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File: 37ff72b4bfb4792⋯.gif (13.8 KB, 220x163, 220:163, 37ff72b4bfb4792f354f2bdc0d….gif)

2080b7  No.266897

I just finished this book and loved it. Do you people have suggestions for something similar and as good?

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524b7e  No.266898

File: afd556d564073ce⋯.jpg (137.7 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, siege_tranny.jpg)

TD is poorly written. And considering it has failed to produce the desired effect, that being civil disobedience in the name of Bolshevism, it's also a poor example of propaganda. As it turns out the "Right" are not your personal army, you weak troon.

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c214e2  No.266899

File: d6856910b78e9a6⋯.jpg (17.25 KB, 220x163, 220:163, PicsArt_10_04_10_16_52.jpg)


I'd highly recommend you read the new biography "Intentional Enuresis: a scientific analysis of Marshmallow Sally's history of wetting the bed while still awake" by Maxfield Schõener

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2080b7  No.266907


I liked it. If it didn’t have it’s intended effect has less to do with the book and more the population. Are there better ones you’d recommend?

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54d4f7  No.266909

File: 38224b41580f341⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1080x1786, 540:893, PicsArt_10_04_11_54_17.png)


If you enjoyed Turner Diaries, you'll love MY LIFE WITH HAKIM, The Seven Things I Learned by Adopting a Special Needs African Child

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524b7e  No.266910


Propaganda is meant to control populations, to motivate or de-motivate. If the book can't motivate the population then the propaganda is problematic, not the population.

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54d4f7  No.266911

File: e64e28f61a9177a⋯.jpg (179.47 KB, 1458x1080, 27:20, PicsArt_10_04_11_13_41.jpg)



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54d4f7  No.266912


given the fact that you actuallyenjoyedthe Turner Diaries, it's kind of surprising that you can even read.

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524b7e  No.266918


>given the fact that you actuallyenjoyedthe Turner Diaries

Can you show where I said anything of the sort?

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2080b7  No.266926

File: 37ff72b4bfb4792⋯.gif (13.8 KB, 220x163, 220:163, 37ff72b4bfb4792f354f2bdc0d….gif)

Thank you so much for the tips!

You guys are a bunch of jagoffs

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8a55f2  No.266928

File: ae58e32bb64e808⋯.jpg (9.69 KB, 259x194, 259:194, fatty_fat_fat_faterson_mcf….jpg)


Turner Diaries wasn't really all that good. You just idolize it because you're a retarded /pol/fag who thinks you'll somehow be special if someone would just get rid of all those jews.

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2080b7  No.266932

File: 37ff72b4bfb4792⋯.gif (13.8 KB, 220x163, 220:163, 37ff72b4bfb4792f354f2bdc0d….gif)


That’s not true. I thought it was good. What’s better in your opinion?

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8a55f2  No.266939


I could give you a list of literally 100,000 books better than the Turner Diaries. For fuck's sake, man, Chuck Tingle is a better writer than William Pierce.

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421770  No.267428

File: 4dde094d795c8e3⋯.pdf (2.65 MB, 316x475, 316:475, Stack_Devon_Day_of_the_Rop….pdf)

File: 3c3fa04b9df6db5⋯.jpg (35.87 KB, 316x475, 316:475, cover.jpg)

"Day of the Rope" by Devon Stack

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