I Can Prove I am The Messiah, I Want To Talk With Top People GOV Of China or USA To Save The World
I want to have a online talk/chat with the top people/beings who in charge of China or USA or Russia or big secret societies such as the Illuminati or Freemason.
I can “prove” that I am the real savior Messiah Buddha within only just 30 minutes.
The world is in stupid chaos mode because of some tiny group of people have little bit more knowledge and think have the “rights” to deceive and enslave the rest, how stupid ?!
You can only able to make the right call, policy if you fully know the nature and how human body operation and the secret of life on Earth. If not, all what are you doing are gambling actions with no final objective.
My patience has limit, I cannot wait any longer.
If I cannot save the world from the online internet, then I will call the Divine beings to eliminate those top stupid people.
So this is not a normal invite, but it is a order involve with your own survival !
Refuse to have a chat/talk with me online, your life is in danger by divine unseen orce.
The deadline is 29/09/2021.
The contact communication can be found at ultimatesavior.wordpress.com or finalsavior.livejournal.com.
If you are the agency or have any connection with those top people of USA or China or any big organization who behind government, please forward that’s message to them.
Best Regard,
The Savior