on is that big banned word called "$$$ corruption $$$" which involves mass fraud and mass profits from disclosed fraud. The real weapon IS NOT Covid….. it's the vaccines and the weaponized medical system our corrupt governments & Big Pharma cronies have completely hijacked!!!! $$$$$$$$$$$$$

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ea5caa  No.269668


None of that stuff is actually true, anon. Can't show proof where none actually exists.

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117f98  No.269796


I don't know about myopericarditis projection or "mind control"…. but most of what he mentioned is very true, especially when it comes to (C) fraud and corruption by inflating covid death rates. Absolutely exposed and undeniable (and you're a glow nigger to lie about it). Just like you're a glow nigger to ignore where the coronavirus really came from and who helped fund the gain of function research!


I don't think it's for mind control, what the clot shot is intended to do is depopulate much of the Western World so global communism can be established. The "Fake Jews" (as Sally calls them) sold America out to China (economically and militarily), and they know if they desire to keep controlling and exploiting China they'll need the resources of America (farmland, oil, coal, steel, fresh water, etc). OK, the trouble with that is the Americans are armed to the teeth, well spread out and have resources and skills to fight an invasion, and win it easily much like a Taliban force in Afghanistan, right? So…. how do they deal with that? Ahhhhhhh….. communist infiltration of the US. Subvert and corrupt the government and all institutions for a few decades…. then commit collusion & treason within by funding their viral gain of function lab research…. release something into the wild, you got compromised government in the West to do the rest: lockdown the economy, impose economic-destabilizing policies, force vaccines which will weaken and kill off natural immune systems, then pit the vaccinated and unvaccinated against one another and by mandates cause mass labor shortages causing supply chain disruptions, essential service disruptions (military, law enforcement, health workers, truckers, pilots, construction workers, et al), mass lay-offs which lead to third world tier poverty and even more death, let the cycle run it's course and nations like America are in ruin…. with die-offs increasing…. and before you know it, China's invasion from Canada (Canada being compromised too) and the open US-Mexican border can take place with little to no resistance, China can sweep up (kill) the remaining armed civilians and start looting all the resources for the next global communist Empire.

Outside total US military defection from a treasonous compromised government and a MAD event (nuclear world war)…. good luck.

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117f98  No.269812


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c57198  No.271494

File: f97790cffde8976⋯.jpg (439.53 KB, 800x1182, 400:591, 73.jpg)

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