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File: 01c124b4654f7ab⋯.jpg (13.47 KB, 400x400, 1:1, lol_tranny_anarchism.jpg)

56fa5c  No.267765

Apparently J Stark is dead. Heart attack. Commies and "fem boys" are grieving in the comments.


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56fa5c  No.267772

File: e8c93673a243934⋯.png (15.12 KB, 658x136, 329:68, stark_1.PNG)

posting commie tears for teh lulz

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56fa5c  No.267774

File: df33a3469add1bd⋯.png (19.31 KB, 655x164, 655:164, stark_2.PNG)

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56fa5c  No.267775

File: dc8839e5b147735⋯.png (238.04 KB, 676x443, 676:443, stark_3.PNG)

so many trannies

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56fa5c  No.267776

File: 011130d3c6ec267⋯.png (24.8 KB, 661x276, 661:276, stark_4.png)

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56fa5c  No.267778

File: 06a10bcaf83273d⋯.png (14.38 KB, 677x132, 677:132, stark_5.PNG)


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85b693  No.267815

He killed himself after watching the Dave Chappelle special.

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56fa5c  No.267836

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7e7285  No.267975

File: d724349a08e6d36⋯.jpeg (163.73 KB, 870x489, 290:163, np_file_57588_1.jpeg)


Seems realistic.

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8bc175  No.267988

File: db8ad6a5ec700ae⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1080x2300, 54:115, Screenshot_20211009_171821.png)


are you EVER going to post something intelligent and interesting?

or can we expect you to continue posting THISWORTHLESS BULLSHIT??

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7e7285  No.267989

File: 88471fa00e001dd⋯.jpg (34.21 KB, 480x466, 240:233, paul_blanca_chicken_fucker.jpg)

Also: Who is/was (lol) that fucker anyway? (Asking for a fren.)

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8bc175  No.267991


Apparently, you seem to actually know who J Stark is, which doesn't speak very highly of you….

Next thing you know, you'll be going to Twitter, like a common typical mindless idio……..

Oh….. ooops

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56fa5c  No.268020

File: d0980c9b9a181cd⋯.jpg (106.96 KB, 242x347, 242:347, gloom_surgeon_card.jpg)

File: b57369de0b1438b⋯.png (153.7 KB, 943x564, 943:564, gloom_stamp.PNG)


He was that kike commie who made 3D printed gun files. Someone had to die.

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18f6db  No.268259

File: b574f3fdc68af0a⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 65.79 KB, 1024x617, 1024:617, gr1.jpeg)


Well thats tragic indeed. But sometimes one has to take it for the team I guess…

Always thought shotgun blasts to the rectum as disgusting, but its all kept inside (for a while).

polishing my lupara

Did they at least make it look like the wanker tested one of his own gear?

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56fa5c  No.268272


heart attack

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