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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 0a51f2c13744573⋯.jpg (137.97 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 27rkellyverdict_blog_sente….jpg)

88292e  No.266085

Just on the racketeering charge alone, it's an automatic 20 year sentence with no questions asked… Add to that the rape and sexual assault charges… And then there's the sex trafficking charges…

Guaranteed life in prison

And here's the funniest part :

He has to wait until May 2022 to hear the sentence

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88292e  No.266087

Imagine when he heard the word "GUILTY"


Today, he was taken in a County jail transport van back to the jail after the court hearing, and as he was brought back onto his cell block, all of the other inmates started behaving like chimpanzees, yelling at him "OOOOIEEE !!!"

I would imagine he wasn't in a real cheerful mood, and tried to avoid eye contact with all of the hollering monkeys as The echoes of their primal screams added to the surreality of the moment…

And I'd imagine he put on a fake "tough guy" aura, and insisted he "just wanted to be alone" as he quickly disappeared into his cell…

His cellmate must have had a strange moment of silence as inmate Kelly quickly jumped onto his bunk and pulled the blanket over his head…

By that time, 90% of the cell block inmates would have already been trying to come into his cell asking all kinds of questions and embarrassing the fuck out of him…

Poor guy….

This is all so unfair…. Just a big misunderstanding

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88292e  No.266088

File: 4f3b3a254d81808⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1280x814, 640:407, 20210927_204921.png)

He's being houses at The Brooklyn Detention Center

that's where he is going to stay until his sentencing in MAY OF NEXT YEAR…

he has to wait through October

he has to wait through November

he has to wait through December

christmas new years

he has to wait through January

he has to wait through February

he has to wait through March

he has to wait through April

then, finally in MAY 2022


poor guy

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e79e07  No.266097


>nigger is going home (prison) to be with inmate family while living off taxpayers dime

Even though the nigger lost, so do white people. They should just execute him

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85bb6f  No.266105


I'll give $200 commissary to the first inmate that pees on him in gen pop.

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