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File: c69ddfc66f6ee92⋯.png (767.94 KB, 909x1077, 303:359, ClipboardImage.png)

461279  No.265490

Shit like this still goes on by you not keeping a vigilant eye.

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632891  No.265491


Well if our governments were not so corrupted maybe they would have done something about this?

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d23645  No.265516


>knowing about a thing stops a thing

I am 100% absolutely sure that massively destructive storms exist, yet they keep happening. Raising awareness does NOTHING, faggot. Either DO something or shut the fuck up.

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c8c51d  No.265662

This is nothing compared to their real everyday crime's against humanity. It is you who needs to wake up anon. They have murdered at least 1 billion humans and probably twice that amount. This is why they will never be forgiven by God.

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73a5a9  No.265664

File: 31f050133c1eb1b⋯.jpg (62.91 KB, 653x537, 653:537, trump_epstein.JPG)

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6278f2  No.265885


odd that you're fixated on sex with children….

especially when you consider the fact that you have no history of having sex with adult females

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6278f2  No.265886


YOU ARE NOT SEXUALLY ACTIVEunless you consider masturbation to be "sex"…

you have no children…

you have no wife…

you have no girlfrend…

So WHY are you so obsessed with CHILD MOLESTATION?

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6278f2  No.265887


when a complete NOBODY who can't get any pussyFIXATES ON CHILD MOLESTATION, it's basically a neon sign that makes everybody realize he was molested as a child, has unresolved psychological issues, and is likely to become a child molester himself.

your "dirty little secret" isn't so secret anymore

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6278f2  No.265888



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6278f2  No.265889


"they have murdered at least one billion people"


as if 1/7th of the world's population got murdered, and nobody noticed


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6278f2  No.265890


the reason you never accomplish ANYTHING, have no girlfriend, and still live with your mother isCHATROOM CULTURE

you're basically a mix, somewhere between a 7 year old & a wannabe dragqueen.

no wonder he molested you when you were a kid.

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0d98b6  No.265891


>humans are scum

>the religious just sweep their problem children under the rug

>democrats just sweep their problem children under the rug

>hollyjew just sweeps it's problem children under the rug

It's like you've been niave your whole life and you're just now waking up to the fact that HUMANS ARE SCUM!

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0d98b6  No.265892

File: 5a0f00bbf9161ba⋯.jpg (82.4 KB, 737x1024, 737:1024, 1630036059335m.jpg)


>people with money like to hang out with rich and powerful people for those photo ops and connections

Didn't trump kick Eastern out of Mar a lago? Keep seething shills, trump won.

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