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My name is Nate Higgers

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d84706  No.268460

Crippling congestion has been affilicting the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach for many months. Despite the vast ecosystem of politicians, regulatory bodies, and service provider stakeholders working within the US’ massive maritime import and export industry, no one has as of yet stepped forward to offer a workable, comprehensive plan to ease congestion and prepare the ports for further disruptions in 2022.

Fortis Analysis is the first to do so.

As such, this is intended to be a jumping off point, not a perfect model. Implementing it will require guts, strategic sacrifice by all, and setting ego aside as the model is built and fails forward by design. But we must start somewhere, and it is Fortis’ hope that the powers that be at all levels recognize this is an emergent economic and national security threat - not an opportunity to consolidate wealth and power further while accelerating the fragilization and destruction of our supply chains, and our economy with them.


To identify the various domains of constraints and primary factors within each, we’ve created this fishbone diagram to easily outline the root causes of the port congestion. Each domain is addressed by the plan outline in the podcast. A second post will follow this week, loosely following the CONOPS (Concept of Operations) model familiar to servicemembers of the US military. This second post will outline each of the steps discussed in the podcast, and provide a simple series of visual references that clearly explain each step, and can serve as a baseline for planning.

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11d06a  No.268476


It's now all too obvious for them to even cover it up anymore. Everyone knows. Even the dummies know things are getting bad. I'm relying a lot more on retail to do my "last preps" (as I always say lol), stuff ordered by mail just won't ship anymore. It took too long just to get some more Lithium Ion 12V batteries and those were ordered many months ago. Other stuff I ordered a little after that date still hasn't even shipped. The system is broken.

Remember that book "Future Shock" back in the 1970s? Well yes it's officially happening. 4.3 MILLION American workers have quite their jobs, just in the month August 2021 alone! Just wait till all those vaccine mandates kick in everywhere nationwide! Pretty much this: if you don't have what you need by now to survive an economic collapse you are very likely fucked in the future. America is going third world (possibly even grid-down). Sadly elections really do have consequences. "Let's go Brandon!"

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d84706  No.268492


I am noticing the same things. My local big box home improvement store is sold out of tons of things. Shelves are completely empty of silly cheap part like 1 gang electrical boxes etc.

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9c7ec8  No.268521


That was actually an interesting video.

Unfortunately, the answer it proposes is utterly ridiculous… Using NIMS (under the Patriot Act for Gavin Newsom to take complete control over the entire nation's delivery systems? Seriously? Did you even watch to the end? I don't think that is the answer we need; not that I am proffering one.

It is true, however, that we, as humans, need to move beyond an economic model that is only based on "more, more more!"

One cannot, however, be taken seriously whatsoever when one seriously proposes that "Gavin Newsom" fix our nation's supply chain problems!

I'm not saying the video wasn't slightly thought-provoking. It was, however, only very general when it came to actual answers, pretty much glossed over all that shit in order to sound knowledgeable, and offered no REAL Solutions except Total & Absolute Centralized Control, by a Democrat no less! And Gavin Newsom? Seriously? The entire video became utterly worthless at that point and I would never share it with another human being, unless I was some kind of shill for more of the very same kind of Centralized Control and bureaucratic mess that got us into this hellish situation to begin with!

No Spank (You), OP!

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a54c45  No.269171


LOL. I was just reading an article the other day, the federal government has enormous control over the economy and the supply chain! They're to the point of MANDATING vaccines against employees! That is pretty much government interference at it's worst. And about that despotic control freak piece of shit Gavin Newsom, he is the one that mandated all truckers start switching to electrical trucks in 2020!!! The only problem? There are NO electrical trucks available!!! So yah, another government-manufactured economic collapse yet again!!


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a54c45  No.269172


As a preliminary matter, truckers are aging out of the job and new ones aren’t coming along. Because federal law requires that truckers be at least 21, kids who leave school at 17 or 18 get involved in other careers, leaving trucker shortfalls. Women don’t offset this problem because, as is typical for most physically difficult jobs, it’s not their thing. Those are long-term problems.

The short-term problem, though, is that California has passed laws taking trucks off the road:

Twitter user Jerry Oakley reminds us that “Carriers domiciled in California with trucks older than 2011 model, or using engines manufactured before 2010, will need to meet the Board’s new Truck and Bus Regulation beginning in 2020.” Otherwise, “Their vehicles will be blocked from registration with the state’s DMV,” according to California law.

“The requirement is to purchase electric trucks which do not exist.”

But as usual, the young indoctrinated commies will scream and beg "MORE GOVERNMENT!" LOL.

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a54c45  No.269173

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7e48f1  No.269187


>go to grocery store

<fully stocked shelves

>go to department store

<fully stocked clothing racks

>go to gas station

<fully stocked shelves, plenty of gas

>order something from Amazon

<arrives next day

Please, tell me again about your latest boogie-man, mr fearmonger.

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c92ca5  No.269243


Did you read the comments (re: Nuisance)? Some of them were quite funny. I mean that was just icing on the cake for me.

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811e11  No.269319

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Here's are real breakdown of what is really going down which almost no one is covering at all. These sources are from the front lines! Shipping crews, dock workers, truckers, unions etc.

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b3a4d1  No.269321


That's one ugly looking kike.

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811e11  No.269324


Grocery store supplies vary area to area. While some areas have plenty of everything, others have some shortages on certain items. Some have shortages of beef, others will have shortages in cosmetics or household products like laundry detergent. It all varies from State to State, area to area, store to store. Right now they may be able to cover up some of the shortages by filling some of the empty shelves with extra products they have stocked, but as time goes on that won't work as shortages intensify.

Gas prices are going up. They will continue to. This is causing other problems with the supply chain as well as the trucking industry. When gas prices go up, so will the prices to haul all those commodities to local stores.

Amazon hasn't gotten hit hard (yet) because they have TONS of warehouses stocked all over the US, as well their own transportation…. now, try to get something from Ebay and see how long that will take…… try that yet? I have.


Everything is a kike to you, sage negated.

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994fd9  No.269357


Interesting thus far. Vaccinated 5 times? Holy shit, they must be dropping dead all over the place.

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b3a4d1  No.269358


black hair, beady black eyes.. looks like a kike to me.

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994fd9  No.269365

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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994fd9  No.269366

File: fe76315c3ab1af3⋯.jpg (44.81 KB, 694x285, 694:285, pete_butigieg_supply_chain….jpg)

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7e48f1  No.271963

File: d0f16e10bc46213⋯.png (78.83 KB, 578x818, 289:409, Fox_Puff.png)

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