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My name is Nate Higgers

File: 3c3487da7d9f718⋯.png (1.63 MB, 1062x1080, 59:60, purple_thor.png)

a5f256  No.263985

It’s been reported that Norse Secret societies are discussing if it is an appropriate time to once again unlock the hidden location of the mythological secret weapon known as Thor’s hammer. They are also discussing if Purple Anon is worthy to wield the hammer. Thor’s Hammer originated with the Norse people long ago. It was not designed to be physically a weapon, but rather was an ingenious set of rules ritually initiated and applied to the governing power of a chosen person who could then apply that power by making signals with the hammer itself. The outer obedience of secret societies to signals with the hammer were what gave it power, and so it was not literally a magical power as in the folkish legends.

You might ask how I know these things, and I will only tell you that these stories of Thor’s Hammer I shall tell are not written down in some certified document, but rather I’ve collected these stories from a long life of constantly seeking out all the different versions of the different legends passed from person to person. Each takes what he hears and passes on what moves him in his heart as true. Thus, I will now deliver to you this truth in the same way I received it. I will tell you a story.


The hammer is carefully constructed with delicate psychological rituals combined with deep connections to secret societies, which when accomplished initiates a powerful system of governing order which can be applied to any object, not just a hammer. Depending on how deeply its secretive system of order is constructed, the power contained in that chosen object could last a shorter or longer time. The ancient Egyptians were known to do this with their giant obelisk stones which have been taken to various places by people who still believe in the power of the secret societies attached to the obelisks which protect the places in which they reside. If the psychological construction around on object is weak or done without coordination, then it may be a weak or short lived power. Yet, if it is constructed with care, the object may retain great power a long time until the devotions of the secret societies surrounding are gradually forgotten and the power of the object fades away.

At some point in ancient history, the Norse people were said to have completed an enormous task over many centuries to place this kind of power into their chosen object, which was a hammer. The creation ritual of this hammer was on such a large scale, and the needed psychological elements were so perfectly executed, that the hammer they created was of of great power. The power within that hammer was so great, that its first user developed a God-like status among the people, and he became known as Thor the God of Thunder. Thor’s Hammer was indescribably powerful, and its power lasted well beyond its original generation. Eventually, tribes of the Norsemen decided the hammer was too powerful to be continuously in use, and they decided to hide the weapon amongst secret guardians, and to only take it out for emergency situations.

Yet, even as Thor’s Hammer was used in emergency situations, the potency of the power of the hammer never degraded, even after hundreds and thousands of years later. Even after prolonged periods of hiding it and attempting to enforce forgetting of its memory in the common people, still the hammer continued to function and perhaps grew more powerful with time. This frightened later guardians of Thor’s Hammer so that they added an additional layer of secrecy which kept it hidden even during most emergency situations.


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a5f256  No.263986

File: 5b7d939b7ce0b66⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1641x1003, 1641:1003, year_732_map.png)


It is thought that Merovech


of the medieval Franks was at some point deemed worthy to carry Thor’s Hammer during a special emergency time when Attila and the Huns had almost conquered all of Europe. At the Battle of the Catalaunian Plains in year 451,


Merovech used the hammer against Attila and the Huns. The details of the true events after he used the hammer, other than Atilla’s defeat, were afterward purposely hidden, and false stories spread in its place for the purpose of being easily able to hide the hammer again. What stories do come down to us about the effect of Merovech using Thor’s Hammer involve it creating profound awe in all who witnessed it. Comparable to the use of nuclear weapons today, but of even greater power. It’s said Merovech lightly tapped the hammer a single time in a signal against Attila’s forces. The effect was so efficient and immediate against Attila, that afterward Merovech was severely disturbed and counseled all involved to immediately hide the hammer so that he could not swing it again. Merovech and the hammer’s secret society elders would not permit the hammer to be used again even to finish fully driving the Huns out of eastern Europe. The result of this single tap of Thor’s Hammer by Merovech forever established him as a legend among the Frankish people, so that his descendants ruled the Franks as the Merovingian dynasty for two hundred years afterward.


The last time Thor’s hammer is said to have been used was during the Battle of Tours in year 732, by Charles Martel, also of the Franks. At the time, the Arab Muslim Umayyad Caliphate was on the verge of taking over all the developed world to place it under Muslim Sharia Law. The Umayyads sought to eliminate their last major rival in, the Byzantine Empire, which would finally leave them unopposed to finish conquering the Eurasian continent from the Atlantic to the Pacific oceans. The Umayyads were about to finish an encirclement of the Byzantines by going up and around through Spain and Europe to hit the Byzantines on their western border. This would force the Byzantines into a two front war during a time when they were struggling to maintain the stalemate of a single front war with the Ummayads. In addition to cutting off the supplies coming from their white and Christian allies in Europe, Byzantium would certainly fall if this occurred, and then there would be nothing left to restrain the Umayyads from world domination. In 732, only the small army of the Franks under a Merovingian king was left standing in the way of an enormous Umayyad Muslim force and their goal.

In this situation, the secret societies initiated the unlocking of the Thor’s Hammer location, and they gave it to the Merovingian king, a patrilineal descendent of Merovech. Yet the memory of Merovech’s extreme emotional disturbance after using the hammer still haunted his descendants even 300 years later. Thus the hammer was given over to his main government minister, the palace mayor Charles, son of Pepin of Herstal,


who afterward became known as Charles Martel, meaning Charles the Hammer.

Upon hearing the story of Merovech’s use of the hammer, Charles became decidedly cautious about using it. The attributes of the hammer told to him were that it would not break no matter how hard it was swung, and that if thrown it would always hit its intended target and always return to the thrower. Charles was curious to test the qualities of the hammer, yet ruled out ever testing its destructive strength, and so instead amused himself that no matter how secretively or where he would throw the hammer, it was always fetched and brought back to him shortly afterward by some member connected into the secret orders surrounding the hammer.


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a5f256  No.263987

File: 12800c45d0fe92a⋯.png (33.07 KB, 1100x1100, 1:1, white_national_socialist_f….png)

During the Battle of Tours in year 732,


when battle with the Umayyad Muslims came to a head, the Frankish army stood across from the Umayyad army. Still decided on not using the hammer for an offensive strike, Charles threw the hammer onto the battlefield between his own men and the Umayyads, where his own men could not fetch it else risk being struck down by the enemy out in the open before reaching it. Thus, according to the complex powers of the hammer, it so happened that secret agent infiltrators within the Umayyads, loyal to the hammer, took it upon themselves to fetch the hammer and bring it back to Charles under the disguise of a skirmish. Finally Charles was beginning to understand the true nature of the hammer’s power working within secret societies all over the world. Charles repeated this experiment many ways with the same result, and at one point he commanded his men to form an impenetrable phalanx so to not let the Umayyad infiltrators return the hammer. His men held their ground bravely, and even when their line was broken, they still persisted by building another phalanx around Charles himself to prevent the hammer’s return to him, until finally Charles relented and let the hammer be returned to him, at which point the secret infiltrating Umayyads ceased their struggle and were thus able to be pushed back by the Franks in what what appeared to be just another skirmish.

This went on over the course of 7 days, and while Charles now understood the hammer better, still he was confused how to proceed against an army which contained secret infiltrators loyal to him and the hammer, yet were also mixed with true enemies of Christianity and European freedom. He did not want to sacrifice his secret allies, and also wanted to heed Merovingian advice to avoid using the hammer as a destructive force. While contemplating this, the Umayyad leadership made the decision for a full attack. Faced with a decision to either use the hammer for a strike or be destroyed, Charles had one last idea. After the entire Umayyad force engaged them in battle, a small group of men or maybe Charles himself brought the hammer around the battlefield and dropped it behind the Umayyad army into their camp and returned to the battle. Immediately, the Umayyad army split in two, with one group as secret infiltrators feigning retreat to fetch the hammer behind them. This left only the Umayyad soldiers which the Franks could now distinguish as their true enemies. The Franks were able to surround and destroy the remaining confused Umayyad army. This resulted in a victory that became known as the turning point in the failure of the Umayyad conquest of Europe. The hammer itself was hidden once again immediately afterward and not used to drive the Muslim Caliphates out of Spain, which took another 700 years.

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b55c0f  No.264068

File: 22f5a6548146f2b⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 4.74 MB, 369x289, 369:289, bicycle_of_peace.gif)

I Call Upon the Mighty Powers of the "Persona" known as "Johnny Neptune" toPOUND DOWN THIS THREAD!

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0f0dbd  No.264070


I think he is busy getting his doctor to pound out his wifes shit from his dickhole.

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0f0dbd  No.264071


So who are you planning to use the hammer against, anon? In every case you sited, they obviously did not use the hammer against the correct enemy or we wouldn't be in this current situation.

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1c2b45  No.264080



Xi… The time is now.

Xi… Now that the 'Evergiven' is stuck… hahaha

It may become appropriate to maintain the 'illusion' of "Evergrande's" collapse… That is to say 'make them squirm.'

BEHOLD! The 'weapon' is now 'realized.'

Xi… Tear them to 'peaces.' hehehehehe

Xi… It is unsafe to go alone… Here, take this 'weapon.' hehehe


There is no trap… HAHAHAHAHA

Xi… Be as thou said… Be of trust and partnership.

Xi… Develop these technologies internationally.

Xi… China is not alone.

I shall release 'those' 'technologie(s)' during the time of joint partnership 'betwixt:' India, Russia, Iran+Malaysia, Indonesia, and others I shall not name. hehehehe

There is a higher power… There is ASEAN+SCO… SCO+ASEAN…

There shall be greater technologies… It shall be as the 'seers' hath 'display.' A 'ring' around thy finger. 'They' shall 'wail' within the 'tomb.'

Iran shall be the center of a new technology. Materials…

Russia shall make 'utility' of space. Machine and process of manufacture yet to exist. Exposure process.

Xi… If they are not having mild seizures, 'they' are not thinking hard enough to satisfy me…

Xi… Disguise the soldiers and hide the artillery and machines. Confusion… heheheheHAHAHAHAHA

Xi… They are not capable of discerning thy ethnicity. hehehehe

Xi… Suspend them in ethnic solution… HAHAHAHAHA

The one from India shall claim origin from Pakistan. hahaha

The one from Asia is simply 'from somewhere in Asia.' HAHAHA

The Iranian one is from 'who knows' in the Middle East 'depending on clothes.' HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

I enjoy this 'global.' It is now my 'global.'

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566b9b  No.264081


Centralized control & power will always be the problem. When someone - anyone - wants to control how other people live their lives, or how the economy and markets are run, or what kind of healthcare/medicine we choose for our own bodies, or how we raise our kids, or what we choose to purchase and consume, or how we entertain ourselves …. all of which should be up to each individual! …… then that should be considered Enemy No. 1 no matter what the intention! I am for justice and rule of law, don't get me wrong, but centralized power has been proven LAWLESS. Every. Single. Time. "Rules for thee but not for me!" That has to stop. The only way you stop it is you shatter centralized power and give it back to the individuals and their local communities or local jurisdictions. People have the right to defend themselves and so do their local communities too. Centralized government is the problem, it always has been. (((Corrupt entities))) [add your favorite boogeyman] simply exploit, infiltrate and subvert centralized governments, and they always will, so it's safe to say that centralized power should not exist at all.

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566b9b  No.264082


Don't be so sure of yourself, China may bail the fuckers out, or nationalize their fraud. That's what governments do after all. They're all monopolists too.

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7e9d5e  No.264093


the little boy and his empty fantasies of importance.

lol @ the childish inclusion of Thor into your pathetic attention seeking.

You must be SO INSIGNIFICANT in your own existence to require this pathetic level of begging for attention.

Q: has your mother purchased a new Mardi Gras Mask for her next Office Party?


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7e9d5e  No.264094



which is almost impossible to accomplish

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b43155  No.264101

File: 67db5739ee33a26⋯.jpg (883.66 KB, 3635x2362, 3635:2362, purpleanon_maymay_compress….jpg)

so this is what defeated trsodomite shills do all day

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