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File: 06d54eab8f79213⋯.jpg (145.52 KB, 673x405, 673:405, typical_russian_dinner.jpg)

a1bd24  No.268545

Russia’s natural population has undergone its largest peacetime decline in recorded history over the last 12 months, according to an analysis of official government statistics made by a prominent independent demographer, as the country battles a deadly fourth wave of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Previous government reports showed Russia’s population decline in 2020 was 11 times greater than that of the pre-pandemic 2019.


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47300b  No.268550


still not as bad as the drastic lack of population growth happening in your bedroom, right?

I mean, let's just be honest here, okay?

you're not exactly Don Juan Casanova Humperdinck, are you?

I know a Billy Goat born with Two Heads that gets more pussy than you do. .

There are people in persistent vegetative comas that aremasters of pussycompared to you.

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47300b  No.268551

File: 5ce1ca706608962⋯.png (1.31 MB, 2300x1080, 115:54, PicsArt_10_05_06_48_59.png)



every time your mother 'drops hints' about wanting grandkids, she's really trying to tell you that she can hear you masturbating all the time…

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47300b  No.268552


you know what?…. now that I'm thinking about it…

you're gay, aren't you?

I mean, just be honest with me…. no reason to be embarrassed….

you don't even TRY to get pussy, do you?

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47300b  No.268553


there's really only TWO REASONS

why a man your age doesn't try to get pussy :

1 : they're homosexual

2 : they're a goddamned homosexual

pick one

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47300b  No.268554


it's weird how you focus on irrelevant, trivial bullshit news articles…..

but you NEVER focus on getting pussy

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47300b  No.268556


Explain the process of waking up today, and instead of being determined to somehow finding a woman who'll let you ejaculate into her, you decided to select a stupid boring article about population decline in another country…

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a1bd24  No.268557

File: 51e24c28747be18⋯.gif (1.13 MB, 500x375, 4:3, lel.gif)


Sorry. I should have remained in awe of your many (((Killcen))) love-letter threads, you absolute fairy.

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21a2a9  No.268558


I'm going to have to agree with "Johnny" here.

Both "Sally" and "Purple" , like so many of their generation, whine and complain about the fall of Western Civilization, and the manner in which it is crumbling… They bemoan the disappearance of REAL Men & Women, and slash at their gender complements with nothing but stereotypical sniping and outright attacks. Most young men today actually HATE Women. And who can blame them? Look how young women feel about "Men"! But all of this War, Division, Hate and Blame can simply be dropped in the act of LOVE-MAKING.

And all that shit should be dropped!

Surely Lovemaking might result in better offspring than Hatemaking!

But what do I know?

I'm just making love and raising offspring here.

I suppose my time would be better spent telling everyone how they should fix everything, and how fucked they will be if they don't DO Something!

I kinda doubt that though.

I feel like I'm spending my time quite wisely.

Especially now that I've decided to not waste much more time Here today!

I mean, there's not a lot more to say.

No one would listen anyway.

They're all too stuck in their own "processes".

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2d9215  No.268559

File: ae3952b634951e0⋯.jpg (265.65 KB, 1712x1080, 214:135, PicsArt_10_14_10_37_49.jpg)


Love Letters ?…..

are you talking about MY VOTE ?

I voted for Killcen not only because he's a better man than you, but most importantly, becauseyou are NOT a "man"

you've got zero life experiences worth mentioning

you've never raised children, you've never started a family, you've never had to BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANOTHER LIVING PERSON…

hell…. you can't even look a woman in the eyes….

you voluntarily decided to be IRRELEVANT

you serve no purpose whatsoever

NOBODY wants to give birth to your child…

you're never going to change

because this is all you know

this is who and what you are


I voted for KILLCEN


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2d9215  No.268560


lol nope… I'm paying attention

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2d9215  No.268561


let's just cut to the chase, alright dickthroat?


unless Purple Jizzguzzler can drum up 10,001 votes, the elections already been decided…

you could say it was a "landslide"

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2d9215  No.268562


the day that HAVING NO EXPERIENCE, TALENT, OR CHARISMA becomes an admirable quality, let me know….

until then, you can juggle my balls with your chin

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a1bd24  No.268564

File: 7f4e41464c6f1b6⋯.jpg (54.26 KB, 854x570, 427:285, trump_gay_2.jpg)


>juggle my balls with your chin

You just get gayer and gayer with each post. When are you coming out of the closet? Huh? Have you talked to Killcen about the way you feel? Does he know you're in love with him? You'll feel better after talking to him and who knows.. maybe he feels the same way?

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21a2a9  No.268565

File: 8d50d03f0100e24⋯.jpg (178.52 KB, 2048x2048, 1:1, Purple_s_Butt_Plug.jpg)


For (You) .

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a1bd24  No.268566


totally not a gay post at all, bro.

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a1bd24  No.268571

File: 3d1fcfddb37d871⋯.jpg (96.95 KB, 761x947, 761:947, jews_gay.jpg)

Look at how quiet those two homos became after having their crypto-romance brought into the light LOL I don't know why they're so embarrassed. It's current year! They should just admit that they receive sexual gratification from sucking worms out of each other's buttholes so we can all move on from this. Who do you think is the woman in their relationship? I'm betting on Neptroon. Pretty that kike is a tranny anyway.

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8d5bc6  No.268573


I follow (on occasion) one of the 'fallen' and he says that the Russian vaccine was developed specifically to depopulate Russia of any remaining moral [European] stock.

Also thread (and catalog) is looking pretty clean at this point. :)

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8d5bc6  No.268574

File: 3b625b0af39e8f5⋯.jpg (626.56 KB, 925x2245, 185:449, 2021_10_14_131055.jpg)

clean of filth…aaaahhhhh refreshing…

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a1bd24  No.268575

File: 4962f1651e173cf⋯.gif (1.32 MB, 480x680, 12:17, wrath_of_god_card.gif)


(((They))) must do their work until everyone else realizes what their work is so that man will find himself disgusted beyond reason and moral. Then, and only then, can we answer the Jewish Question definitely.



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820b65  No.268591



The United States does not yet understand that doing so constitutes an act of extermination.

I shall unite these kingdoms and Iran shall be the center.

My will shall be done.

What is a 'power?'

They come to you and not the other way around.

What is time?

To bark over here and now for treaties that historically required decades to settle…


I am preparing to render the United States to ruin.


Yes… My show, but 'tis more a display of power…

I am the devil.

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476bde  No.268680


Investigation: Official CDC data shows a shockingly large increase of deaths due to abnormal mystery causes since Covid-19 Vaccinations began


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Data available from the Centre for Disease Control in the USA shows that since the Covid-19 vaccination programme got underway in the US, deaths due to ‘abnormal clinical findings not elsewhere classified’ have increased exponentially compared to pre-Covid-19 vaccination levels.

Official statistics show that the Covid-19 vaccination programme began in the USA on the 20th December 2020. and by the 20th January 2021 a total of 14,270,441 people had received a single Covid-19 vaccination dose (4.3% of the population), whilst 2,161,419 people had received two doses of a Covid-19 vaccination (0.7% of the population).


The pace of the Covid-19 roll-out seems to have really picked up pace though around March 5th 2021 at which point 16.9% of the population had received a single dose, and 8.7% of the population had received two doses, because by April 24th this had increased to 42.1% of the population receiving a single dose and 28.2% of the population receiving two doses.

But something else also began to suspiciously increase at the same time, and that was deaths due to abnormal clinical findings not elsewhere classified.

The graph above has been taken from official CDC data which can be searched for here (see Ref. 1), and it shows the number of deaths due to ‘symptoms signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings not elsewhere classified’ by the week they occurred.

The World Health Organisation states that deaths in this category consist of the following –

Cases for which no more specific diagnosis can be made even after all the facts bearing on the case have been investigated;

Signs or symptoms existing at the time of initial encounter that proved to be transient and whose causes could not be determined;

Provisional diagnoses in a patient who failed to return for further investigation or care;

Cases referred elsewhere for investigation or treatment before the diagnosis was made;

Cases in which a more precise diagnosis was not available for any other reason;

Certain symptoms, for which supplementary information is provided, that represent important problems in medical care in their own right.

As you can see from the above graph the number of deaths due to abnormal clinical findings not elsewhere classified has maintained a steady average of just over 1,000 a week since February 2020, and was also at these levels prior to the alleged pandemic hitting the USA.

However, around the end of March / early April 2021 there was a sudden uptick in the number of abnormal deaths registered per week, suddenly climbing to 2,000 a week by the middle of April, before increasing to over 7,000 a week by the middle of September, representing a 600% increase on the average seen every week prior to the start of the Covid-19 vaccination roll-out.

The question of course is, why?

Correlation does not always equal causation, but the similarities in the following graph are certainly very suspicious.

The above graph shows the cumulative number of doses of Covid-19 vaccines administered in the United States by the week alongside the number of deaths due to symptoms signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings not elsewhere classified registered per week.

As you can see the significant steep rise and then slight drop off in the number of vaccinations and number of abormal deaths are extremely similar, suggesting the experimental Covid-19 injections are the cause of a 600% increase in abnormal death.

We know that the deaths are not due to Covid-19 as they would be classed as being so if they were, and an uptick in abnormal deaths did not follow the introduction of the alleged SARS-CoV-2 virus to the United States. The one thing that millions of people have in common since abnormal deaths began to rise against the expected average, is that millions of people have been given an experimental injection, for which there is no long term safety data to know what the consequences of that will be.

The official CDC data suggests that the consequences of a mass experimental vaccination roll-out are a shockingly steep rise in the number of deaths due to abnormal unidentified causes, if it isn’t a consequence then it is one hell of a coincidence, but then again we do seem to be living in the “age of coincidences”.

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476bde  No.268683

File: e526de55b16838d⋯.jpg (59.78 KB, 1393x517, 1393:517, COVID_sudden_deaths.jpg)

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476bde  No.268691

File: aa40c92a435b089⋯.jpg (73.65 KB, 762x594, 127:99, 2021_10_14_211357.jpg)

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c790e8  No.271977

File: 7643d30d5ec46d5⋯.jpg (210.21 KB, 750x1061, 750:1061, Core_1.jpg)

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ca2dd8  No.272020

File: e0d26add364fba8⋯.png (2.26 MB, 2133x1275, 711:425, 1635100860390.png)

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