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File: 33a2432c29382a0⋯.jpg (345.63 KB, 1636x1227, 4:3, PicsArt_10_11_12_36_39.jpg)

921a10  No.268344[Last 50 Posts]

That I Don't Regret Getting My ==STUPID FUCKING TATTOO=° On My Neck…..

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5c295a  No.268345

File: 80e8cf5f89a406a⋯.gif (749.04 KB, 411x280, 411:280, cut_throat.gif)


grab an exacto knife and try cutting it off

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5c8b06  No.268346

File: 4b5dae0d19c7a4b⋯.png (4.54 MB, 2091x2048, 2091:2048, PicsArt_10_11_12_59_24.png)


it's UGLY……… it's HUGE…..

needlessly huge and needlessly UGLY

it's horrible artwork…… garbage …

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5c8b06  No.268347

File: 48eb52c800ebe7e⋯.png (935.54 KB, 1080x1353, 360:451, PicsArt_10_11_03_36_48.png)

Not a wise choice for ANYBODY

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5c8b06  No.268348

File: 90f9ddfa3c2f43f⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1080x1328, 135:166, PicsArt_10_11_03_38_32.png)

There's NOBODY that would look good with mySTUPID FUCKING UGLY TATTOO

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5c8b06  No.268349

File: a32f157f7817fbe⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1671x1080, 557:360, PicsArt_10_11_03_42_59.png)


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5c295a  No.268350

File: 080e672115a5ae7⋯.jpg (219.03 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, q_tattoo.jpg)




I mean.. it could be worse. At least you didn't get a Qanon tat. And besides: Some people wake up one day with ink. Maybe they got the drunk the night before and picked something really retarded. We all have to live with our choices.

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5c8b06  No.268351

File: dd90a49747f848a⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1148x1080, 287:270, PicsArt_10_11_03_48_16.png)

sometimes I get so embarrassed that I wish I had a black strip that would cover my eyes….

More about that later……

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5c8b06  No.268352

File: 9b67fd54ac39df4⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1080x1464, 45:61, PicsArt_10_11_03_49_39.png)

So here's the story of how I ended up with thisSTUPID FUCKING TATTOO ON MY NECK

see, I had kind of a sorta "girlfriend", I guess….

but girls don't like my personality, sowe broke up

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5c8b06  No.268355

File: 5b767bd55f01ff3⋯.jpg (1.08 MB, 2898x2898, 1:1, PicsArt_10_11_04_23_21.jpg)

Well, girls don't like VIDEOGAMES….

or imageboards…..

or TRUMP……

or gay interracial BDSM porn

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5c8b06  No.268356

or my body odor…..

anyway…. where was I ?…..

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5c8b06  No.268357

File: 3cf847f9baebfc2⋯.jpg (201.09 KB, 1227x1292, 1227:1292, PicsArt_10_11_04_30_39.jpg)

I got a little momento tattoo on my neck, to show my devotion to her….

and then two weeks later, I kinda intentionally started an argument with her so I could surf imageboards

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5c8b06  No.268358

File: 80afa3e9fc7a1d9⋯.png (574.48 KB, 950x1199, 950:1199, PicsArt_10_11_04_34_33.png)

a guy in 4chan recommended a tattoo artist to do a COVER UP job on my neck …

"He's The Best" he said…….

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9dc726  No.268359


> or TRUMP……

Try not to get distracted by the TDS.

Some of us 10,000 lurkers are enjoying ourselves.

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5c295a  No.268360

File: 99359f5dc8db234⋯.jpg (46.33 KB, 900x593, 900:593, trump_911_toys.jpg)


will you please resume waiting for two weeks and just let anon continue his story?

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5c8b06  No.268361

File: f56100bd25f52af⋯.jpg (528.89 KB, 1361x1815, 1361:1815, PicsArt_10_11_01_52_12.jpg)

This guy was EXPENSIVE…..

and very high on heroin, I think

you can't see your own neck, so I had no idea he couldn't draw….

he kept saying "oops", then he'd tell me "it looks great!"

I was so excited, I even considered having him continue the design up my neck and on my face…

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5c8b06  No.268362

File: 75d481f9fd8e3fe⋯.png (920.46 KB, 1280x1053, 1280:1053, 20211011_160328.png)

I was hoping for something cool and artistic like maybe a small tribal pattern…..

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9dc726  No.268363

File: d4c6800d57b64ad⋯.jpg (848.8 KB, 2803x1869, 2803:1869, OK_Carry_On.jpg)


> will you please resume waiting for two weeks and just let anon continue his story?


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5c295a  No.268364


should have got a snoopy and woodstock

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4f79d7  No.268365

File: bcbdcd768b75bd9⋯.jpg (972.6 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 1633985054755.jpg)

File: 4f3e45c3fc2a6a8⋯.jpg (979.89 KB, 317x302, 317:302, 1633985047000.jpg)


He realized that he'll never find the perfect girlfriend so he BECAME the girlfriend

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4f79d7  No.268366

File: 4755203089a1114⋯.jpg (1.95 MB, 2944x2208, 4:3, 20211011_134708.jpg)


This is my only other tattoo. I probably never get another tattoo. It's overrated.

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5c8b06  No.268367

File: 9d01cb2808e778e⋯.jpg (1.08 MB, 2208x2944, 3:4, PicsArt_10_11_04_42_30.jpg)

He had never heard of 'tribal' before….

but halfway through, he needed more money

and his heroin dealer showed up

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5c8b06  No.268368

File: 4d1bdb99df89b80⋯.png (2.25 MB, 1619x1080, 1619:1080, PicsArt_10_11_04_48_20.png)


now I'll never be able to get a banking job, or get hired as a CEO….

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4f79d7  No.268369


>I'll never be able to join the army and die for Isreal

>I'll never be able to join globohomo

>Ill never get a high up management or ceo job where i have to conform to nu-social justice standards and be demonized for being a white guy in power

Meh I'm living just fine without it.

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5c295a  No.268370


was just thinking this lol

>wahhhh ill never live a boring unfulfilling life in the rat race now!

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9dc726  No.268371

File: b2e169ba2dd84e0⋯.jpg (275.62 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, Yes_It_Could_Be_Worse.jpg)


> it could be worse.

Yes, it could.

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5c8b06  No.268372

File: b8a21866059b6b9⋯.mp4 (1.54 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, km_20211011_6_720p_1_.mp4)

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4f79d7  No.268373

File: 13e30f220e19948⋯.jpg (1002.9 KB, 176x195, 176:195, 1633985051104.jpg)


Actually my friend I am the ceo of something

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5c295a  No.268374

File: 36076e705ba9bde⋯.jpg (150.49 KB, 499x500, 499:500, merchant_shekels.jpg)


i dunno, man. you seem to put a lot of stock into financial achievements. maybe youre compensating for something.

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5c8b06  No.268375

File: 94ca4d187642406⋯.jpg (1.12 MB, 2208x2944, 3:4, PicsArt_10_11_03_10_41.jpg)


This little tattoo of a lipstick kiss print was what I was trying to cover up……

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4f79d7  No.268376

File: 3c14f17f326ec61⋯.jpg (1014.89 KB, 155x145, 31:29, 1633985059615.jpg)


Are these gifs playing for you guys? And if it isn't apparent that's my face on these photos. They say png so im unsure

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5c8b06  No.268377

File: 59b78798b58fe0d⋯.jpg (1.31 MB, 2208x2944, 3:4, PicsArt_10_11_03_06_05.jpg)

And now everywhere I go people refer to me as "THAT GUY WITH THE STUPID UGLY FUCKING TATTOO ON HIS NECK"….

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4f79d7  No.268378

File: 207424a17a327fe⋯.jpeg (1.6 MB, 2208x2944, 3:4, aviary_image_163398625203….jpeg)

You can see where the old tattoo used to be. It's that red below the eye

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5c295a  No.268379

is that the end of your story?

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5c8b06  No.268380

File: 9767088468f91d2⋯.jpg (147.1 KB, 1062x776, 531:388, PicsArt_10_11_05_08_46.jpg)

You want to hear something ironic?….

She called me last week, and she says she misses me…..

So it looks like we're getting back together again

(I've already got plans of getting a lipstick print tattoo on the other side of my neck to commemorate our Union)

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5c8b06  No.268381


Remember I told you sometimes I wish I had a weird black scratch mark squiggle thing that I could put in front of my eyes so I could hide because of my embarrassment?

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5c8b06  No.268382

File: 5000787d935f6f6⋯.jpg (968.11 KB, 2208x2944, 3:4, PicsArt_10_11_03_14_42.jpg)


Well some guy on 4chan told me about a plastic surgery who specializes in Black squiggly lines in front of people's eyes so they can hide….

Turns out he's not a professional….

Turns out it was permanent

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5c295a  No.268384


slow down, hoss. im still coming to terms with part 1 of this story. maybe we should pick up a later time when we've all have a while to process the drama already unfolded before our eye?

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5c8b06  No.268385

File: dd047e98611b437⋯.jpg (1000.4 KB, 2208x2944, 3:4, PicsArt_10_11_03_20_23.jpg)

Good thing Johnny Neptune is also a licensed plastic surgeon..

Licensed in Aruba….

But that's good enough.. right?

The first thing Johnny did was remove my eyes and graft some of my scrotum skin onto my face so there's not too big holes in my head…

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5c8b06  No.268387

File: 20e5560767c988f⋯.jpg (520.36 KB, 2208x2944, 3:4, PicsArt_10_11_03_21_12.jpg)


I'm glad you asked!!…..

and YES, he implanted to cadavers eyes from a small Inuit Eskimo child….

He said that's pretty close to Native American..

They're a little bit small but I don't really mind because they don't work.. they're not connected to anything..

But Dr Neptune says they look great.. and I trust him

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5c8b06  No.268388

File: b250b0780d477b0⋯.jpg (682.84 KB, 2208x2944, 3:4, PicsArt_10_11_03_21_48.jpg)

Even though I can't see a goddamn thing, it still feels pretty good to know I don't have that black squiggly line in front of my eyes anymore…

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5c295a  No.268389


im glad your story has a happy ending :)

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5c8b06  No.268390

File: 74efb844f71dd5a⋯.jpg (653.25 KB, 2208x2944, 3:4, PicsArt_10_11_03_23_03.jpg)

Dr Neptune noticed that I am not very proficient at growing facial hair…. It's kind of Hit or Miss….

And he said my mustache looks stupid….

He said facial hair has very primal psychology behind it, and men who have facial hair feel compelled to show the world that they are MALE…

He says everybody knows I'm male, so there's no reason for me to feel like I need to convince anybody with stupid facial hair….


And pretty much immediately, he told me I'm one of those guys that actually DOES need facial hair to prove I am not a woman…

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5c8b06  No.268391

File: d8ba18e362d5e4a⋯.jpg (618.77 KB, 2208x2944, 3:4, PicsArt_10_11_03_26_22.jpg)

He glued on a stage mustache with spirit gum

But then he told me "LONG HAIR LOOKS STUPID"

So he wanted to see if I looked more masculine with a shaved head….

I'm not sure who BRONSKI BEAT is, but he made a comparison.. and then he told me maybe long hair wasn't such a bad idea after all

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5c8b06  No.268392

File: a3419d1ccc7d725⋯.jpg (673.37 KB, 2208x2944, 3:4, PicsArt_10_11_03_28_08.jpg)

Then he thought maybe I should try what he called the MIAMI VICE LOOK….

But then he realized I reminded him of Keanu Reeves, the worst actor in Hollywood, the biggest douchebag on Earth, and a closet homosexual…

So we scratched the Miami vice thing

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5c8b06  No.268393

File: 239383ef91da1ca⋯.jpg (448.14 KB, 2208x2944, 3:4, PicsArt_10_11_03_28_49.jpg)

Finally, he decided I should trim my hair up and stop wearing stupid wife beater t-shirts…

He says it's time that I grow up….

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5c8b06  No.268394

File: 9f088e6eeb4f9ac⋯.jpg (282.99 KB, 1636x1227, 4:3, PicsArt_10_11_12_27_54.jpg)

I kind of like The lumberjack look..

Just like facial hair, lumberjack clothes tell the world I'M NOT A WOMAN

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5c295a  No.268395

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


excellent conclusion! very good follow up. as enthralling as this has been i must return to my work. try not to get so upset about an eye tattoo. i have several of them all over my sexy body :3

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d19cf6  No.268398


lol @ your body being a piece of Scratch Paper for wannabe "artists" to LEARN ON…..

Leonardo Da Vinci wasn't talented enough to permanently deface my skin….

Bernini wasn't good enough…..

and certainly, no trendy hipster named RAT with facial piercings is up to par, either….

but, if you've decided that your skin is a 65¢ piece of Construction Board, then by all means….


maybe one day, one of them will accidentally

illustrate something that doesn't suck on you

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d19cf6  No.268400

File: ff1f35d39c2287b⋯.png (1.56 MB, 1579x1080, 1579:1080, PicsArt_10_11_05_45_45.png)

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4f79d7  No.268403


You didn't save the other picture I posted? The one of my face without the black line? And the other one? The personal one? That was for you senpai

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4f79d7  No.268404

File: 7f9ac4915b5af71⋯.jpg (1.52 MB, 2944x2208, 4:3, 20211011_145823.jpg)


I have blue eyes sperg. Remember I'm part of the master race

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d19cf6  No.268408

File: 9e0a971f3cc6105⋯.mp4 (440.13 KB, 360x360, 1:1, FAT_DUMPY_SLOB.mp4)

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d19cf6  No.268409


lol you'rebraggingabout being a deformed genetic mutation?….

you DNA is carrying a FLAW…. a series of malformed protein strands that make up the OCA2 gene caused you to carry a recessive, weak, dying mutation.

Master Race ?………..

if you're part of the HUMAN Race, you're garbage

just like all of us….

it seems like a 'superior being' would eventually manage to do something other than surf empty chatrooms

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4f79d7  No.268410


Use this app to put your face onto the face of any person in a gif! Some good laughs can be had out of it

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4f79d7  No.268411


Im like the guys people saw in the streets back in Roman times shouting wisdom. I do that wherever I can speak. I get a banned a lot but….you know….they hate those that speak the truth.

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fbb15a  No.268412

File: f2afc5fbc4e0c09⋯.mp4 (659 KB, 720x900, 4:5, YOU_MAH_NIGGA.mp4)




RE: master Race

that's strange, because whites have dropped the ball BIGTIME, and in the year 2045 whites will be the minority in America.

and it's not even necessarily about actual numbers

even though whites aren't the minority YET, they're already running rampant, driving whites out of their homes, sending them running farther and farther to the outskirts…

white kids bend over backwards to emulate the monkey behavior, the fashions, the swag, the stupid enlbonics…

your women are exponentially fucking niggers more and more, because your 'master race style' no longer appeals to your women.

the welfare system is growing bigger and bigger, and everything you stand for is shrinking to a tiny little broken dream.

if THIS is how the "Master Race" reigns supreme, then I'm afraid you're in for quite a dose of future shock

Just look at you…. here you sit (on your ass) wasting your life "gettin' chatty" in an empty chatroom…. you play videogames like a child.

I doubt you can run a mile, because your sedentary, sheltered lifestyle has led to atrophy.

yeah…. Master Race, my ass……..

if anything, it's the Middle Easterners who are busy taking over…

Them and the Asians ………..

By the way, there are negroes with the mutated deformed OCA2 Gene (blue eyes)

so be careful what you brag about…..

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157803  No.268415

File: 749597ecc3be8a0⋯.png (841.18 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, bozo_clown.png)


Why would you get a clown tattoo?

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fbb15a  No.268416


so…. your 'contribution to the battle' is WORDS ?


talk is cheap…. especially these days…

every grandmother with internet is also convinced that they "know the truth", and every uneducated blue collar trailerpark bumpkin is convinced that theyre "shaking things up" when they parrot another inbred Q Conspiracy, patting themselves on the back that they're "making a difference" as they spout their drivel in Facebook from the comfort of their nasty single-wide trailer…

if you asked this vast ocean of worthless feces factories, they'd tell you that much like The Roman times when people "shouted wisdom" in the streets, their Q Drops and assertions that the election was stolen is making a big difference, and they'd tell you that "the powers that be don't like it when people speak the truth"….

bullshit…… nobody's listening….

there are BILLIONS of "truth tellers" out there

shouting their irrelevant opinions and beliefs

so many of them, that the chatter has become

a mind numbing white mouse of insignificance

if you think your opinions are "more important than the rest", you're fooling yourself

nobody's after you, trying to censor you and prevent you from "spreading wisdom"…

in fact, nobody realizes you exist….

which is EGG ZACK LEE why you'rehere


if you were saying something important, you would have an audience more than two people

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fbb15a  No.268417

File: 5f1645d51088084⋯.jpg (253.9 KB, 1620x1080, 3:2, PicsArt_10_11_08_45_30.jpg)



not "mouse"

(damn autoincorrect)


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fbb15a  No.268418

File: 23c2fb4c57ee98d⋯.jpg (423.57 KB, 1080x1440, 3:4, url.jpg)


that's right !……

the name "Wendy" was invented by J.M. BARRIE

when he was a little kid in Scotland, his childhood friends all called him "FWENDY"


this childhood nickname is where he got the name WENDY from

(by the way, the 'powers that be' don't like it when someone tells the truth…. I'm sure the CIA will arrange to have my IP temporarily banned from 8kun in about 45 seconds)

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fbb15a  No.268419

File: fe2bacaa0b6f7c6⋯.png (881.71 KB, 1400x1080, 35:27, PicsArt_10_11_09_04_07.png)

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9dc726  No.268422

File: fb5c8612c82e9a7⋯.jpg (495.32 KB, 1080x1440, 3:4, U_Mean_WENNY.jpg)


I think you mean 'Wenny'.

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1aa534  No.268425


>the CIA will arrange to have my IP temporarily banned from 8kun in about 45 seconds


>10 minutes later

You ever gonna figure out that you're just not that important?

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1aa534  No.271983

File: 5344466f5467b3a⋯.jpg (101.56 KB, 712x1122, 356:561, 132.jpg)

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4f79d7  No.272008

File: c2a400775b57f5d⋯.png (2.28 MB, 2133x1275, 711:425, 1635100350854.png)

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