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File: 80c7f16b4c3d953⋯.jpg (124.74 KB, 800x450, 16:9, pilot_boycott.jpg)

5e2802  No.268472

If you won't defend our freedoms, we won't be defending you. If you don't respect our freedom and right to live our lives how we want, we will never respect you either.

Good luck with those massive supply chain shortages, ever growing lay-offs and vaccine deaths and the coming blackouts that are going to hit in the winter. Good luck bullying other nations like Russia and China and Iran (and countless others). You are on your own if they desire to retaliate from now on.

Good luck, and fuck you for being traitors to the United States Constitution.

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5e2802  No.268473

The two reasons I sent this to 8kun is because all other 'social media' websites have blocked it, and I want the feds to see this (I know those clowns lurk here). Cheers!

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d274d5  No.268474

A lot of this is simply 'synthesis' in the Hegelian dialectic though. If you have to 'litigate' or be told you are free, are you really free? Is court enforced freedom really freedom or is it simply 'a permission'? What they wanted was to litigate the acceptance of all these different races that are invading our nation and coming to despoil it. They wanted 'litigated freedom' for these parasites to continue in this nation and continue to destroy it. So 'COVID' served a number of idealistic goals for them in terms of taking away true freedom and replacing it with 'litigated freedom' which can only 'be decided' by a 'court of law' and is not an inherent right based on a genetic ability to understand freedom (Europeans birthright).

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aaa3c3  No.268477

File: 019603bf1083480⋯.png (482.81 KB, 752x925, 752:925, _russia_3.png)

File: 8725dd5e641c578⋯.jpg (335.98 KB, 1170x1229, 1170:1229, _china_10.jpg)

File: 9e369003feffaa7⋯.png (103.71 KB, 1015x300, 203:60, _china_oz_iran.PNG)




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5e2802  No.268479


Too many people are beating around the bush when it comes to this issue. No more beating around the bush:

If you won't defend our freedoms, we won't be defending you.

If you don't respect our freedom and right to live our lives how we want, we will never respect you either.

So, which is it? Do you support America and our constitutional freedoms, or not?

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aaa3c3  No.268480


It depends. Weaponizing virtue against the virtuous is an effective attack. For example, anti-American propagandists hide behind the freedom of speech, even though should they succeed that very same freedom will be diminished or done away with entirely. And Americans who perhaps aren't "Bad Actors" also abuse the concept of freedom. Opposition to transgendered children is an offense to tranny freedom, so they say. What is freedom in the American context? I will support that but not this cheap prostitute everyone is lusting over.

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5e2802  No.268481


People have the freedom to do what they want with their own bodies, but they do not have the freedom to push or force their lifestyle or choices on others. For example, you have freedom to take a vaccine if you wish to do so, but you do not have the freedom to force others into taking it. A tranny has the right to mutilate it's body, but does not have the right to bully others into doing the same or accepting it. It's pretty simple. Our freedoms are being eroded by the corrupted. Freedom in what made America great, without freedom there is no America to fight for or America to defend. Either we will have our freedom and with that human dignity, or this won't end very well for anyone.

I fully support the millions of Americans who are now taking a strong stand against this tyrannical vaccine mandate, even if it crashes our economy and nation with it.

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aaa3c3  No.268482


I have to disagree on the tranny point. Transgenderism, or gender dysphoria, is a mental illness. We don't permit other mentally ill people to mutilate their bodies due to their psychosis so why should we allow trannies to do that? You wouldn't say

>that schizophrenic homeless man in the street has the right to cut open his wrist in an attempt to dig out the tracking microchip!

Instead we put severally ill people into hospitals for their own safety.

Freedom is not the capacity to harm oneself.

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5e2802  No.268483


This never should have been mandated in the first place, it would not be a court issue if authority figures were not abusing their power. I don't care if it does become law, I'm not going to take the vaccine or their tests. It is the same line in the sand as the guns. If they want to make half of America their enemy, then they'll be forced to war with us, and it will not be good for any of us. We did not choose to start this war, but we will finish it at all cost, if absolutely necessary.

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5e2802  No.268484


I can agree there should be some limits to mutilation, perhaps they should not be able to do it in public or advertise such harmful nonsense. If they do it, it must be done behind the confines of their own home in private. Nonetheless, I happen to agree with "my body my choice" especially when it comes to medical decisions. If you let others control your medical care or treatment then you don't really have freedom. If I need to boycott this system to my death to live free, I will.

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aaa3c3  No.268485

File: 6eca459a6600864⋯.png (80.07 KB, 1365x525, 13:5, covid_is_raycist_3.PNG)


That's understandable. Freedom is a complicated thing. If only there was some chain of events, starting with a virus and leading to natural disasters and so on, to rid the world of Satan's Synagogue and all the enemies of the God's chosen peoples.

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5e2802  No.268489

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

KARMA: Healthcare shortage set to strike vax-mandated states…

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d274d5  No.268494


It is like a measure of obesity disguised as racial data.

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aaa3c3  No.268495

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6a7289  No.271981

File: d88255406f7bf7e⋯.jpg (170.08 KB, 682x684, 341:342, 2018.jpg)

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87eb6d  No.272013

File: ff5954a17be586d⋯.png (2.31 MB, 2133x1275, 711:425, 1635100556002.png)

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4af73a  No.272760

File: a18049438c775cd⋯.png (57.79 KB, 767x800, 767:800, gassabotage.png)

Every single day I never regret prepping.

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4af73a  No.272761


How come this pretty much only negatively impacts average Americans like every single time then? If the government wanted to target Fake Jews then they would target those criminals high up, and prosecute for sedition and treason already. And just like all that Q larp we know that won't really happen. They're destroying the West.

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aaa3c3  No.272762


Of course they're destroying the West. Why is explained here


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36fbba  No.272764

Glowies are scared. Revolutions start small.

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4af73a  No.272766


So they're collapsing the US for the sole reason they think we'll beg for foreign intervention? If so, I look forward to shooting commies, but I do not look forward to the total mad max world which is likely to come of it.

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