Investigation: Official CDC data shows a shockingly large increase of deaths due to abnormal mystery causes since Covid-19 Vaccinations began
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Data available from the Centre for Disease Control in the USA shows that since the Covid-19 vaccination programme got underway in the US, deaths due to ‘abnormal clinical findings not elsewhere classified’ have increased exponentially compared to pre-Covid-19 vaccination levels.
Official statistics show that the Covid-19 vaccination programme began in the USA on the 20th December 2020. and by the 20th January 2021 a total of 14,270,441 people had received a single Covid-19 vaccination dose (4.3% of the population), whilst 2,161,419 people had received two doses of a Covid-19 vaccination (0.7% of the population).
The pace of the Covid-19 roll-out seems to have really picked up pace though around March 5th 2021 at which point 16.9% of the population had received a single dose, and 8.7% of the population had received two doses, because by April 24th this had increased to 42.1% of the population receiving a single dose and 28.2% of the population receiving two doses.
But something else also began to suspiciously increase at the same time, and that was deaths due to abnormal clinical findings not elsewhere classified.
The graph above has been taken from official CDC data which can be searched for here (see Ref. 1), and it shows the number of deaths due to ‘symptoms signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings not elsewhere classified’ by the week they occurred.
The World Health Organisation states that deaths in this category consist of the following –
Cases for which no more specific diagnosis can be made even after all the facts bearing on the case have been investigated;
Signs or symptoms existing at the time of initial encounter that proved to be transient and whose causes could not be determined;
Provisional diagnoses in a patient who failed to return for further investigation or care;
Cases referred elsewhere for investigation or treatment before the diagnosis was made;
Cases in which a more precise diagnosis was not available for any other reason;
Certain symptoms, for which supplementary information is provided, that represent important problems in medical care in their own right.
As you can see from the above graph the number of deaths due to abnormal clinical findings not elsewhere classified has maintained a steady average of just over 1,000 a week since February 2020, and was also at these levels prior to the alleged pandemic hitting the USA.
However, around the end of March / early April 2021 there was a sudden uptick in the number of abnormal deaths registered per week, suddenly climbing to 2,000 a week by the middle of April, before increasing to over 7,000 a week by the middle of September, representing a 600% increase on the average seen every week prior to the start of the Covid-19 vaccination roll-out.
The question of course is, why?
Correlation does not always equal causation, but the similarities in the following graph are certainly very suspicious.
The above graph shows the cumulative number of doses of Covid-19 vaccines administered in the United States by the week alongside the number of deaths due to symptoms signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings not elsewhere classified registered per week.
As you can see the significant steep rise and then slight drop off in the number of vaccinations and number of abormal deaths are extremely similar, suggesting the experimental Covid-19 injections are the cause of a 600% increase in abnormal death.
We know that the deaths are not due to Covid-19 as they would be classed as being so if they were, and an uptick in abnormal deaths did not follow the introduction of the alleged SARS-CoV-2 virus to the United States. The one thing that millions of people have in common since abnormal deaths began to rise against the expected average, is that millions of people have been given an experimental injection, for which there is no long term safety data to know what the consequences of that will be.
The official CDC data suggests that the consequences of a mass experimental vaccination roll-out are a shockingly steep rise in the number of deaths due to abnormal unidentified causes, if it isn’t a consequence then it is one hell of a coincidence, but then again we do seem to be living in the “age of coincidences”.