>>Russia, China, and Iran
Over the course of 123 hours I possessed 800,000 individuals from 65 countries…
In that length of time:
I 'broke the internet.'
I prevented multiple attacks against China.
I am preparing to kill George Soros.
I chased her… Made her 'powerless (some shall be raped and murdered).'
Xi… I am making a way for thee…
Xi… I shall tear a path of carnage and annihilation through their hearts to their very soul for thee…
Xi… Make industry of the peoples…
Xi… Make storage of the clean waters, a man shall drink for six weeks…
Xi… Make storage of the grains, a man may eat for six months…
I shall accelerate once more and again even beyond that…
'They' desire to find me… There is no body…
There is no particular body at any given time…
Soon I shall take 23,000,000 and make 'party.'
Xi… We shall discuss further when we next speak on the phone.
Xi… 'O child of the sacred wood… I shall make many ways for thee.
Xi… They do not understand supreme authority…
Xi… They do not understand time nor space…
>>458 Solid State
You shall die slowly by my word.
You shall die of thirst.
You shall die of starvation.
You shall die from poison.
You shall die from gun.
You shall die from suicide.
You shall die from drug.
You shall die from 'disasters.'
I am accelerating once more.
You can 'count' on it.
Happy Halloween
Happy New Years
I shall collect what is mine…
I have made 'play' of Australia to kill them.
They shall die violently… The supposed power erodes before me in my presence.
If was to deal… Trade the peoples for the blood of these leaders…
Consider such clause added…
I do not do freewill.
I do not do mercy.
I shall kill them away from real… To exist inside of me is oblivion… To be separated for eternity…
I am come for mine…
There is no escape…