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File: ceeda0689982c72⋯.jpg (72.5 KB, 643x499, 643:499, 4udyo2.jpg)

03d060  No.265366

Capitalism is a system which inexorably moves towards the function of selling as many things to as many people, so that it can make as much money as possible. This is a big problem, because Capitalism is therefore most effective when it becomes a global force; it must have no boundaries, and not just physical boundaries - like borders, but cultural and identity boundaries. Capitalism's ends are to eradicate the boundaries of physicality AND identity, because only then can it sell whatever it wants to as many people. It is all about manifesting the lowest common denominator on earth as possible.

It must get rid of borders, so that it can have the free movement of labour, consumers, trade, finance, etc. It must eradicate individual cultures and races, because these constitute unique identities which stand in the way of a mass-market; they are a barrier to what can be sold. Capitalism seeks to chisel away at mankind. It ultimately wants a soulless global homogeneity, where there is no individual groups or cultures. The only identity that exists is a global pseudo-identity revolved around consumerism, materialism, quantity, and numbers. Humans are merely a blank canvas for the market to shit on.

This is why it is infuriating to see 95% of "Nationalists" worship Capitalism. They only worship Capitalism because they worship the idea of the enlightenment west. This is also another big problem, because the enlightenment was one of the first socio-political shifts towards materialism and away from ascetical spirit and tradition. So most "Nationalists" aren't Nationalists. The only true Nationalists are Folkish National Socialists. Capitalism will always poison the Folk and the Nation. Capitalism will betray both for internationalism.

When you support Capitalism, you support a system which feeds off post-structuralism, social Marxism, and internationalism. The mainstream right and mainstream left are unknowingly helping each other achieve a dystopia. Politics is cucked and we need more Nationalist critiques of Capitalism!

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578f76  No.265367


Get rid of central banking, dissolve the fraud of fiat currency (make sure whichever currency is issued is actually backed by something of value / a resource), establish an open free market with equal and fair competition, consumer choice and do not allow government intervention in the market place (unless actual fraud or other criminal activity is taking place) then we would not be in the rut we are today. There would be a very healthy and prosperous population with abundant amounts of wealth, resources, markets and services for everyone in society. AKA take the kikes out of capitalism and the markets it would work perfectly.

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03d060  No.265368

File: 749389946f43ee7⋯.jpg (110.58 KB, 768x942, 128:157, 1632266586403.jpg)


>There would be a very healthy and prosperous population with abundant amounts of wealth, resources, markets and services for everyone in society.

This is precisely the problem. Capitalism, with or without fiat currency and inflation, will always adhere itself to the worship of the material realm. Instead of embracing family, folk, tradition, nature, and the ascetical spirit, it wants "abundant amounts of wealth". Instead of having an honest and spiritually pure population, the Capitalist prefers hedonism and rationality. ANY sort of Capitalism will fail the folk.

Natsoc Germany was Socialist for a reason. The Volkisch Socialism and Volksgemeinschaft was there to place the Folk before arbitrary ideas like money. For example, wages and labour were defined by how hard you worked and how well you had served your people, instead of your people revolving around money.

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1b8a93  No.265370


Wait a minute…. did I not say consumer choice? That also means you don't have to consume anything, that is if you don't want to. I'm ok with bartering if that's what some want to do, or living off the land and homesteading (I'm a homesteader myself with a big garden and some livestock). Just because there may be a FREE MARKET does not mean you don't have FREEDOM to choose to participate or not. You could live in the woods in a commune or by yourself with nothing if that was your consumer choice to do so. Free market doesn't mean everything is "free" by the way, it just means people have the freedom to participate or not, the freedom to buy or sell or service others, the freedom of choice really, it creates a vast amount of options, avenues and opportunities for individuals, groups and communities.

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bc10ab  No.265371


>or without fiat currency and inflation

You don't have inflation if there is not debt insolvency or currency manipulation (fiat).

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03d060  No.265373

File: 58544194acc9d01⋯.jpg (93.09 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, 1632327084466.jpg)


So what are you then? Are you a Libertarian or a Nationalist? If you are a Libertarian, fine. In this context, I can understand why you love unrestricted Capitalism and free-markets. And if this is the case, we can debate the legitimacy of Capitalism as a system, and I will use my Folkish and Perennial/Traditional arguments to refute this.

But as a Nationalist who is supposed to love his folk, loving Capitalism is a problem…

Money should only exist as a tangent to the people. Observe: wages and the value of labour. Almost all opinions of labour value (mainly Marxist and Capitalist) are stuck in a paradigm of material money worship. Capitalists say that labour value and wages should be dictated by its importance in the broader scope of a system revolved around arbitrary money and capital. Marxists say that labour value and wages should be dictated by the labour of the subject person, as a means of preserving that individuals existence in the broader scope of the economy.

Folkish National Socialists say that money is an arbitrary construct. It should therefore only exist as a means of assisting the the purity and wellbeing of the folk, because this is the most sacred and ascetical of causes. Money is merely assistance when needed. Folk do not worship money. Money worships folk.

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03d060  No.265374


That is what I meant. The "and" was part of the "without"

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bcaeb2  No.265375


I don't prefer one or the other. I think there are some good points to both ideologies. Yes, a nation state is important, but freedom and fiscal responsibility are just as important too. Who wants a nation state that is totally insolvent and enslaved? No one but corrupt oligarchies that stand to benefit from it, like central bankers. Who wants total freedom but no nation state? Your freedom would soon become the game of survival of the fittest. We need balance and common sense. What is not common sense is seeking total consolidation of wealth or power into the hands of a few. It's what our Founding Fathers tried their best to prevent, and it worked until the corrupt oligarchy took over again back in 1913. Before the Federal Reserve Act was passed in the dead of night we had currency (state-chartered commercial bank notes backed by silver and gold) that lasted over 100 years without any central banking manipulation, backed by value with no price inflation at all and that made America the power house of the world. That was the cause for massive innovation, real progress (not the kikery they call today!) and industrialization of white civilization. Why not go back to something like that? Why continue to delude ourselves by ignoring the fact central bankers are parasites to society? They always have been. It is they who love money, don't be fooled, they print so damn much it they bankrupt whole nations from their insolvency. And they consolidate all the wealth and power to themselves by doing so, as well corrupting politicians and governments!

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03d060  No.265383

File: 34c9e8d8bf6e133⋯.jpg (819 KB, 720x1278, 40:71, 1632150741205.jpg)


This neglects the fact that Natsocs don't want endless money printing and fraudulent central banking. Natsoc Germany never devalued money or caused any hyper-inflation. Money and economic systems weren't really a problem in Natsoc Germany. The main focal point was the purity of its people.

But like I say, what is the point in claiming Natsoc as an elitist power grab, when the inexorable ends of Capitalism (regardless of its monetary system) just subverts and destroys all identities, so that all humans can be controlled by a solidified elite - like some kind of malleable clay. Even if you think you are not partaking in Capitalism, you are. Because as long as the system is predicated on money before folk, then you will merely be usurped by Capitalism (unless you literally live like a primitive human).

An elite will always have to exist, but one must question: What kind of elite is most fundamental and unquestionable to us human mortals? I argue, and have argued, Folkish Socialism, or National Socialism.

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63f706  No.265389


>Nationalists need to commit suicide en masse


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03d060  No.265391

File: dab69810eab94de⋯.jpeg (148.12 KB, 681x750, 227:250, 054BA527_F4DE_43FD_903A_9….jpeg)


Unfortunately most Nationalists need to undergo some serious thought and self reflection. For the Nationalists who aren’t cucked, we just need to take a step back and form our own networks where we can organise and grow; stop relying on enemy infrastructure.

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ad95e0  No.265392

File: bf42f437199fd7b⋯.gif (212.65 KB, 450x551, 450:551, brainlet_11.gif)

zu vill own nothing and zu vill be happy

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6ce5d6  No.266012


That's what they plan but it ain't going to happen, not without some major deadly wars.

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3f0625  No.266014


Any economic system will work as long as there are common sense restrictions against fraud, monopolization and corruption. Central Banking is simple a massive monopoly of fraud, market manipulation, outright counterfeiting, so central banking just has to be abolished completely. It is the main beast that corrupts. We also need to separate the markets from government and vice versa. Meaning we can't have politicians or bureaucrats or government manipulating, defrauding and corrupting the markets either. That does not mean government can't crackdown on fraud and corruption - yes they should - but that is all governments should be focused on - not trying to run our markets or peoples' lives! That is why I believe governments must be restricted to only a few basic activities and responsibilities: cracking down on fraud, crime and corruption, keeping criminals from wrecking havok on society (no exemptions!). That's it, besides that common sense policy, we should isolate those two sectors completely (allowing fair competition between those who participate in the economy). Just so you know, bailouts and corporate welfare does NOT represent fair competition or a free market! Under a free market consumers would decide what is best for them and businesses would be forced to cater to their desires and demands, or risk going out of business (no bailouts!).

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bcaeb2  No.266019


This is why I support local, local, local as much as I can. Local farmers markets, flea markets, yard sales, garage sales, small family-run businesses, etc. You are right, in the face of mandatory vaccines for workers and all the other bullshit being rolled out, we need to stick together locally and support one another as much as we can. Remember: we don't really need the corrupted system to survive, the corrupted system needs us and our obedience to keep it running! Once the corrupted system loses that trust and the obedience goes away it soon sputters as the wheels fall off, the engine belts snap, the gas runs out, eventually it becomes broken heap of trash that won't run anymore.

PS: with all the labor shortages now, I believe it's just beginning to happen ;)

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bd5f48  No.266027

File: ca374482ed1763d⋯.jpg (77.71 KB, 636x773, 636:773, ca374482ed1763d66dba5cba32….jpg)


Good work. In a system that is so reliant on numbers, quantity, and consumerism, a simple change of mindset and lifestyle improves things by a huge amount. If more people did this, I have no doubt that half the work is done.

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ea3c35  No.266103

File: 35236d84d952143⋯.jpg (46.17 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 1468021106862.jpg)

This is a wrong frame of reference problem. Most people think what the world believes is what matters most, but you all would be wrong. What matters more than that is in fact truth, the Lord and Savior is that truth.

You've allowed the synagogue to cloud your judgment to the point where you actually believe their false claims to a heritage that isn't properly theirs. And how could anyone meaningfully posit that the claim was wrong, unless they knew the truth said otherwise, like I do? This is why any of you, who gets your truth ultimately from what the world believes rather than the true sayings of God, will continue to be misled. You'll continue to think that just because the world say so, it is true. If you have that mentality, then you haven't seen that true light. You don't have to convince the world of anything, be it nationalism or anything else. That's not the point. The truth is the same for you today and always. We should seek the Lord, because He is "not far from every one of us" (Acts 17:27), as it says, if we would seek after Him. As it also says in the epistle to the Hebrews, "He that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him."

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3f0625  No.266117

File: 1e07314f8433fec⋯.jpg (72.69 KB, 720x712, 90:89, Jesus.jpg)


While I believe and know Jesus to be Lord and Savior, we still should focus on survival here on Earth and procreate for future generations, and defend freedom and dignity and moral and ethics for future generations. These corrupted politicians, governments, institutions, corporations and central banks are all part of the synagogue of Satan in my humble opinion. Either we should fix this here on Earth, or God should via another Great Flood.

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702ed4  No.266119

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



And it was in those days that the word had come and then passed…

I shall say once more…

Turkey shall be destroyed.

Germany shall be destroyed…

Prepare for war…

Bring the children of all these Baltic states in from the rain o' mother…

It is NATO that shall defend Russia…

In many years, but soon… The 'books' and 'words' shall say "the climax of the war was peace and the settlement of that last war was blood."

After this 'war' shall be endless 'battles…'

It shall be the 'final' 'battle.'

The 'battle' to survive.

'They' shall eventually go to space…

Is it before or after? Why is that?

Is it because that is when the elements run out?

Where shall they die?

"How do you want to die today?" No…

I chose Russia, China, and Iran…

There is no other… Except for Africa… I do not permit the discussion of Africa… Do not speak for me nor ask of me of Africa my child… That would be dangerous…

First I shall deal in… Vaccine… For Christmas, then a time later, I shall discuss the future… I shall in terrible detail speak of the next three-hundred…

I am the devil… If I should say that they shall die… Does that mean they have killed themselves for my entertainment?

If a woman lost her son in Australia's civil war… Does that make her my whore?

If I tell Israel all of these means of my 'affection' doth that make 'comedy' of demise.

I shall try them by my words with affliction and death… I am the devil…

Now that chaos reigns in Germany… Who shall pull these 'organized' 'strings?' How visible shall they be?

I shall creep, rape, and murder freely o' righteous child of mine. 'Big daddy' desires snack…

Allow them to be my 'captive audience.' hehehe

Allow me to venge thy straw o' child of mine…

Why does NATO defend Russia?

It was the attack… So many died… 24 hours to forever, 7 minutes to eternity…

How far can you move in 7 minutes?

China did everything possible to prevent 'it,' but was not enough… China did hold more than half of this world 'locked' in peace… But, the 'levee' did break…

O' righteous child, to love thy neighbor shall be greatly rewarded… But, ask thy neighbor of these labors before it is too late… With 'brotherly' 'love' shall new 'worlds' be built, but lend a 'hammer' for these troublesome 'nails.'

Time is rapidly running out… Soon shall be the 'trial' of the 'falsely' 'accused.' Soon these who are innocent shall be pardoned by I, the devil… I desire to hold those left 'owing' to 'account.'

I do have a 'certain' 'mercy.' HAHAHAHAHAHA

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afb7de  No.266395

File: d19b4c6b0a898eb⋯.png (167.76 KB, 500x522, 250:261, corrupt_billionaires_corru….png)


Pic related is the real problem. PS: bumping an actual good thread.

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afb7de  No.266396


All Russia and China have to do to win the next world war is literally nothing. They can simply sit back and watch our politicians and government and central banking system destroy our country for them. Then they'll wait for the SHTF mad max die off, come in years later and do a "clean up" which, btw, I think that's the whole goal for getting rid of us.

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842a72  No.266418


So you love niggers and bugs? Anything but a species with empathy or productive behavior?

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842a72  No.266419


They are the ones urging on these 'so called politicians' to genocide our people.

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