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dd576e  No.266044


Disclaimer: A nuclear superpower has intentionally commit national suicide. Be aware unintentional global chaos may soon arise.

Fights Break Out In Third World UK Over Massive Gas Shortages

Coming to every Western nation, from cities to towns near you!



UK To Bring In Thousands Of Foreign Truck Drivers



Massachusetts State Troopers Resign En Masse Over Clot Shot Mandate



New York Hospitals Prepare For Staffing Crisis As Clot Shot Mandate Forces Mass Firings



Retail Industry Suffering Shortages As FDA Warns Of Medical Supply Shortages



Watch The Mainstream Media Forced To Cover Food Shortages And Downplay It!




Deagel's 2025 Depopulation Forecast Is Unfolding Before Our Eyes



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fd1e6c  No.266046

Moarpheus Defeats Trump and Mossad


Moarpheus Defeats PurpleAnon and Other Fake Jew Shills


DailyStormer, TRS, and 8kun Proven Irrelevant


Magic Stolen from Fake Jews and Used Against Them



Zognald Trump Faces Serious Crimes


Zion Don Loses Farmers to Biden


Sergey Lavrov, “the face of Russian diplomacy,” has been living large while on “official trips” to more than 20 countries with his ultra-rich mistress.


Putin Loses Control Over Russians After Hundreds Protest an Obviously Rigged Election


Shills Can't Stop Talking About Moarpheus


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dd576e  No.266049


Thank you, hope you prepped for the END TIMES.

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fd1e6c  No.266055


why would i prep for where i belong anyway? i thrive.

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cb1591  No.266114


Disclaimer: A nuclear superpower has intentionally commit national suicide. Be aware unintentional global chaos may soon arise.

New York Governor Declares State Of Emergency After Tons Of Doctors, Nurses Quit Over Clot Shot

The control freak crazies still think they're serving public interests!



National Guard To Drive Kids To School Amid Bus Driver Shortage In Massachusetts



Police Are Resigning En Masse Over Vaccine Mandates, This Will Lead To A Federal Gestapo Replacement


LEAKED: Big Pharma Executive Admits Covid Vaccines Are Dangerous To Children's Health



'''WATCH: https://www.bitchute.com/video/8D5t0El1SoqF/

Massive Trucker Strike In Italy Over Clot Shot Mandate, 30,000+ Trucks Block Roads & Highways



UK Hit With Gas And Food Shortages, It's Only Getting Worse



Top Apple, Tesla Suppliers Suspend Production Due To Supply Chain Shortages



Criminal Biden Regime Ignoring The Courts On Immigration Rulings



The Crazy Is Very Strong In USSA Today



I Agree With Styx! The Only Way To Stop The Crazies Is To Defund Them!


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b25ef0  No.266161


>why would i prep for where i belong anyway?

You might as well say you intend to kill yourself because that is pretty much the same result as not prepping. This all doesn't end on a computer screen you know. It's going to end when the internet and power grids go down, riots and mobs are raging in the streets, shootouts start to become a daily normal occurrence and the grocery stores can no longer support your lifestyle because the global supply chains have collapsed.

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765beb  No.266168




And in "Other" News:

Rothschild will handle the sale of RTE masts


It NEVER Ends…

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b25ef0  No.266252


I rather support my local farmer markets and buy wholesale like I've always recommended doing.

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fd1e6c  No.266253


i rise when the world falls. your fear is warranted.

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e98c96  No.266272


LOL, if you can't rise out of a chair for a day and do hard labor you won't be fit to do anything when SHTF, in fact you'd likely get run over by armed marauders riding in the back of an old Ford truck with shotguns because that is the type of shit a lot of Americans are going to witness when SHTF. Nevermind hundreds of motorcycle gang members flocking together on the take, from East to West don't even get me started there (yes many of them are well aware of the current crisis our country is facing too and they're not the ones that go down without a fight).

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15413c  No.266275


Tyranny: Biden Wants To Fine Companies $70,000 To $700,000 For Violations Of Vaccine Mandate



New York Initiates Medical Martial Law Rollout With Troops Taking Over Hospitals

The government has officially RUINED the healthcare system! It would be wise to stay away like the plague!



JIM STONE COMMENTS: NaturalNews got onto the worker shortage "millions must be dead from the vax" topic


Since I was the one who originally pointed this out months ago, I'll throw in my two cents with a short repeat:

This problem is global. It is not an American problem. Millions of jobs are open in every country with no one to fill them. All countries are in economic downturn. But I will just detail the U.S. here-

Back when there was still unemployment, there was a time when the stats lined up to 8 million people unemployed, and 30 million jobs that could not be filled no matter how much pay was offered. That meant over 20 million people were not available to be hired, leaving jobs vacant while we were in the middle of a huge COVID caused economic downturn that should have had people clamoring for work because there should not have been ENOUGH jobs.

Add to this multiple reports of body bags, the latest one was yesterday they were discovered at a Wal Mart distribution center and were proven to be in Wal Mart's inventory for $30 each (but not in stores, sort of like those "shoes" I posted a while back . . . . ) how many people are dead, REALLY? Stats don't lie. Less workers are needed than ever now, due to the economy being thrashed, and there's a HUGE 10's of millions SHORTAGE of workers? Where TF did they all go? The camps? Body bags? Disabled and twitching?

MY GUESS: Probably all 3.

This topic is not dying. It is NOT going away. If this was just a fluke, the problem would have vanished in the months since I first posted about it, yet here it is, IN OUR FACES. McDonalds going un-staffed along with the rest of them. Not enough shipping workers. Not enough meat packers. Not enough of ANYTHING. Why???

Let me ask a question here: IF you wanted to murder 90 percent of the planet, and were having HUGE success with a shot that did exactly that, AND an enormous pile of people knew the shot was doing it but they were not shooting you to stop it, would you quit trying to force it on them even if they knew you were a murderer? HELL NO. Instead, you'd keep trying to find ways to force people who did not want your jab into getting it so you could kill them too. After all, if they only bitch and moan and never present a threat while you kill them, why stop? Just keep going until you hit your 90 percent. That is where we are at.

FRAUD REMINDER: CDC Allowing Hospitals To Classify Dead Vaccinated People As “Unvaccinated Deaths”



Whistleblower Warns Americans That Hospitals Are Killing Patients For Govt Covid Bailouts!


Doctor Explains How Hospitals Are Killing Patients & Rigging Deaths As Covid


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