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File: d51f71f3ccd4c8f⋯.jpg (906.6 KB, 2370x1446, 395:241, vaccine_10.jpg)

3407e0  No.265405

Do you guys know any theory that the vaccine is the 666? Like the DNA of every human has a number associate with it that God gave to humans, and the purpose of the vaccine would be altering the DNA so its number would become 666, thing like that?

I got this attached photo showing the graphene oxide structure and I could not catch its point. Could someone please explain?

By the way, why the number 666 specifically is mentioned as bad by the Bible and does any other religion makes any reference about that same number or one that would be equivalent to it? What is the origin of 666?

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bd1ec4  No.265411

File: 33a4f4a508bdb89⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1334x840, 667:420, sorath_hitler_1.PNG)

File: 267d0132c27ee4c⋯.jpg (59.95 KB, 654x420, 109:70, Sorath_12.JPG)

File: c050d18a8be4c8f⋯.jpg (2.51 MB, 2485x2487, 2485:2487, Nobody_Legion.jpg)


In ancient Hebrew, 666 is the number of the Evil Intelligence of the Sun, called Sorat, Sorath, and others.

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3407e0  No.265413

What this has to do with 666 hommie. Looks like a shill posting.

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bd1ec4  No.265415

File: d8b2184986a5ea4⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1919x927, 1919:927, nobody_hand_sign_Q.PNG)

File: 3ba288090875abb⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1394x750, 697:375, nobody_hand_sign_2b.PNG)

File: b72449dd76a7553⋯.jpg (82.14 KB, 1874x908, 937:454, nobody_hand_sign_11_breaks….JPG)


But there is an even greater Star than Sorat, capable of redirecting him and preventing his work for a time, even a time and a half. Thus the plot to repeat history, that is Nazi VS. Bolshevik, has been extinguished.

He is the 11 Who Breaks 10.

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3407e0  No.265485

Someone please ban user of the reply below this >>265413 one.

It is a shill.

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3407e0  No.265486

Not me. I mean a comment that I have hidden accidentally.

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5379e0  No.265487

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5379e0  No.265488


That is 8 points above mentally retarded.

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5379e0  No.265489

"Unlike a tyranny of men or governments, there is no end to a technological tyranny." - Aldus Huxley

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05cdbb  No.265590


Disclaimer: The Western World is being set up for deliberate collapse.

Watch Purple Anon Debate Johnny Neptune, With Killcen Projecting END TIMES Tribulation!


Deliberate Destabilization: At Least 12,000 Haitian Invaders Have Been Released Into America!


MORE ON THE WAY! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8sBV8QeO7Wk

Teachers Are Now Getting Fired For Refusing Vaccines, See How All This Ends Yet?

They'll fire Americans and replace them with foreigners as I warned over and over again! Watch!



US Police, Fire, Military, Health And Education Being Gutted By Vaccine Mandate

This Is The Perfect Method To Destroy The US For China



Germany Has Modern Concentration Camps For The Unvaccinated, They Are Destroying Their Lives



Congress Passes 'Red Flag' Laws In NDAA For Military Courts With Massive Neo-con RINO Traitor Support



FBI Forced To Admit Proud Boys Are Infiltrated With Feds

As everyone already knows today, the feds provocateur shit to arrest people!



Corrupted Italian Ruling Court Has Just Legalized The Mafia



Shortages Hit COSTCO Again!

Smart Americans have already prepped for these End Times as warned for many many years.



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bd1ec4  No.265668


>oy vey you ruined my disinformation thread!

stay mad moshe.

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