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File: 5d04be3bcdc0252⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Mining_the_chans_version_2.png)

6dda92  No.266320

Welcome to the anti shill awareness post general. This is a collection of tactics shill individuals use to try to counter individuals who are fighting for their liberty and spreading the truth on internet communities.

Feel free to share and edit that post as you want.


1- Posting nonsense, unmeaningful, ungenuine content: This consists of making the group to lose its focus. That is made by sending messages that do not contribute with anything to the community.

2- Cognitive dissonance posts: Consists of posting a text along with an image that is unrelated to the text. For example, you make a post asking about vaccines, and then someone send you a link of the FDA along with a photo of a japanese woman and a quote from a german book, something totally unrelated

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6dda92  No.266321

This method relies on the fact that when someone is faced with two or more things, this person tries to make a sense out of those things.

However, when those two things are unrelated and a person tries to connect those things, there is a risk that the person's perception of reality may be altered, and that is the purpose of cognitive dissonance posts.

3- Subversion post: This is when shills pick a subject their jewish masters want them to talk, and they try to convince people about something regarding that subject. For example, the shill picks a print of a news stating the FDA has approved the Pfizer genetic engineering, and then says "What are your excuses now anti-vaxxers?" - that is a pricky post. They act like pricks when making these kinds of post. Here are some tactics they use to try subverting people:

A- They use blank and white logic. For example: "Do you prefer to die or take the vaccine".

B- They use the devil's tactic: The is a story that Jesus came to a mount, and there the devil came to tempt him. The devil implied "you can have everything you are seeing in front of your eyes. You just need kneel to me".

That is what shills do. They imply, for example: "Look, you will lose your job if you do not take the vaccine" "If you have the vaccine will you have receive some benefits from the government, you will be able to go everywhere and life will turn into normal again if everyone were vaccinated" (the last presumption consists of a fallacy described on the point A above)

C- Personal report: This is when a shill invents a story to try to convince people about something:

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6dda92  No.266322


"Hello, anons. I have recently taken the vax and I have never feel more great than I am right now. I am feeling as if I am saving lives. Not even joking, bros.

Now I am finally able to walk wherever I want and I haven't died yet.

I think anti-vaxx movement is Russian shill psyop operation to kill American chuds"

It can also be charged with emotional appeal. For example, there was a real post on 4chan that was this way:

"My 54 year old Uncle died from COVID, he was loved by everyone who knew him and he was healthy (blue belt in jiu-jitsu) and very active. Anyone who willingly refuses the vaccine has blood on their hands - you killed my uncle, today it's my uncle, tomorrow it could be your uncle or your auntie or sister or your mother or your grandfather. You are putting your own family members at risk for purely selfish reasons.. funny how /pol/ is always talking about the nation, restoring family values and saving the white race but will see their own family members die because they refuse to take the cure.

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6dda92  No.266323

You have blood on your hands. Have some remorse and wake the fuck up."

4- Post slide: Consists of making a set of sucessive replies to comments, beginning from one comment. Example: A comments X. B replies A. C replies B. D replies C and so on and so forth… The purpose of it is to deviate the topic from its subject. It is generally done with irrelevant topics, like ancestrality. I bet you have already seen a topic that is totally unrelated to genetics, and then there were people talking about balkans and scythians and da sheet.

5- Elicitation post: This is when the shill wants to collect information about the users, so he makes a post expecting that people will comment on it providing their information. For example, the shill picks a photo of a political spectrum test, and then ask what are their political spectrum.

6- Mimmicking behaviors and constructions of people: Shills have classes and manuals about "alt-right" individuals, like 4chan users, that their jewish masters give to them. Those manual and classes are basically explaining how the "alt-right" acts and what are their symbols. So when the shills are instructed to behave as if they are one "alt-right" person, for the sake of doing a subversion post, they are oriented to use the knowledge they were given for it. The point here is that they do it in a gauche way and they can be spotted easily. They are the typical people who make a nonsense post with a frog picture attached and a flag of kekistan. They love to use the frog icon.

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6dda92  No.266324

7 - Chan dropping.

This is when shills want to remove Chans from air. How they do it? They have several techniques, but I will say only one that highlights the bad faith they have.

They make posts inciting for violence on Chans, so chans are dropped. Basically that's it. If am not wrong, it is said EIGHT chan was dropped because people endorsed the mosque massacre after that happened. [THIS CLAIM IS DISPUTABLE. IF YOU DISAGREE WITH IT, POST WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT IT IN THE COMMENTS SO THE POST MAY BE EDITED]

Be aware that the majority of people who incite violence on "alt right" forums are in their majority shills trying to take down these forums.

8- Blaming Russia and China.

Shills are instructed to blame Russia and China to blame behind every internet thing that goes against the government plans of enslaving the population or manipulating it for evil, like anti-vaccine movement, pro-Trump movement, voter fraud allegations… They use Russian just as a scapegoat. If there was such a "Russia" threat that they were concerned about they would not be putting their military to wear high heels.

9- Judas Goat Operative

This consists of a guy that is used by shills to do a bad thing so to bring up a bad image to a certain group.

For example, take the example of Brenton Tarrant. If you look at some theories, he had links to intelligence agencies and the military.

He supposedly committed the Mosque mass shooting, and as a result of that, the media promptly started associating the "alt-right" to him, so to denigrate the "alt-right" image.

Also you have Elliot Rodger and Brevik.

What is interesting in these three guys is that they supposedly had written manifestos, but there are suspicious things behind their manifestos.

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6dda92  No.266325

A- Elliot Rodger manifesto supposedly talked about all his life from his early age till his older age. It was so well written that it seems a professional storyteller was contracted to write the post.

B- The Breivik guy manifesto was a book of about 1500 pages. Either he was very history savvy, either highly intelligent, or it was a team that has actually written Breivik manifesto.

C- The Brenton Tarrant one was a big mess. It even seems that it was written by someone pretending to be someone who really shares the "views" shared on "his" manifesto. There are also chances it was written by an artificial intelligence, because it was a mess.

Everyone who have just scrolled through these manifestos must have had a feeling that there is something wrong with them.

A Judas Goat Operative is generally made that way:

A- They find someone disposed to commit a crime, or someone psychologically vulnerable to be manipulated to do a crime. Like a highly autistic person that they entrap in a national socialist forum.

B- They eventually make this person to have a certain material on the internet, for the sake of it being used by the media so the media might defame government dissidents and white people. For example, they get a sock puppet to post videos on a Telegram chat regularly or 4chan, or make that person to have a Facebook page, just like Brenton Tarrant did, were the person supposedly post "alt-right" content.

C- They make the person to commit a mass shooting or any sorts of crimes that may turn people's attention.

D- The media promptly uses the material of the mass shooter available on the internet to say this person was a member of "alt-right" so to defame government dissidents.

And then they keep milking that on and on and on… Events like these are also used to suppress individual liberties. Like for example, after the Mosque attack, Rifles were banned in New Zealand apparently.

That strategy is similar with false flags.

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6dda92  No.266326

10- Demoralizing posts:

As the name suggests, this is when the shill wants to demoralize you. This works more or less this way:

This shills pick a target group and then starts saying diminishing things about that group. Example:

"Ahahahahahahahah all you chuds will die bcuz you didnt take the vaccine cope hahahah"

"How it feels like to be white and sterile, anons?"

They can also pretend to make part of the group they want to demoralize. Example:

"Hello. I am a white, chad, 19 years old. Recently Ive got a girlfriend from somalia and she wants to peg me daily. What should I do, whitebros? I do not wanna miss her. My other white fellows have welcomed her into the ethnostate."

"Sorry, anons, I feel we've lost. The vaccine cucks are too powerfull for us. I think we stop shitposting because I feel it is all useless. This is my last post on 4chan. While you are reading this I am taking my vaccine"

11- Posting visual content about women.

It is known that when a woman is introduced in an environment of males, the tendency is that males may develop a sense of harshness towards each other. That is because a male may have the desire to breed with such a female, and for him to achieve that feat, he may have to compete with another male peers for the female. It is said the subconscious mind cannot differentiate virtual life from real life, so it does not matter if a woman is introduced in a virtual community or not. That is one reason shills post women content on forums. These kinds of fellows who actually act differently towards males of his community because of women are actually not very much different than animals.

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6dda92  No.266327

The second reason is to demoralize the members of a community. That is because pornography is demoralizing, and yes, vulgar women photos are pornography.

The third reason is: There are affeminated members on forums, and these guys they identify themselves with women, as if they themselves wanted to be mommies. So when this type of fellow see a picture of a woman, they feel enchanted and all their sense of criticism towards one subject is vanished.

Examples of them doing that:

They pick a model and hire her to make tiktok videos that highlights bad comments on Israel. For example, the model picks a comment on a tiktok video, and then bounces her hips sideways with her two hands at the sides of their forehead like a bunny with a bad comment on Israel at the screen.

Some shills like to put women on trad skirts as well apparently. I have seen once even a dude doing a typical trad dance with a trad skirt where he bounced his hips with both hands sticked pointing towards the ground and at jointed at paralel to the pelvis region. I do not know if he was a shill by the way.

12- Posting visual content about animes.

This is to generate sexual confusion on people who already do not have much stable sexualities. It generates confusion because animes lack sexual dimorphic traits.

I am not sure if the strategies 11 and 12 should be countered, but it is good that you may just know them.


How to counter shill posts?

1- Whenever you see a shill post, make an informative comment about shills. You can mention every non shill member on you comment so you may reach as many people as possible.

When making a comment, write "sage" on the "option" field so that the shill thread may not be bumped.

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d1d4b8  No.266333

File: cb37a61fe4132e1⋯.jpg (162.61 KB, 750x1021, 750:1021, EKwoWmiUwAAd0K8.jpg)



> a professional storyteller was contracted to write the post.

No, Elliot was interested in writing from a young age. He kept journals, wrote stories, made forum posts that match the style of writing in the manifesto. He wanted to write a book that would become a full length movie, but when he realized that would actually take time and effort he decided not to do it

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46fb81  No.266336

File: 64a898874ab1db1⋯.png (744.78 KB, 899x810, 899:810, _tarrant_.PNG)


These "people" are all Gru/Mossad/CIA. Same shit. It's not a coincidence every one is a kike or connected to Israel/Russia.

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8fc573  No.266337


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66f25b  No.266620


Russia? How could Russia be involved behind those things?

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6df78e  No.266622


Irony bros will be shot

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c77581  No.266645


>If a Muslim said it, it must be true

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9c130a  No.266647

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



It is because migrant flows shall be the ruin of many nations…

It is as it always was…

For peoples to flee is the likeness of 'power loss.'

For peoples to make settlement in foreign lands is the likeness of treason against the nations of origin…

There is no 'equity.'

There is no 'profit' in the matter.

There is no 'solution' hehehahahaHAHAHAHA

There is no 'peace.'

There is no 'comfort.'

Which 'horse' was 'he?'

Doth 'they' read 'reason?'

Perhaps the blind can't hear and the deaf can't see…

Perhaps I shall destroy them completely…

'They' say woe is we, but do not see these evil things… My invitation…

I am the devil. A deal I shall make…

The UK… So virgin in these ways… Disconnected to inhibit 'flows…'

Not knowing that such disconnection shall make the journey 'profitable' in the eyes of those that flee…

I shall rape the virgin whore. 'They' cannot take the UK away from me… This 'order' shall not allow it for the world is a marble in the palm of mine many hands…

There shall be much blood this blessed season and into the next…

As for Australia… There will be blood.

As for Australia… I shall kill vast numbers of whores and bastards throughout…

As for Australia… I am going to starve the elderly to death.

As for Australia… There are some children that need to be sold into slavery…

As for Australia… I watched them commit suicide… They are many…

As for Australia… Power? They are no longer capable of 'operating' a 'society.'

As for Australia… Such a waste of my air.

As for Australia… They are too feeble to stop anything…

As for Australia… Just close enough to violate…

As for Australia… I shall take from them approximately 16,000,000 lives. Where shall they go? There is no world left to hide away from me…

I have now come for Germany… It is time for Germany to offend…

It is time for me to rape Germany to death.

It is time for me to destroy Germany completely.

Is there no 'God?' No… It is just you and me…

Unfortunately for them… I do not stop…

I will take my blood and my souls and everything that is owed to me….


Enjoy their agony.

Enjoy their murder.

Enjoy their rape.

Enjoy the shootings.

Enjoy the slaughter.

I must be going… There is 'work' to do…

Happy Halloween

Happy New Years

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9c130a  No.266648




They are unaware that the whore has already been selected…

In the lands of moon and sand…

A glorious 'son' of mine shall be born into this despair… I desire a body of mine own.

It is time to further accelerate the proceedings.

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6df78e  No.266651


>moon and sand

If you have selected a whore, you are heads and tails ahead of half of 8kun. Everyone does what they want, but IDK if I would select from that particular gene pool. Just saying, average IQ is around 83.

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