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File: 7447897d477e295⋯.jpg (40.19 KB, 590x421, 590:421, loololololoollolololololoo….jpg)

cd6193  No.264749

LMAOOO the Arizona scam audit conducted by the Cyber Ninjas actually found more votes…

For President Biden!

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cd6193  No.264760

File: 55da078b08ba635⋯.png (656.18 KB, 1065x800, 213:160, Nope.png)

Footage released of Cyber Ninjas responding to angry calls from Qultists.

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f9c011  No.264830



Flying Spy Drones The Size Of A Grain Of Sand Are Going To Be Used To Surveillance Everyone!



US Congress Quietly Sneaks In Crypto-Bill Amendment Authorizing Central Bank Digital Currency



China Declares All Virtual Currency Transactions "Illegal", Sending Crypto Prices Tumbling



Biden & Abbott Lying About Sending Haitian Invaders Back, They Are Still Coming In DROVES!



The Left Cheered When Australians Gave Up Their Guns, Now They’re Being Shot By Their Own Government



WTF? Chicago Govt Workers Must Pledge Allegiance To The New World Order



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e164b2  No.265399


> more votes for Biden?

Is this true? If so, it just proves with that much more certainty that the election was fraudulent.

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27eaf8  No.265479

File: d0369cccceb5734⋯.jpg (198.85 KB, 945x872, 945:872, trump_collusion_2.jpg)

Biden's victory proves just how weak and low-level Israel and Russia are. Israel's control of politicians has become a detriment to them and Russia controlling the public via PSYOP (Alt-Right VS. Antifa, etc.) is no longer existent. These "people" are without a doubt inferior opponents even generations of planning and endless resources. In fact, their great assets in defeat become their most embarrassing investment.

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f5454c  No.265773


1. Yes, everyone knows! And strangely Democrats and RINOs have been looking hostile to the audit from day one, and some called the audit "fraudit". The "fraudit" actually helps biden. But it's a fraud-audit. Nobody should trust it. Huh?

Fraud or not, it depends on in whose favor? LMAOOOOOOOO

2. Weeks ago, the alleged ballots in question were hundreds of thousand. But the report says only dozens of thousand. It looks like the election is not as INaccurate as doubted, but not as accurate as claimed either.

3. The report only presented the obvious evidence like stamp behind arrow, duplication, etc. Where are those ballots that were signed by not the voters but someone else, adjudicated from Trump to Biden, and those lost chain of custody?

4. biden voters were a bit naughty. They didn't show up when biden visited Arizona. But they voted for biden to surprise Trump. It makes all polls bullshit.

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52b45c  No.265900

File: e686ef3f7b9656f⋯.png (883.95 KB, 722x626, 361:313, 1631672917912.png)


>the suits have a skewed bias towards Biden and democrats I'm general

>we (the suits in charge of shartmerica) rigged the election why not continue our lie that Biden won

You're an idiot for believing anything that comes out of washington or from a government stooges ass

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cd6193  No.265927


Yeah, you're right. I should totally believe Facebook groups and 8kun "prophets", right?

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52b45c  No.265979

File: a5ba565c36de1ed⋯.jpg (53.42 KB, 745x497, 745:497, fred_durst_2021.jpg)


I mean you should try to have good sense about things. Politicians like lawyers are professional liars. That's kind of why trump came off as so great. So fresh. He wasn't your traditional Politician. But if you think any of this is honest politics you're a delusional retard. I'm not 100% on board with trump. I don't care about abortions and I'm an atheist, but trump had good ideas and knew what he was talking about. He was a breath of fresh air in our stoma. But I digress and plug. Don't just believe anything at face value. Use good sense. If you're an idiot, than don't even bother forming an opinion.

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52b45c  No.265983

File: d8e9e153d059e9e⋯.jpg (591.84 KB, 1080x2400, 9:20, Screenshot_20210906_175116….jpg)

And I'm on 8kun for a couple reasons and not one of them is to tell anyone what to believe. I'll be strong and forceful in belief but I'm fixing to change anyone's mind. Just get them realize that maybe they're stupid and have stupid ideas. Another reason I'm here is because it's free speech. Reddit, steam community, disqus, etc all biased with shit head tranny mods that ban for wrong think. I don't care if the only person I talk to here is an autistic sperg and some purple fag. I like to be able to say nigger even if into the void because I like to know that I can. I hate conformity. 8kun is good for that. The last reason I'm here is because I got banned from 4chan….but even than that shit hole is falling apart.

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cd6193  No.266057




top kek m8

>trump had good ideas

Name one.

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52b45c  No.266077


Whatever you might think trump is doing that would harm the white race or structure of our once great nation, Democrats do 10x worse. He isn't a hardcore conservative nor is he a liberal. Far from that. And as much as the two party system sucks it's the only reasonable system. Trump was the best thing we got in a long time.

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f11f4d  No.266079


People with TDS don't care about logic anon. They ignore the fact that America is still only getting worse. They ignore the economy is still getting worse. They ignore immigration influx has only gotten worse. It doesn't matter to these people, all they care about is blaming everything on Trump even when he's not in office anymore.

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27eaf8  No.266080

File: cceca235e643fec⋯.png (86.56 KB, 899x940, 899:940, both_sides.PNG)

File: cd9e0da8e9c55d4⋯.png (11.68 KB, 773x132, 773:132, both_sides_3.PNG)

File: a07b9c1a7050cfd⋯.png (374.82 KB, 681x613, 681:613, moarpheus_both_sides.PNG)

File: b81330dd52a6965⋯.png (229.71 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, both_sides_are_npcs.png)

File: 2e5a34eea9ec01e⋯.png (100.97 KB, 1500x614, 750:307, both_sides_LOL.png)



It's amazing. After both sides were exposed as controlled by the same (((group))) and anons turned against Zion Don while embracing Biden for Accelerationism purposes you little retards are still pushing the false dichotomy. You really didn't have a plan b, did you? Not my problem.

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52b45c  No.266149


Well for starters I don't vote. I never have never will. Democracy is a failed system full of corruption and broken promises. And frankly there will never be a person who I believe is capable of turning things around. Also there is no acceleration into ultimate collapse of America by voting Democrat. It'll just become a Democrat paradise and conservatives will either have to submit or die. So it's more like the acceleration towards the collapse of 2 sided politics and just straight up democracy dictatorship. So good job idiot. Because trump isn't a white supremacist and likes to help all amerians, Blacks whites jews etc you get this huge chip on your shoulder and feel like you have to just accelerate the collapse of decency because trump isn't literally hitler. If you ever took smerica seriously in the last 200 years than it's your own fault for getting upset at the state of it.

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fc51f4  No.266155


…Carter, Reagan, Bush I, Clinton, Bush II, Obama, Trump and now Biden…. this country has been going to shit for a long time and it's not getting any better voting. You can hate anyone of these presidents (Republican or Democrat) but you are going to end up with the same result: a third world failed state ridden with despotism, corruption and unrest. So you can hawk all you want to about "saving America" with accelerationism but the result is the same, exactly the same we just get there a lot faster. So again, if you ain't prepared for what is coming you are absolutely screwed when the grocery stores are empty, the gas stations run dry, the lights go out and the tap water stops running.


The most ironic thing is this country was not intended to be a democracy at all, it was intended to be a Constitutional Republic with strict checks and balances. With State sovereignty. Without central banks. With a silver & gold backed currency. That's how America was really founded. Our first (and likely best) President ran as an Independent and won.

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52b45c  No.266160


It was a typo. I actually meant Democrat dictatorship. But a Democrat dictatorship through corrupt democracy I suppose.

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fc51f4  No.266167


I've already gotten prepped for war and economic collapse, it's inevitable, absolutely no stopping it. The corrupt scumbags won't take away my property or my liberty without a fight to the death.

Also, I find it very ironic that Sally the Marshmellow comrade can't follow up on this silly issue he and only himself posted to /pnd/…. so that said here is a follow up the coward certainly would not cover (because it doesn't fit his delusional narrative)…..


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